1. @Drake Fire Well, it seems he underestimated the devastation caused by windmills. Apparently they cause the coronavirus too! he did the best with the information he had at the time is all I can say. #MAGA!

    2. @Crystal Giddens Anyone with a brain cell would know that windmill’s don’t actually cause cancer. You screamed about not believing what you hear, but the moment Trump comes into play, you take anything he said as truth.

      Thanks for proving my point.

    1. @Kram Snave in the day of Instagram and tv, they know what they’re missing. It’s why we have immigrants.

    2. Raven, theoretical, what you said is true. However, we are ALL supported and serviced by the poorest people – custodians, janitors, food stock clerks, the people who deliver your Amazon Prime, etc. These are the people who have close, intimate contact with us all, and they are most likely to be underpaid and underinsured. If they’re sick, we’re ALL going to be sick.

    3. @raven wolf 50% of Americans make less than 50k. The majority of us are poor 🙁 People who make more than 50k but less than wealthy are going to hurt too. The top 10% is crushing us all. Slowly, everything is being taken from us. Professions that used to guarantee happy retirementments are gone. Doctors are selling their practices because it’s not profitable. People aren’t going to dental school because the ROR isn’t worth the student loans. Soon well ALL be contract labor.

  1. COVID-19 has been creeping up on people.We’ll see what happens when large scale testing starts ‘n it becomes clear how many people have contracted it.I think we’ll be in for a SURPRISE.

    1. The amount of cases that have infected Australia coming in from the US is high. I think you guys are in big trouble.

    2. Large scale testing should have already been deployed last month. There will be thousands of people showing up at hospitals and urgent care centers in the next couple of weeks. It is spreading uncontrolled throughout the population.
      We should all stay home for a while until more tests become available and n95 masks are distributed. That will keep it from spreading.

    1. The virus plataued when the globalists decided it was better to be dependent on China to make our test kits. China thanks the globalists.

    2. Trump landed in Florida @2 pm today and went to Mar-A-Lago to play. No doubt his golf course will serve for him, even if he will not serve us & our Nation.

  2. Trump: “For the record, I was never a big fan of testing, because I like the numbers where they are right now. So when the number of infection cases goes up because of more testing, don’t blame me. And I take no responsibility for any of this, and the reason why is because everyone knew I was fundamentally unfit intellectually, morally, temperamentally, emotionally, and psychologically to be president.  Someone as mentally unstable and divorced from reality as I clearly am, should have NEVER been allowed anywhere near the White House. So again, don’t blame me, blame the people who voted for me. Blame republicans in Congress who aided, abetted, and pardoned my crimes. Blame people like Lindsey Graham who continues to defend me. I’m the same person that I’ve always been, an unethical con-man and a sociopath, but you already knew that.”

    1. Thank God for President Trump’s Outstanding Leadership and Unifying message regarding the Coronavirus.

  3. Trump cut CDC funding causing it incapable of doing its job. The CDC director in the congressional hearing admitted that some of the flu like deaths occurred around Sept 2019 actually are cororavirus deaths. It failed to identify it because lack of resources to handle all the workload , including the needed research for verification. Had CDC able to identify it was coronavirus at that time, we will be better prepare and the whole mess should have been avoided.

    1. I thought he said December, not September, but yes, we have no idea how many have really died from this virus.

  4. YUP, ON OUR OWN!!! Coronavirus test are not ready, medical equipment are limited .Walmart & other stores are SLOW to restock. This is a mess.

    1. I went online right after Christmas to see how much a professional medical hazmat suit costs. I was only curious from watching the news about the virus in Wuhan, China at that time. I was a little frightened to find out that 3M was completely sold out. Not just of the hazmat suits, but all emergency professional gear. I started to panic just a little. I thought, what is medical going to do if this turns into a pandemic?I started checking for P-100 masks & purchased them that day (01/05 ), because I noticed that a couple of suppliers were beginning to sell out. I thought I might be overreacting, but the fact that there wasn’t any gear left for medical, I thought, “ I better at least have my masks since I’m a high risk. Of course, everyone I informed just laughed at me. I was honestly hoping that I was just overreacting.

  5. No testing for the vast majority of us . . . so far only for the 1% and a select other few. Thanks, Republicans.

    1. The virus doesn’t care who you voted for.
      To defeat it will require a well coordinated response across all levels of government.
      The orange one is not going to help.
      The WHO has been putting out situation reports for almost two months now.
      State and local governments will move to protect their communities.

    2. @Aramis3737 Exactly right. The failure of the post-1968 Democratic Party is that they basically became Republican Lite (following neoliberal policies). But at their core, the Democrats retained at least a semblance of concern for the public good, which is why the original response teams (the ones whose budgets the Republicans slashed) were there in the first place. Time to restore the Democratic Party to its roots of fighting for the working class and the middle class, because the Republicans and the corporate Democrats sure aren’t doing it.

    1. How is government healthcare working in Italy, Spain and Iran? It’s not the method of healthcare delivery that matters now, but the federal government’s tardy and inadequate response.

  6. Americans are in big trouble because they have no national healthcare and people live pay check to pay check

    1. You’re right, Americans are in trouble, they have do nothing Democrat Congress that will block any help that Trump will offer. They’ll milk this for all it’s worth and damned if people get hurt.

  7. So maybe a Medicare 4 all and temporary universal income. If one these policies were brought up earlier by politicians like Bernie and Andrew Tang, people wouldn’t be panicking so much. Bernie 2020 and Yang-gang 2020.

    1. Sadly, they are the ones that take the easiest laziest roads in life. “I love the uneducated”.: tRUMP

  8. I’m thinking back to New Orleans when it was flooded. If Fed government couldn’t help one state hows it going to cover entire USA????

  9. Governor Cuomo gives daily briefings, speaking about drive-thru testing areas, hospital bed availability, how to cope. What a great leader he is, unlike ostrich Trump.

    1. Rand Kocher // This flu killed a 35 year old doctor in China. It has killed between 1-6% of all the affected.
      I’ve never had a virus like that, have you???

    2. Hes so great his homeless population puts his city and the entire state in the most vulnerable and explosive outbreak position in the nation except for some others on the west coast ..hes a ignorant fool

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