Ken Dilanian, NBC News national security correspondent, talks with Rachel Maddow about a person believed to have been a well placed Russian spy for the CIA, living in the US under their own name and under the protection of the U.S. government, and now being relocated in response to increasing public attention.
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NBC: Possible Russian CIA Spy In US Under Government Protection | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Wow, putin nuking his own country recently as well as having lost a Russian Spy to USA under trump’s nose! Laughing at putintrumps!
Shortly before Trump’s inauguration, according to Israeli journalist Ronen Bergman, Israeli intelligence officials gathered at CIA headquarters, where they were told something astonishing: Russia, the agency believed, had “leverages of pressure” over the incoming president. Therefore, the agency advised the Israelis to consider the possibility that Trump might pass their secrets on to Russia. The Israelis dismissed the warning as outlandish. Who could believe that the world’s most powerful country was about to hand its presidency to a Russian dupe? That the United States government had, essentially, fallen?
A few months later, Trump invited Russian diplomats into the Oval Office. He boasted to them that he had fired “nut job” James Comey. “I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.” At the same meeting, Trump passed on to the Russians a highly sensitive intelligence secret Israel had captured from a valuable source inside ISIS. It was the precise danger Israel had been cautioned about..
We can only imagine what they have on Trump. The pee pee tape and money just to start. Greed and stupidity will get you no where. That’s Trump in a nutshell.
David J
, “the agency advised the Israelis to consider the possibility that Trump might pass their secrets on to Russia.”
The flaw with your theory is that Israel helped Russia and Putin told us. Putin was cornered because no mater how much he denied meddling in our elections the U.S. were positive the activity came from within Russia. Putin did what any good KGB agent would do, he ratted out his partner. Putin said it was not him but it was probably Russian / Israeli dual citizens. American media called Putin antisemetic and moved on. The election time came for Israel and the Israeli news reported that the same tactic was used in Israel as America in 2016. Putin doesn’t care for Bibi so he didn’t do it. Bibi didn’t have enough support to form a government.
I could go into the computer / tech side of this and it would probably go over your head. Israel had the Knowledge and Russia had a lot of computer equipment standing still because crypto mining died.
Saudi arms deal: Conducted by Kushner, Bibi’s god son.
Move of the embassy. It’s opening featured Kushner and Ivanaka, not Donald.
Backing out of the Iran deal: Out of Trumps own mouth he said he did it for Israel.
Giving Golan Heights to Israel: Wasn’t his to give but Trump gave the Okay. The Israeli’s named a village after Trump on that stolen land.
Russia wanted U.S. out of Syria. Trump said, time to go. Israel had a fit so we reduced troops to satisfy both. Trump reduces sanctions while claiming to sanction more….
DON’T BE BOB MUELLER! Follow the pay off, follow the money!!!!!
Wow all experts here.
so the Israelis learned how to use traitor trump to further their agenda.
In 2015, Western European intelligence agencies began picking up evidence of communications between the Russian government and people in Donald Trump’s orbit. In April 2016, one of the Baltic states shared with then–CIA director John Brennan an audio recording of Russians discussing funneling money to the Trump campaign. In the summer of 2016, Robert Hannigan, head of the U.K. intelligence agency GCHQ, flew to Washington to brief Brennan on intercepted communications between the Trump campaign and Russia..
The contents of these communications have not been disclosed, but what Brennan learned obviously unsettled him profoundly. In congressional testimony on Russian election interference last year, Brennan hinted that some Americans might have betrayed their country. “Individuals who go along a treasonous path,” he warned, “do not even realize they’re along that path until it gets to be a bit too late.” In an interview this year, he put it more bluntly: “I think [Trump] is afraid of the president of Russia. The Russians may have something on him personally that they could always roll out and make his life more difficult.”
In July 2016, a loose-knit community of computer scientists and cybersecurity experts discovered a strange pattern of online traffic between two computer servers. One of those servers belonged to Alfa Bank in Moscow and the other to the Trump Organization. Alfa Bank’s owners had “assumed an unforeseen level of prominence and influence in the economic and political affairs of their nation,” as a federal court once put it.
The analysts noted that the traffic between the two servers occurred during office hours in New York and Moscow and spiked in correspondence with major campaign events, suggesting it entailed human communication rather than bots. More suspiciously, after New York Times reporter Eric Lichtblau asked Alfa Bank about it but before he brought it up with the Trump campaign, the server in Trump Tower shut down. The timing strongly implied Alfa Bank was communicating with Trump..
Once again Trump only surrounds himself with ” the best people”. I’m counting on stupidity and greed. I’m sure the Russians did. Impeach and imprison the entire Republican party.
David J
Cool story bruh. Shame it’s a Kabuki theater promoting a fictional narrative.
The only people that don’t know that the orange abomination is at the beck and call of Putin are those that don’t want to know. Don’t waste your breath.
@Mind Freshener Sure a lot of “fictional” indictments .
off topic
Todd Palin filed for divorce from Sarah
John Hudgens

I wonder what took him so long to realize he was married to moron.
People talking about how the media is putting this spy in danger… What’s the point of being called the media and not report these sort of stories?! It was a classified information that was leaked! And I’m glad to know some details of facts that prove how this fake President is a danger to every American citizen in this country and how he intentionally mishandles national security issues!
Doctor John .. hi Doctor. Suddenly all our commentator friends are US Intelligence experts.
They now have an excuse to revel in conspiracies, lynching babble, and outrage at Rachel.
America how very sad are we?
Doctor John : There’s a double-edged sword here. While it is the media’s job to report that this man had to be extracted, the Russian government has historically (and recently) shown that it has a far reach when silencing potential information leaks. If this man had access to Putin, the chances are good that his absence was already noted as being very suspicious. To say he’s living in the US is fair, but to report publicly that he is potentially living in VA is to give the Russian government a much smaller place to look for him (i.e., a single state vs an entire country). On the other hand, if the US media can find him this easily, it should be a huge red flag to the US government that he’s waaaaay too easy to find, and they need to move him ASAP.
@Doctor John – I understand what you’re saying Doctor John, but leaking information that could get a man and his family killed is just not something I’d be willing to do, and by extension it’s not something I can condone. I think if this asset ends up with a bullet in his brain for his efforts then that blood is on the hands of journalists and the individuals that leaked the information to the journalists.
Honestly I just hope this is misdirection, and that the asset in question is really 1000 mi away from where media reports say he is.
@Aj Meyers You shouldn’t worry about a fictional character the MSM invented.
Just sit back and enjoy Transvestite “Rachel” unintentional comedy.
@ErykaSoleil *”On the other hand, if the US media can find him this easily, it should be a huge red flag to the US government that he’s waaaaay too easy to find, and they need to move him ASAP”*
100% agree, which is why I hope this is misdirection on the part of the CIA. Hiding in plain sight can work, but when it backfires it does so in spectacular fashion.
Yes, GREAT JOB. I guess we can watch the Tape now xD
Plot Twist – Russia probably has a few U.S spies also.
Moscow Mitch.
And Dumbo Trump
Wonder if they will be extracted by Russia too.
Ken wants to tell the name of the spy, so bad.
Is the purpose to make him more at risk? Was there a point to this exposure?? Isn’t this putting someone you should be thankful for, on blast?? Why, Rachel, why :'(
@janewright315 he’s protected tho. Cheetolini will probably give his Russian handlers all the info about where he lives.
@goodfella21f protected? People are not infallible. There is no excuse for increasing the risk
@janewright315 tell cheetolini that. That’s why we we had to pull him outta Moscow. Cuz Trump’s a traitor.
Another target for Putin to use his radioactive poison.
Well we did expose Moscow Mitch. Not sure why he hasn’t fled yet.
@Jennifer McGoldrick True. Let’s do everything necessary to be sure we recover the Senate and the WH.
Jennifer McGoldrick too bad we are gonna have to wait 6 more years );
Jeff Smith Because Fake News aren’t real.
@bob jenkins only because of traitors like you!
Cocaine Mitch
Moscow Mitch
Massacre Mitch
The people of Kentucky are to blame for Mitch… they are the enemy, let us see how they vote next year aye..?
Is it only me who thinks that the real story is Trump blowing the cover of a spy close to Putin and nobody seems to be outraged?
NO ,we are many
The borg, tRump snitches on everyone, i wouldn’t be surprised. Only thing that surprises me is tRump is still breathing.
It’s not just you. Theres a Russian asset in the oval and then there are all these drones who voted against their own interests to put him there hiding their moronic heads in the sand denying reality.
The world’s just inside out and upside down.
Trump is 100% a traitor
Possible Russian asset now living in the White House.
*Not ‘possible’ but ‘definitely’!*
His name is Melania

US became a Russian Cybercolony, watch how they did it:
I will repeat again and again that Trump is a very dangerous guy for the US.
Living under his real name? Does not seem wise to me but what do I know.
Trump and McConnell are working for Russia……probably more…….
How much more are we gonna take of this lunacy?
5 1/2 Years

Eat it crybaby nazi
Every US spy in Russia must be wondering when Trump will sell them out for a new condo in Moscow.
Don’t tell Barr who he is! He will end up dead!