NBC News: WH Tried To Limit Testimony For Former Trump Russia Adviser | The Last Word | MSNBC

Correspondence between Fiona Hill's lawyers and White House Deputy Counsel Michael Purpura obtained by NBC News show that the White House tried to limit what Fiona Hill could say to Congress by raising the issue of executive privilege. Hill's lawyers argued why they did not believe that was the case. Also, NBC News has new details of what Ambassador Gordon Sundland is expected to say in his Thursday deposition. Lawrence O’Donnell discusses the developments with Rep. Harley Rouda, Evelyn Farkas, and Josh Lederman. Aired on 10/14/19.
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NBC News: WH Tried To Limit Testimony For Former Trump Russia Adviser | The Last Word | MSNBC


    1. OMG it has just become all clear to me the scam TRUMP and his mafia were putting in place .”Trump To Urge European Allies To Dump Russia, Buy U.S. Gas”. Was the headlines on the July 04, 2017 01:24 GMT in the RFE/RL.

    1. Tweety Kid You hit that right on the nail. For the trumpists it’s still all rosy since they live in a parallel world. A different dimension, I guess.

    1. Don’t repeat the generational MISTAKE of post Watergate dismissal of accountability.

      Ford’s pardon of Nixon ushered in 50 years of people at the top . . . executives & the well connected . . . *thinking they could get away with anything* . . . spin their way out of accountability for anything.

      *This has been BAD for the United States* .

  1. Sondland trying to save his skin without upsetting “the boss”. “Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when at first……”

  2. I think it would be the smartest idea trump has ever had if he would step down and resign before things get so much worse. 🙏

    1. Don’t repeat the generational MISTAKE of post Watergate dismissal of accountability.

      Ford’s pardon of Nixon ushered in 50 years of people at the top . . . executives & the well connected . . . *thinking they could get away with anything* . . . spin their way out of accountability for anything.

      *This has been BAD for the United States* .

  3. “Perfect phone call”, that’s what Trump will be saying as the secret service march him out of the White House after the Senate find him quilty of High Crimes & Misdemeanors.

    1. It was a perfect phone call for the Democrats because it gave them the ammunition to be able to start Impeachment hearings and hopefully get rid of this vile man.

    1. What happened to Republican Party? Greed and corruption like never before. Disgusting, no honor, no values left.

  4. Someone like Sondland isn’t going down for Trump. He’s just an average rich guy who thought his money could buy him some prestige, perks, and excitement – not a prison cell. He’ll flip like a pancake.

    1. @comanchio1976 He knows what Bill Taylor is going to testify to on Friday, so he has no choice but to tell the truth now!

    2. Have to wonder if Rudy will flip as well. Assuming he gets into a position of facing prison time which considering his last lawyer is and many associates around him have is not far fetched at all. When so many around you are getting locked up it typically points to you are on deck for the same. And Rudy could know the deepest darkest stuff. Rudy is like Trumps personal Igor.

    3. @comanchio1976 Trump should have already attacked him before he gets the truth out. Rudy should be the one to deliver the supporting misdirection in this guy’s testimony. The Republicans are making it too easy for the opposition to regain the White House. Where’s Pompeo and Pence hiding this past week?

  5. Poor old Gordo Sondland… he thought he’d bought four years of being wined and dined in the fleshpots of Europe as the American Ambassador and instead he’s in Washington, having to explain himself to Congress. Plus he will probably have the CIA/FBI checking his underwear and sifting through his garbage for the next decade or so… 😂

    1. Don’t repeat the generational MISTAKE of post Watergate dismissal of accountability.

      Ford’s pardon of Nixon ushered in 50 years of people at the top . . . executives & the well connected . . . *thinking they could get away with anything* . . . spin their way out of accountability for anything.

      *This has been BAD for the United States* .

  6. Her lawyers straight shutdown the WH Legal Counsel. It was the perfect rebuttal. #Blueprint to all witnesses that Congress needs to testify.

    1. They must have hobo lawyers in the White House, because executive privilege doesn’t apply when there’s a subpoena from Congress doing an impeachment inquiry.

    1. Don’t forget IC IG Michael Atkinson. We don’t know about the whistle-blower and other witnesses that he interviewed, four other officials who have complained, or Fiona HIll’s lawyer. Also, even though his foreign policy is hawkish, it ‘s unlikely that John Bolton will be a favorable witness for Trump.

    2. Curraghs kennel… too true.
      Hopefully America will get someone like Lizzy Warren next year.
      What a pity Michelle isn’t running.
      A view from afar

    1. @Drun Nun No wonder we have loonies backing Trump, you guys believe any propoganda. The video isn’t even trying to hide it’s propoganda b/c it mentions specific wedge issues and phrases such as “2nd amendment”, “they’ve been attacking OUR president”, “it’s their fault”

  7. Congress needs to send the marshall over to the WH and cuff and drag the Moron screaming and shouting “executive privilege ” to attend his own hearing. The Apprentice President fired..

    1. I’m surprised Trump hasn’t outright bribed his former or current diplomats to say different. Trump’s former diplomats are showing some integrity. But then I thought it’s Trump, the cheapest billionaire since money was created, isn’t offering any money.

  8. “To be a Trump supporter is to be a fantasist.”

    Lawrence always impresses me with his honest assessment.

    1. Like a senile old hoarder who values a cat urine soaked newspaper, sprinkled with rat turds. Are you going to keep the newspaper? Yes. Are you going to vote for trump? Yes.

  9. The only ones who “exercise” executive privilege….in anything like this are the slime balls of the GOP …Trumpian bootlickers and those who have a fear of getting caught for what they have done and been involved in.

    1. #45’s supporters thinks he’s tough and not afraid. But he’s scared for his life and it’s why he’s trying to block witnesses. #45 is a coward and he knows the clock is ticking and he’ll be in cuffs.

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