NBC News’ Rich Schapiro describes the content of the two voicemail messages he received from Rudy Giuliani’s accidental call. Aired on 10/25/2019.
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NBC News Reporter Recounts Moment He Realized Ruby Giuliani Butt-Dialed Him | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC
Lmao. You heard of Deepthroat? Well meet ButtCheeks
@Plasma Run that’s the smartest thing you came up with?
Sean : “Deep Butt”??? . . .
Rudy.. the call is coming from Uranus

This isn’t a witch hunt so much as a golden shower of justice
Where’s Ruddy,is he the new Waldo now?

Who is Ruby?Is he Rudy’s brother?
@DM Tea No it’s his cross-dressing alter ego. Remember him kissing Trump in a dress? Wish I didn’t.
Dittzx Ya Where’s Waldo!?
@DM Tea Ruby is the name he uses when crossdressing. Just search YouTube for “Rudy Giuliani motorboat”.
Shapiro should have called Rudy and left a message asking him if he intentionally left a recording of the conversation about Bahrain. I bet Rudy would have called back then. lol
John Dozier I like the cut of your jib, sir.
John Dozier Hahaa!
Yes. Rudy would have. Omg.
Lmao. He would’ve texted and held up his phone saying that it’s rite here
Moral of the story.
Set up your voicemail lol.
Is that a Tyler Craig reference? If so….rite on time
I firmly believe there’s more sense coming out of Rudy’s butt than his mouth.
Hhahahaa i am laughing
Hahahha. Couldn’t agree more
Hahaha! Nailed it!
You might actually be right.
I hope they all sing like canaries’
incoming “wiretapping” accusation for releasing the audio.
Hillary! Obama! Spies!
@Shellbombs It’s difficult to stack grand juries with only “ the best” people, which is our ONLY defense against Barr’s abuse of power. In openly aiding and abetting his one and only client by obstructing lawful Congressional investigations, making false and misleading statements to the public, fully absolving his un-indicted client of all guilt, and personally helping with his client’s efforts to extort fabricated evidence from foreign nations, BARR acts with the self-assurance of a seasoned criminal who’s carrying an all encompassing, undated Presidential pardon in his suit pocket every second of every day.
Rudy the butt-dialing treason vampire.
Nosferudy Ghouliani
Agreed, Rudy Fruity Vampire is 854 years old. From a hero in 9.11 and prosecutor to a pathetic traitor criminal working 4 a Russian orange spy.
Traitor agent spy. From a patriot hero to a treasonous traitor working 4 another orange criminal thug traitor.
Mark my words. Orange traitor attacks our constitution, our intelligence agencies. He deserve the death penalty for treason. Period.
This AND the release of the Mueller Report?…lol…
What a tough day for trump and his trash…LOL…
Guess you missed that the fisa abuse probe just turned into a criminal investigation
This should be it
@joe mazamutto what?
@idk with this phone call, it should be over
Giuliani is like Michael Scott as an old man.
Wow that is frightening and perfectly on point.
except everyone loves Michael Scott…and now, on Rudy, the most vocal people are saying he is demented and a Russian asset…yeah yeah lets forget when we looked to him after 9/11, lets forget how he turned NYC around, lets forget Time naming him mayor of the world…all because he works for the orange bad man who we didn’t know we hated until 2015…we should all be very proud of ourselves
If Michael Scott contacted syphilis and never sought treatment…
LUV it!!! Best comment !!!

This is just too funny! Rudy literally can’t help himself, he always finds a way to make a bad situation even worse.
Rudy’s a Durrr Extraordinaire!
9/11 was on his watch as mayor of New York City; immediately after he leaves office he secured multimillion-dollar contracts in govt security. go figure
The accidental whistleblower. It’s such a granddad move.
Don’t you get it? He sent these on purpose, it’s a message to trump for money and help and he better not throw him under tha bus because giuliani knows where more bodies are buried. It’s no coincidence they were sent to this NBC reporter. This was a calculated move to indirectly threaten trump
Rudy is a demented old geezer; there is no place for him anywhere in American politics!
@Mi ke ?? ……………..
Ralf Häggström ok, what am I missing?
Dear Mi Ke, Probably a whole lot. Like every human being ! ………………@Mi ke
@Nimrod Quimbus The truth is coming out and Dump the Trump and “Lock him up” will be the dem motto. LOL
Fake news gives Liberals, who are fake Americans, fake hope.
“Ruby”, huh?
It’s a plague, I understand.
Shellbombs – Credit due.
I always thought it was Rudy
@Hot 88s Ruby is his crossdressing name. Search YouTube for “Rudy Giuliani motorboat” if you want evidence.
@Peter S
I’ll take your word for it. That sounds like something you can’t un-see.
Donald Trump could butt-dial the entire state of California in one sitting.
Maybe Chinaaaa as well
@Shellbombs And maintained greatly by a tremendous staff that is all white (that you can see), and not illegal (anymore [that you can see]).
Perhaps these guys should put their phones somewhere much safer – like actually IN their BUTTs
His butt is certainly large enough.
Then they’d finally learn what “internal security” actually means.
All the late night shows including SNL is going to have fun with this one.
African Mama can’t wait!!

Your finger-Tips to Lorne’s eyes
“The Giuliani Butt-Dial” is a saga we couldn’t have predicted but will long remember.
Good lord, it really hasn’t been a good month for Trump
If he’s talking about Bahrain, guaranteed this has something to do with getting dirt on Hillary Clinton!
“I only hire the best people”
Donald Trump
Turns out, like Manafort, Trump wasn’t paying Giuliani. In this case it was an Oligarch named Firtash and was paid by Lev Parnas, one of the two men recently arrested. Just like an Oligarch was financing Manafort once Manafort had volunteered his services to Trump. Giuliani has essentially been working for Firtash.
…and I’m the best, because I keep hearing “be best” (and keep out) from behind the other door
It was a beautiful and absolutely perfect butt dial. A quid and no quo. He was busy whistleblowing
I only hire pedos … NBC CEO..
He’s a drunk and has mush brain. You can hear him slurring.