NBC National Political Correspondent Steve Kornacki breaks down the latest NBC News/Marist poll. Aired on 7/27/2020.
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NBC News/Marist Poll: Biden Leads In North Carolina By 7 Points | MTP Daily | MSNBC
Doesn’t Madonna have a song titled “True Blue”?
Yes! True love. You’re the one I’m dreaming of. Your heart fits me like a glove. And I’m gonna be, true blue Biden we love you
John Williamson sure does.
The polls look good for the Democrats in North Carolina. Now only if South Carolina would get on board before The Peace tRain leaves the station!
Lada 500 Shitbox : Ok Borislav blah blah blah!
@Keith Johnson – Shelby GT500 I’d rather have the stock market fall and have my neighbors and me all healthy than have a rising stock market and have my entire neighborhood full of dead people from Covid-19.
Keith congrats on copy and pasting the same thing
@Keith Johnson – Shelby GT500 vote Trump out
Like the reporter said. Biden just needs to hold and take the lead in Florida. if they flip Florida, respect will go to Florida for finally waking up
Yeah look, forget the polls and get out and vote!
There is a shortage of poll workers, specially in swing states where they want to suppress the vote! Please volunteer. We can’t let them steal the votes again.
please pass this on.
walker jfs Nope im voting for uncle Joe Biden.
@MRbossman1982 uncle joe? Man that really beings home the pedophile allegations.
We have a shortage of poll workers, importantly in swing states where they’re trying to suppress the vote. Please volunteer. We can’t let putin’s pippet steal the votes again.
pass this on please.
@Xela somar Biden is a terrible option, worse than trump. His goal is to ban guns. And take away nearly a million jobs. This guy had two aneurisms, and brain surgery, his is unfit.
The whole world is wondering why more then 40% would vote for Trump again
Rank stupidity and FOX news…
Where’s Joe!!

The Debates are going to be EPIC!!
TRUMP 202Q!!
Making Liberals cry over & over!!!
@Steve Young Agreed and it’s dangerous. Civics is not a game.
Speaking of sports. You were a wizard of a quarterback when you played for the 49ers.
@Keith Johnson – Shelby GT500 That’s bloody moronic, Trump took $4T out of the economy and gave it to the top 10%, little of that goes back into the economy, when governments give $1 to the bottom 50% of the economy, $4 comes back. You don’t have to mark my words or yours, those are facts, real world facts. Like it or not, Obama’s policies did 90-95% of the recovery Trump likes to take credit for, it didn’t help a lot of people but it was a helluva lot better than What Trump has done.
The cruel, sadistic manchild needs to go…I’m voting for Biden. : )
We have a shortage of poll workers, importantly in swing states where they’re trying to suppress the vote. Please volunteer. We can’t let putin’s pippet steal the votes again.
pass this on please.
Hecubus imagine if we had Democrats in all offices, we would had been able to shutdown completely. Everyone doesn’t have to worry about rent and food and the Economy would be going back to recovery at this point and Covid-19 wouldn’t be a big of a threat.
I’m voting for Joe Biden to
Me 3
Me 4
Daily Reminder: Trump called the Corona virus a Democrat hoax that would miraculously disappear.
Corona virus will disappear on November 5th.
@mr ady and mim yay No you forget Fox News. It will have magically re appeared.
@Sparky McSpark and reappear as more deadly end of the world pandemic at fox and birtbart news
@mrAmbitionEver Yes, if Biden wins then you will probably hear about the virus more on Fox News than we do now.
@mr ady and mim yay Ya more than the time when it was a hoax?
Just remember the numbers look good on the screen, but that doesn’t matter much unless you put that number on a ballot paper to vote Trump out, don’t think it just do it!!!!!!!!!!
We have a shortage of poll workers, importantly in swing states where they’re trying to suppress the vote. Please volunteer. We can’t let putin’s pippet steal the votes again.
pass this on please.
Vote blue- whatever the polls say- vote vote vote- don’t sit it out go VOTE BLUE!!!
Yeah, vote for Biden and see your taxes rise, the stock market tank, and your 401-K along with it!!!!!
Don’t think for a moment he won’t usher in what the FAR LEFT wants – Socialism!!!!! He’s already promsied free health care for millions of illegals (and YOU will have to pay for it!!!).
J. Lo and…. I don’t see a problem with paying some taxes that’ll end up someone’s health. I rather do that that pay extra taxes to make some billionaire more rich!
@J. Lo We would vote for Biden even if he shot Hillary on fifth ave.
At this point, Donny has nowhere to go but down!
He can go to prison
After watching this orange criminal for 3 and a half years it blows my mind that this is even a race..
Wait his reelection baby
A lot of stupid people, and they sniffing toooo much LYSOL
La, La, La, La, La
I’m not listening. We just need to get registered & just VOTE!
Yep! Ur so right.
Vote conservatism not Marxism and let’s stop AOC from killing our innocent black babies and black children
@rosalind ganymede yes stop AOC an her thugs and criminals destroying America and allowing innocent black babies and black children to be gunned down in the streets because of no leadership and AOC
Yes everyone keep wearing masks for safety and lets open voting locations and forget all this voter fraud brought up over mail in voting. Wear masks and vote in person and eliminate any chance of voter fraud.
And we are STILL going to vote like Biden is down. Forget the polls VOTE
EXACTLY…..vote like we’re 20 points behind !!!

I am poised towards voting. I can’t wait
Polls only as good if we carry it out and vote! And I will vote indeed.
Stay home
The count may be closer, if another hundredthousnd die, before voting, huh ?
The plan has gone awry – black people were supposed to die first. So sad.
Too much red. go blue all over. Are all of them going to say that they hardly knew drumpf, met him once or twice?
Trump’s criminal incompetence got us here , only way out is vote.
Pay no attention to the polls. Vote like your life depended on it, cause it does!
Biden/Liberty 2020!
LIFE and Liberty!
This Election will be the One for the Record Book, because it will Not finish Smoothly.
I guess quitting on America isn’t a great re-election strategy.
American citizens vote like Biden is behind by 60 points! Register to vote early and vote!
yeah can’t trust these polls folks! better vote this time around everyone!
@Steve Young
I agree
Yeah lets totally vote away our rights to have guns, Marijuana and let’s lose nearly a million jobs. Because hey, like that’s totally not that bad……..
Bloody wanker
nunya agreed, vote like you’re losing your democracy.
Wondering why it seems like Trump isn’t even trying to win? Its cause he’s going to try to steal the election in some fashion.