MSNBC's Brian Williams shares a statement from the NBC News Decision Guest, our number crunchers who call our election results, about the delay in calls on some critical battleground states. Aired on 11/06/2020.
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NBC News Decision Desk Explains Caution Calling Remaining States | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Trump lies people Dies
Vote red, end up dead!
Good health helps people live a full life biden Harris Make America Respectable Again
Biden won!
He should be overseeing Covid19 committee meetings. If he can’t be bothered let the President Elect do it…or even better let Kamala Harris do it
@10 Percent For The Big Guy Oooooh Really? You think I didn’t realize what you meant?
Also, has it occurred to you that ad hominem attacks just weaken your arguments? If you can’t argue a particular position without attacking the other PERSON (instead of argument, or in addition to) then your argument must be weak.
However there is no E V I D E N C E of this. None whatsoever. Without actual evidence, it’s just a lot of hot air. Or pixels.
Anyway, you have a lovely lovely day.
‘Tis indeed a lovely day.
@Sasheena – Btch shut up!
@Sasheena – How is that for ad hominem?
@10 Percent For The Big Guy You’re great at it. You must be so proud.
Have a lovely day. We woke up to snow here in Rural Oregon.
@Sasheena – Oh, Oregon? That’s not snow. That’s my spit.
Mark Meadows got the virus he asked Donald if he could use his helicopter to go to the hospital Donald said no I need it for golfing
Trump needs helicopter for GOOFING
Good health helps people live a full life biden Harris Make America Respectable Again
that’s a good one, Paul!
Nah, he needs the helicopter to escape.
He caught a ride with him to Walter Reed like Trump was his daddy or something and I mean Meadows was by his side
The plan is to have Fox News call the race. That would be sweet justice and I am there for that.
I wonder if states are dragging their feet so as not to be the one to put Biden over the top, then incur the wrath of armed Trumpers. Really, Nevada should be done by now by virtue of its size.
@Bruce Staples that is a good question? I was thinking the same thing about Nevada.
No way, not Fox News those ding bats will tape bombs to their backs and, surround the Polls before they ever do it!
@Capt’Wes Starwind Yes, Trump detected a cooling towards him from Fox. Surprised it lasted so long. Fox would not want to be associated with a loser. Karma. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.
AP has called it
Congrats, to President Biden and VP Harris

Make America Respectable Again
Person woman man camera tv.

Oh dear me, I just aced it.
And I get extra points because I aced it in the correct order.
We all know that means that I’m a stable genius.
Have I deserved a tremendously bigly lollipop or what
@GOT Fan Why talk about Obama? Water under the bridge. Trump’s beencrushed. Next the powers that be will crushBernie, theSquad & the rest of theCommies. Mainstream bipartisanpolitics will be restored. Even if Trump garnered350million votes, he will never get a 2ndterm. End of story. It is better to be led by educated, experienced & competentpeople than a divisive, inexperiencedReal EstateGuy. Whatever happened , is only a means to an end. The end goal is to bring the nation back into safe hands for our own good
@Six Kidlets Trump did not bomb other countries in the name of regime change. No matter how much ugly Trump is you can’t accuse him of that ever. Yes Bush effed up Iraq but Iraq only. Whereas this charlatan Obama poked his nose in Syria, Libya, Ukraine and where the eff not? Stop worshiping Obama as some God for f sake.
GOT Fan and unitUl you have studied Middle East history at an advanced degree level just hush. The adults who have education need the room.
@Six Kidlets I am from the Middle East you moron.
If the losing guy were a sane normal candidate who accepts the inevitable reality, they would’ve called it yesterday
@Jeremy Backup Yep, it just takes peeking at right wing Twitter to see that there is a whole lotta fervor being stoked about the left being corrupt, even calls to go to war over this.
They think there’s a sinister voting scandal going on, etc. So this call for Biden has to be VERY transparent. I hate it but I think the news orgs are being very careful on purpose…
It has NOTHING to do with caution. As soon as they call the race America will stop watching their news again. It is 100% about the money…
@Walmart Trump’s beencrushed. Next the powers that be will crushBernie, theSquad & the rest of theCommies. Mainstream bipartisanpolitics will be restored. Even if Trump garnered350million votes, he will never get a 2ndterm. End of story. It is better to be led by educated, experienced & competentpeople than a divisive, inexperiencedReal EstateGuy. Whatever happened , is only a means to an end. The end goal is to bring the nation back into safe hands for our own good
Hes scared that those folks will be waiting on him outside with handcuffs
@Sheila Davidson We just want him out. Trump has zero experience as a legislator, administrator, & politician. It’s like employing a plumber to unclog arterial vessels instead of a surgeon. That’s about it. You can do the handcuffing & torturing to fulfill your bloodlust. Hope beating Trump to a pulp is cathartic for you
Let Biden bide us together …
Evil can only prevail whilst good people do nothing. Biden won, trump is only a real estate agent. Stay safe, keep safe and let logic, justice and reason prevail. Nick.
I get the idea of wanting to be accurate…. but at some point you are either reporting the news or not. The news right now is that Nevada is done. There is not a .5% chance of Trump winning it at this point. Pennsylvania is done. There is not a .5% chance that Trump wins. If you want to uncall Arizona, fine. But the election is over from a competitive standpoint. There is not a .5% chance that any level of legal filing or recounting is going to change any of the states with the possible exception of Georgia, and that is VERY unlikely. Soooooo…… call it!
It just for rating
@marquessman not necessarily…. I can only think of 1 call in any election since 1980 that was controversial, Florida 2000, and that one is still not certain! It shouldnt have been called when it was, but think about what that means from a statistical view…. over 11 elections, 550 calls…. 1 controversial call and it may have been correct, we will never really know. There is a lot of concern right now, not because there have been inaccurate calls in the past, but because of the pressure being applied on the media by this White House. I have looked at the Arizona data pretty closely, the call made by Fox News was not an easy call, but I can see why they made it. My preference would be to see no results reported and no states called until all polls are closed in the US….
t has NOTHING to do with caution. As soon as they call the race America will stop watching their news again. It is 100% about the money…
@William Lansberry You’re right.
patience ………. is the hardest virtue to LEARN and EVEN WORSE TO PRACTICE!
as countries grow we get more voters and it takes time to COUNT all the votes we NEED to exercise PATIENCE!
Let’s call the situation what it is, this is to spare trumpolinis wrath. Any other election, any other incumbent, these elections would’ve been called
@Doug Swails president elect presumptive until December 14th. That’s when the electoral college meets to make it extra super official. Then he becomes president elect.
@Samuel Wang CULT snowflakes

@Lok Katt I don’t think so, his brain is wired so he will never accept it, I think that’s why folks are cautious. I know from experience that narcs cannot tolerate shame, has to do with how they were reared, so they translate it as the other’s fault.
@My Ansver Isn’t that being done?
@Sasheena Cool, maybe one day you can have a mind of your own instead of voting for racist socialists who want to force-drug you. MAYBE you can get that smart one day.
It’s nuts that you haven’t called it. If it was Trump in Bidens place you would have called it long ago.
As they did in the other states Trump won
@frictionRx9 Because, as was revealed in 2016, it is not the popular vote that gifts Presidential power. It’s the electoral college, but you know that already. Trump pursued his agenda even though he actually lost the popular vote.
patience ………. is the hardest virtue to LEARN and EVEN WORSE TO PRACTICE!
@P H The Federal Republic system is outdated. We need to get rid of the Electoral College & become a Democratic Republic for a ‘Popular Vote Only’ nation
@Alex Saltonstall There are many models of electoral processes, but each party that gains power clings to the system that gave it power, or worse, alters in a manipulative way, to keep a hold on power. I dare say that if a disinterested group was appointed to redesign the system, no-one would want their ideas because of vested interests. At least you have a system and a vote and things get a chance to reset.
The race should have been called like yesterday. There is literally no paths left for Trump to win. The race is over.
@Stevan R. Pennsylvania was just called for Biden, this race is over. And the ballots in question are just a handful, not enough to turn things around.
@Rylus I’ll say it again… me….these states are going to Supreme Court….ESPECIALLY Michigan and Pa.
@Rylus those are just news networks calling the states genius…lol….it means nothing.
@Stevan R. They are not, Florida only went to the Supreme Court because we couldn’t stop recounting. Trump lost, deal with it
@Rylus man your gonna be really upset dude.
Should have called it already. Don’t hold his hand anymore, sh#$t stirring is what you’re up to.
The election is canceled
This has gone on to compromise the result
@Howard counting votes is literally how elections work…
@Noreb but you have to stop at 100 percent voter registration or it’s fraud, so did democrats put fake ballots in early or late? The answer is yes but by the time they got to the normal point to call it Joe didn’t have a chance, so now we’ll just have to go to plan B bring in more ballots.
@Howard so just by your own logic, youre lying because NO county has seen more ballots come back then where sent out… also, if the democrats cheated, why is mitch mcconnel and lindsay graham still a US senator?……. like lets ignore the fact that every ballot has a barcode that can be traced back to each individual voter, and each state has different barcodes and security measures from each other individual state in order to insulate each system from the other, if there is such an elaborate system set up so as to mimic ballots that arent produced until several months before the election, why did the democrats lose house seats?… how and why did they stack the ballots in georgia PERFECTLY to cause 2 run off elections?…. nothing about this supposed fraud theory makes ANY sense at all… just accept that trump is the most unpopular president in american history and he has been MASSIVELY repudiated by the majority of americans…
Nevada and PA should be called. It’s getting silly.
@Mr Discostu2u How do you know? Source?? There is no fraud. Trump’s beencrushed. Next the powers that be will crushBernie, theSquad & the rest of theCommies. Mainstream bipartisanpolitics will be restored. Even if Trump garnered350million votes, he will never get a 2ndterm. End of story. It is better to be led by educated, experienced & competentpeople than a divisive, inexperiencedReal EstateGuy. Whatever happened , is only a means to an end. The end goal is to bring the nation back into safe hands for our own good
@Alex Saltonstall don’t ask for sources. They’ll link sources to videos posted by project veritas. All those so called fraud videos have been debunked already.
patience ………. is the hardest virtue to LEARN and EVEN WORSE TO PRACTICE!
@zaltmanbleroze Those vids are all staged. It ain’t real.
@Mr Discostu2u it was throwing out keep crying loser
Be calm, waited four years to make it right. Just enjoy watching the fat orange thing bleed out.
i want them to announce so i can watch the riots. maybe the trump supporters beloved police force will start gassing them for a change.
Did you say slow bleed! Yeah we did it besides, Biden all ready knows he has won no need to rush now we got til Jan.
The election was canceled
Biden is the president elect. Everybody already knows this except trump with the fragile ego.
AP has called it. Biden #46
It’s officially official
Don’t forget his cult followers
The foreign news is reporting Biden won. The whole world knows we have a new president.
@Deborah Freedman
They are even celebrating in Iran.
I think if it was the other way around it would of been called by now
Well tRump said Tuesday night that he was the winner LOL
@Richard Thomas lol
Ha, ha, ha! Yeah! He don’t need no stinkin’ vote count!
Lol…. As Richard says above, it did not even need to be as far as the other way.
Like weds night
Wow, 40% of American are easily Con by Don The Con Artist.
@Alex Saltonstall if your are 100 procent sure there is no fraud. please show us it
@My Ansver I don’t know where you come from but in the US it’s, ‘innocent until proven guilty’. Not the other way around. You should prove Biden is guilty. I dont have to prove anything cos you’re the accuser.
@Alex Saltonstall hihi (: I dint know that. sorry I dont have nothing to show you
@My Ansver Stop listening to baby trump. No proof was provided by him or his administration. How about you thinking for yourself and don’t let a liar convinced you there is issues with the election.
@John Allison Hi~cockroach!
Let’s not forget – despite EVERYTHING of the last 4 surreal years of Spanky’s Goat Rodeo – MILLIONS of people still “voted” for him. Jeezus America

I wonder about that. If anyone is guilty of fraud, it’s Trump. We know how he projects what HE himself is doing onto the other guy. Perhaps his outrage is because his attempt didn’t work this time.
They are too scared to call it, BIDEN won!!! Temper tantrum Trump needs to get over it!!!
@Ayy conspiracy theory!!
@Howard conspiracy theory!!
@Bellinda Camarillo The rights so called conspiracy theories are often proven correct, the left on the other hand ,,, Russia collusion, quid pro quo, it was Hillary Clinton that wanted to blame her crimes on “vast right wing conspiracy” only to be guilty of them
@Howard nonsense. The republicans are delirious and only want process to go their way and cry like a baby when it doesn’t go their way.
@Bellinda Camarillo fraud is common, two months ago they reread still charging for fraud from 2016
It has been a joy watching Trump SLOWLY Lose over that last few days.. He must be agonizing and writhing in the pain of election reckoning.. And as a nurse I hate to see suffering but the lack of leadership regarding our national covid-19 response beckoned change and this reckoning.
It’s the fact he has no say in the matter. Finally. Vanity Fair has an interesting article: