Former NBA star Jeremy Lin talks to CNN's Don Lemon about the recent spike of attacks against the Asian community across the US.
#CNN #News
Former NBA star Jeremy Lin talks to CNN's Don Lemon about the recent spike of attacks against the Asian community across the US.
#CNN #News
Why have men accepted being programmed to be monogamous it no longer serves the benefits it once did even the courts are against male leadership in the family! I lost my child because my wife cheated on me and the courts favor her even though I make more money !
Such an incredibly well spoken individual. Thank you for speaking up. These Anti-Asian hate crimes need to stop. There’s no place for it, especially in our beautiful country, a melting pot of cultures
@kelperdude Is yours some kind of comedy?
greetings friend my name Alexander I’m a member of the great Illuminati brotherhood organization I have something to tell you but I don’t know if you can take my advice I want you to join the Illuminati but I know so many people said a lot of things about the Illuminati they said this organization is requesting for blood no, they are getting it wrong when I first started this Illuminati I was saying the same thing like that but then I realized everything I was saying was not what I think, the Illuminati is friendly they make me get all my achieves that I want in life money, good health, Fame, protection and a lot of more you can even imagine I just want to give you this advice because I want everyone to become a better somebody in future cuz the life we are living right now it’s not how it used to be before people are suffering, people are dying so brother if you have anyone who wants to join or you want to join contact us on WhatsApp: A +2348154510050
Get some thicker skin jermey Lin. Asians are the least oppressed people relax
@Koinonia Theos you’re spitting facts
@Connor Obrien wtf do you mean the hate crimes against asians are up 150%. Jeremy isn’t talking about how he was called corona virus, hes talking about the hate crimes being commited against asians nationwide.
Hang in there my brother. WE ALL needed to be treated with respect. Power to you and thanks for being brave enough to share.
China, CNN and the Democrats will post as much racial division as they can.
@kelperdude *MUTE!!

lol, maybe this is why Asians rarely speak up, once Asians speak up, stereotypes will be brought up and you get victimized twice.
greetings friend my name Alexander I’m a member of the great Illuminati brotherhood organization I have something to tell you but I don’t know if you can take my advice I want you to join the Illuminati but I know so many people said a lot of things about the Illuminati they said this organization is requesting for blood no, they are getting it wrong when I first started this Illuminati I was saying the same thing like that but then I realized everything I was saying was not what I think, the Illuminati is friendly they make me get all my achieves that I want in life money, good health, Fame, protection and a lot of more you can even imagine I just want to give you this advice because I want everyone to become a better somebody in future cuz the life we are living right now it’s not how it used to be before people are suffering, people are dying so brother if you have anyone who wants to join or you want to join contact us on WhatsApp: A +2348154510050
@Sunday Ogunyelu *MUTE!!

Thanks for bringing awareness to this!

Bringing awareness to propaganda

@Leo Ck correct. Pushing division and hatered is the name of the game these days. Good for ratings and such. Another FF in 3, 2….1 blamo. I predict a “radicalized white guy” taking it to the streets and being put down by LEOs never to tell the tale. Remember, 2a reform is on the table, now. What a gift that would be for media and the agenda.
FOR $$$$?
@David Jackson are you aware that you’re pressed like a panini

This is sickening, I’m so tired of Racism in any form, I know Jeremy Lin trying to be cool, but that player should be called out,
@Leo Ck no, loser idiots need a reality check though. People that don’t get it, won’t unless you slap them into the real world!
@Haily Rizzo you said *racism isn’t based on oppression*

. Intelligent white society is in this comment section. SARCASM! 

*I’d like to thank all the pale faces for continuing to expose white supremacy*
You all are the real *MVP* #Simps
@ leo ck so do you believe in a master race then? Because if you do thats what Hitler and mussolini believed. You seem to agree with nietzche and his theory of the superman. So I take it if you killed white people, it wouldn’t really be murder, because you think your the master race.
@ leo ck your so filled with hatred towards other people no one is gonna convince you otherwise.
Humans harming other humans who are elderly and physically vulnerable. Can’t imagine dogs or cats doing that to each other :/
Why have men accepted being programmed to be monogamous it no longer serves the benefits it once did even the courts are against male leadership in the family! I lost my child because my wife cheated on me and the courts favor her even though I make more money !
Nature is far crueler than you could ever imagine. What fantasy world do you live in?
Reward yourselves by walking a day in another mans shoes.
Wise young man.
@David Asians started being attacked after Trump called COVID the China virus, blacks certainly don’t listen to Trump, but his supporters does.
@Ash Roskell too blame other groups they started this raciest cast system and the hate it’s well documented.
@X2 GI what was the name of the man who attacked the elderly Thai man ?
@X2 GI So Japanese Americans herded in internment camps in the 40s was Trumps fault?
@Frankie Bruan Did I say it was?
…smart…why can’t people just stop hating….it’s such a simple thing….
So now you KNOW as a Black man I’ve heard it all my life, my DAD, Grandad, Great, Great Great and so on, living in San Francisco now and San Francisco is as racist as any place in the south or middle America.
Justice for Jessica Doty-Whitaker
@SuperMutant Piana 2.0 the real reason dnc with certain rep claim russia hack election is to smear/blackmail trump in to doing endless wars for migrant crisis=
they don’t let self employed to contribute towards medicare but tax self employed to bribe illegals
What an amazing young man!
Interview with A Rona v1rus descendent. Go back to wu han
Jeremy fighting hard for a Longer NBA contract
. Investigation needed make sure he’s not pulling a Bubba..
hmmmmm, introduce him as an NBA g league player.. ya now, but he’s also an NBA veteran and an NBA champion
Hang on there Jeremy, stay strong and do what you love don’t mind them.. Godbless you
Amen on that Heiress, Amen!!!
1 or 3 million Oygur muslims in Chinese camps. Hairy Joe loves this, all people 5 g network, thank you China???
CNN Exclusives on Ethiopian: The Wolf accursed The Sheep.
Carmelo Anthony one of the folks that gave this a thumbs down, prolly
Here we go again Jussie Wallace
Meanwhile, certain groups of Jeremy’s home folks in Taiwan are still religiously using the slur “Wuhan Virus” to poke at China…