Navy Secretary Richard Spencer was to resign for going outside his chain of command by proposing a "secret agreement with the White House," as a way to resolve a standoff between the Pentagon and White House over the case involving Eddie Gallagher, a Navy SEAL who posed next to a dead ISIS fighter's body in a photo. #CNN #News
Navy Secretary Spencer forced out after Trump’s war crimes intervention causes chaos in military

President Chaos causing chaos as usual. What’s next? Chief (SEAL) Gallagher appointed as Secretary of the Navy? lol. At least he looks good on photo.
Lawlessness and dishonor continue. Another person thrown under the bus for the sake of a wannabe king.
@Robert Swims Epstein didn’t kill himself? But, but ABC told me he did…..
@James Thomas I don’t quite get what you’re saying
@Mike Smith about 50% less fake than Fox at least. Give or take a percentage point or two for exaggerating.
No, more like TDS entering terminal stage.
wow, that donald sure has the “MIDAS” touch…
Record stock market and employment, yep midas touch.
Seals LOVE cameras. I recall a group of them in Panama talking about taking pictures of each other during HALO jumps and posing in mid air. They were so proud! Meanwhile, we spent the night in their AA right under their noses and they had NO clue we were there. Too busy posing then also.
This is what happens when you are a puppy of Cadet Bone Spur.
@Randy Moran Stop being racist. Your a hypocrite.
Damn so much fake news here today at communist News Network..or is it just CNN
@Randy Moran he received $1 million to start off, With A return of $3.7 billion net worth, and he probably earns at least $10 million a year. Even with inflation that’s a net return over 300 fold, far better than you or I would probably do.
@Randy Moran Also, I never mentioned terrorism. Russia performed subverted insurrection by infiltration. Russians are not terrorists. They use the interests of those around them to turn countries populations against themselves. What kept middle eastern terrorists in check was Suddam Hussein, Bashar Al-Assad, etc. We pardoned the italians when they threw mustard gas in WW 2 if they would work with us, Bush boomer extraordinaire goes and tells him we might kill him if we capture him. Japanese war crimes? forget about it. Germany also had high ranking officials assist the US.
Wow, Sean Hannity overrides Military, unbelieveable !
@Alexander Orr
Alexander. Who in hell wants to pick up your dirty habit.
@Alexander Orr so what? President Trump is still CIC and the Sec of Navy is still FIRED. Don’t worry, President Trump will be leaving office in early 2025.
#MAGA #TRUMP2020 #BLEXIT #ItsMuellerTime #TheChosen1 #4MOREYEARS #MafiaDon #President4life #MakeBlackAmericaGreatAgain #FaithFamilyFreedom #TeflonDon
@Robert Swims We shall see, many Americans were hopeful Trump would go against the grain and bring about change in the system but he has proven to be just as corrupt as the worst of them. I doubt they’ll give it a second go. And I’m 99% sure that you are like every other “black” trump supporter online in that you are a 15 yr old white kid but in the off chance of 1% you are not I think you need to ask yourself if you want to be on the side that is flaunting the traitorous confederate flag.(With a username Robert SWIMS I highly doubt it)
Never thought I’d ever hear a SEAL complain about how he’s being treated…
I never thought I’d hear a seal say that they were ordered to stand down at Benghazi. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton folks.
@Tim Romanski treated like a dog? Mr romanski, in America, we love and treat our dogs better tham most homeless people so idk why you feel the need to parrot the tweeter in chief… falsely accused?? Are you his lawyer with evidence to the contrary? His squadmates blew the whistle on him. How do you get falsely accused by multiple SEALs?
@Alejandro These fucking idiots are STILL peddling those bullshit Benghazi conspiracy theories LMFAO. That’s how desperate they are.
The Chief Petty Officer’s Pledge
I am a Chief Petty Officer in the United States Navy…
I serve my country and her people with pride and honor.
I seek no special favors.
I make things happen, and do the best I can do.
I am charged with a leadership role like no other in the world.
I develop junior officers and mold my Sailors.
I acknowledge full responsibility for the actions of my Sailors…
because these Sailors are the seeds of future chief petty officers.
I live by the Navy’s core values of honor, courage, and commitment.
I set the example.
I establish the standards of performance.
My Sailors are students and I am their teacher.
I guide and influence the lives of these young men and women.
In the final analysis, I will determine the quality of these Sailors.
They look up to me because I treat them with dignity and respect.
Because they need a leader, I am there for them.
After all…
I am a Chief Petty Officer in the United States Navy.
Seek no favors, but make things happen…. funny how oaths and pledges and orders tend to contradict themselves. Nothing is ever so cut and dry, not even military service.
@DOE John Didn’t Obama and Bush do the same? Indisputable facts child, but I am sure you will have more leeway after the reelection for Russia there Obama.
He’s just a picture taker…
Everyone takes a picture.
@DOE John Obama commuted Chelsea Manning’s 35 year sentence after Manning served only 6 years. Manning was convicted in military court and sentenced accordingly. Now that’s what you call bullshit
#MAGA #TRUMP2020 #BLEXIT #ItsMuellerTime #TheChosen1 #4MOREYEARS #MafiaDon #President4life #MakeBlackAmericaGreatAgain #FaithFamilyFreedom #TeflonDon
You’re doing fine, Yanks … pretty soon it will be impossible to sink any deeper.
I keep asking myself that question. Yet trump finds a way to do it.
so like mexico level then? maybe name another spanish speaking country and fill in the blank.
Some more disgusting behavior. All of this is unacceptable.
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Enough with your fake brainwashed outrage
I believe Spencer out of all three versions of the story…
If all you want is a pin all you’ll get is a pin. The thought is way more truthful that the physical. This Seal member has already lost his pin.
Eponine Reads and, of course, you’re a SEAL member
It’s called a TRIDENT
Big trophy hunt posing with a dead prisoner of war.
I was going to hit like. Not.
Piece of garbage. I thought the military was honorable… Silly, naive, me. Now we can start chopping heads off on camera. Like our enemies. Shame.
Captain bonespurs is making cowardice hip again!!!!
Putin will pardon Drumpf for treason against his Amerika.
Nope, US knows if it don’t keep up the anti Russia narrative Europe will quit buying “US protection”
Rachel Ash LOL
Poor Rachel the president has an apartment suite rented in your head for free ! Trump derangement syndrome and is a real problem !
We’re painting a horrible picture for the future of our government…
@Robert Swims 110%
Like illegal resource wars and destroying the Haitian economy?
The only new thing is the fake news on steroids
The left has painted and will continue to paint an immoral terrible picture and failing outcome wherever it is allowed to fester.
The past is nothing to be proud of, either. ‘Ordinary incompetence’ is not a strong enough term to be used here.
Benamin Bobbitt. Let me get this straight, if you were found innocent but someone cries foul we should keep retrying you until are found guilty? What happened to you that you would continue supporting punishing an innocent man? I don’t care what you think is right when you are the one that is the threat to our justice system. I personally don’t think OJ was innocent of murder, but I am not going to argue with our justices system as an example.
Anyone feeling like it’s chaos needs to go,bye…
America is becoming a 3rd world country…….the rest of the world is watching the u.s.a go down
nah, we’re doing great….maybe you aren’t doing too well.
If Over spending continues and the US becomes a socialist country i agree with you
@iamu iamu well, I like balanced budgets and I’m not a fan of socialism. Other than that, you’re on target.!…….MAGA!
@that wasn’t.chicken yea not a big fan of overspending, either.. agreed

A DRAFT-DODGING wannabe dictator trying to impress the other evil powers of this world. HORRIBLE!
Trump does not back hamas/isis/hezbollah or antifa
“I am a extremely stable genius”…go figure