CNN contributor Ana Navarro slams Trump supporters for not wearing a mask as Covid-19 continues to rise across the US.
#CNN #News
CNN contributor Ana Navarro slams Trump supporters for not wearing a mask as Covid-19 continues to rise across the US.
#CNN #News
I don’t get the ‘hard to breathe’ argument know what actually makes it hard to breathe? CORONAVIRUS
Tell that to the “peaceful protesters”, apparently they are immune because they protested or something.
@HRH TreeofLife – It’s 95 degrees where I am, too. I’m wearing a mask and breathing just fine. Maybe you should get a better mask.
@David Renton I hate masks. I am not a Muslim and I shouldn’t have to cover my face in a FREE COUNTRY WHERE PEOPLE SHOULDN’T BE TOLD WHAT TO DO. Once you are TOLD what to do by another human being, you are no longer living in FREEDOM. Having escaped from under the iron curtain, I should know. If you haven’t walked a mile in my shoes, you don’t know what it feels like.
@Rosalina Ayala Yes but, a little known fact is that hospital operating rooms are oxygen enriched so the surgeons are fine. If you don’t believe me a simple Google search will confirm. Wearing a mask anywhere else cuts down your oxygen supply and many people get headaches and feel dizzy.
@Veronicaeavm Not true, the size of the virus particles is point125 microns, the best N95 mask will not filter smaller than point3 microns, masks are basically useless.
“The Heat and the humidity is about to kill me “
I love Ana, wish her party was more like her. They’re all a bunch of idiots.
D G well, you’ve accomplished that just fine.
You’re confused from when she defended republicans, but she’s not a Republican, she’s a good person.
@TheBase1aransas Call your Doctor immediately for a psychiatric assessment. Your are delusional and think you are living in an alternate universe.
heads up… idiots are on your team….help them not hate them….they get a vote too. Dont let hate fog your critical thinking skills. B Kind B Safe
@Bob Knob Spanx are pretty easy for you, huh?
“the donald” THE ANTI-CHRIST
Bonita Janssen Even hell doesn’t want him. Too much competition for the devil
Ana : “The heat and the humidity is about to kill me and the virus is doing just fine… “ lol
She’s brilliant where has she been?
Stefan Lee, I totally agree with everything you wrote
Why are we arguing about masks? They work. Uncomfortable the first time but the fear of COVID in the lungs, the brain, the kidneys, the liver, the heart, in nymph nodes plus blood clots over rides that discomfort . Listen to the scientists. Trump stayed in line with fishes when brain matters were being distributed.
We have a oompah loompa as president, what do you expect? I guess we wait until November, to vote Oompa Loompa Trump, out of office, before we can see serious guide lines in place, to fight covid-19.
Painful truth
Ana Navarro, 2020.
You go right ahead got it now as for me mind your own buisiness and you won’t be minding mine! I Stay 7 ft away extra safe so do you got it? Anna
@bezzie bezzie HAHA what a tacky and pathetic way to advertize your webpage.
Do some damn research. Got it?
@Tony Smith to protect you and others ….common sense
Tony Smith, being responsible is sexy. Not wearing a mask is selfish and cowardly.
“It makes me look silly” says the guy with toilet paper stuck to his shoe, paints himself orange and bleaches his hair.
And hides his baldness with a cheap ( and nasty) combover.
OH you must be talking about Bunker boy, who else ? He doesn’t wear a mask because he doesn’t want his orange paint to face to come off. He’s a disgrace.
curbmassa and poses with a bucket o’ chicken.
Or hold a cup, or walk down a ramp!! Don’t forget those simple tasks.
I think he uses orange koolaide packs to color his toupee.
Hats off to Ann Navarro – it’s time we had some plain speaking, especially on wearing masks and how easy that is compared to being a firefighter, nurse, soldier etc.
The President walks around with THAT haircut, but thinks a mask will make him look silly?
LMFAO! Awesome point!
Right on Anna you speak the truth

It would screw up his orange paint
Hit the nail on the damn head!!!
TRUMP los sillyno matter what !!!!!!
6 months into the worst pandemic in 100 years, Americans are still talking about wether people should wear masks against a viral respiratory disease. SAD!
I hope he catches covid while in Miami. We didn’t want him here to begin with
Spanx is WAY harder in most scenarios, that is truth!
Ana doesn’t mince words. Love her.
VOTE Blue for facts, science, healthcare, etc!!
And common sense!
To quote the chief medical correspondent for ABC News: “If you don’t like wearing a mask, you’re gonna *really* hate being on a ventilator!”
And if you hate being on a ventilator, you really going to hate to be dead!
To all the teachers in Texas , Florida and Arizona: Good luck. Our prayers are with you.
Don’t go back! I know you love your kids but it’s going to be breeding ground for Covid.
Anna ?? Where you heen sweetheart, weve missed you triggeting the 45 cult member snowflakes.
“Wearing a nurse’s uniform at an emergency room that is full of Covid patients” THAT’S HARD
Dont you mean wearing full PPE…………………..?
This virus was politicized months ago by trump when he said, “it’s a democratic hoax”..
And anyone that believes otherwise is dumb enough to vote for trump.
Who is this lady from Florida – she is brilliant.
Ana Navarro! She’s AWESOME