Ahead of Attorney General Bill Barr's testimony before the House Judiciary Committee, CNN national security analyst Samantha Vinograd warns that "we can't trust the attorney general to be honest." #CNN #News
National security analyst: This is one of the scariest things I’ve said on TV

For the thousandth time, stop using euphemisms like “misrepresent reality”. They are lies, period.
@Vamos ManUtd trump fuels the flames to distract you from his nonexistant coronavirus response. He is invading America. This is trump’s america.
@Noneya Biz I mean so far now I guess what I’m saying is they’ve been on top if what’s been going on around even your neighbourhood. Everywhere even the Middle East covering what’s been happening, if im not mistaken they’ve oretty much been truthful and took out whos not. I don’t understand how some media can be anti trump because if what Trump actually did or is it because other people are trying to lie about it and turn it the slight down corner or turn it all the way down. Im just so tired of misinformation because its infected everyone and everything. To the near end of all infinity god lays holy that there’s just not enough truths to get through it all and it’s ENOUGH…
@Ant Clerfont https://youtu.be/VAnWEcLfo4A
I’m not just randomly saying crap. There is even a video of CNNs daily 9am phone meeting with the boss(forgot his name). On that call he tells everybody, the story is to impeach Trump, nothing else. I couldn’t find the whole video, maybe it wasn’t on YouTube, but it’s out there. I’ll try and find it since the majority of commenters only regurgitate what someone else slammed down their throat and are incapable of searching on their own.
@Ant Clerfont https://youtu.be/_fHfgU8oMSo
Do you know how much these MSM anchors get paid? These are not journalist but paid actors reading a script. Have a great day, the Son shines so bright when curtains are removed! GOD Bless!
*GOD Bless
Stay tuned for the next installment of: “How low can this country go this year?”
@D.O.A_ Unpossibles If you had said The Republican Party AND The Democarts, then you’d be onto something. Otherwise go play with Donny Small hands McRichDaddy’sBoy aka Private BOne SPurs…
@Tanja B. I’m ready , If the Clintons get out of this one I’ll be unhappy.
@Daniel Pupo boo hoo cry me a river. Yea play that tattered victim card. You oppress yourself, no one does it for you. There are black cops, lawyers, judges, doctors, and we’ve just had a black man in the highest office in this country. Or are they a different black than you?
What a bunch of bullshit. AG Bill Barr has rescued the US from the biggest corruption in our Justice System. Flynn went to jail for nothing having to do with Russia collusion that never existed. CNN you are communist owned media. Still trying to take the President down. Abuse is the lies you tell.
leaders always surround themselves with people similar to themselves, so no surprise BARR is corrupt
I’m expecting him to not show up again – another empty-chair hearing.
@Hawkzblade Ya, he’s a low-life just like his boss.
Dems just trying to slow down the investigations. The demise of the Democrats cannot be avoided.
I’m a life long liberal and so is my family. But with all this scandalous behavior from the media the lies the push of black lives matter. I am now voting Red for the first time in my life. I want to make a change and that’s to stop these lunatics!!!!!!! In my home town of Detroit I was forcefully stopped in the middle of the road by crazed lunatics carrying baseball bats, hammers bb guns, crowbars you name it. I told them that I was on their side they refused to let me pass and damaged my car. I blame the media and the liberal states for letting this go on!!!!!! I dont like Donald Trump but if he can stop this then I’m Red
I’m a life long liberal and so is my family. But with all this scandalous behavior from the media the lies the push of black lives matter. I am now voting Red for the first time in my life. I want to make a change and that’s to stop these lunatics!!!!!!! In my home town of Detroit I was forcefully stopped in the middle of the road by crazed lunatics carrying baseball bats, hammers bb guns, crowbars you name it. I told them that I was on their side they refused to let me pass and damaged my car. I blame the media and the liberal states for letting this go on!!!!!! I dont like Donald Trump but if he can stop this then I’m Red
@Hawkzblade I’m a life long liberal and so is my family. But with all this scandalous behavior from the media the lies the push of black lives matter. I am now voting Red for the first time in my life. I want to make a change and that’s to stop these lunatics!!!!!!! In my home town of Detroit I was forcefully stopped in the middle of the road by crazed lunatics carrying baseball bats, hammers bb guns, crowbars you name it. I told them that I was on their side they refused to let me pass and damaged my car. I blame the media and the liberal states for letting this go on!!!!!! I dont like Donald Trump but if he can stop this then I’m Red
“Are we the only country who thinks it is wise to start another civil war because we were offended by the first one?” I won’t claim this paraphrase…it is not mine…
history never repeats itself 
Publish Fredo’s address so we can go protest outside his house.
https://www.google.com/amp/s/nymag.com/intelligencer/amp/2019/07/jeffrey-epsteins-rolodex-famous-friends-and-acquaintances.html this why Barr was appointed AG
You mean Nadler?
Natily Dotson you are soooo ignorant!!! Don’t you think if PRESIDENT TRUMP had anything to do with that crap that FAKE NEWS WOULD BE ALL OVER IT!!! Dunbass…..
@Patriot Strong Let’s see Ms Russia NRA busted in a Trump Tower with hookers. Rodger Stone lives with a old hooker. Mr GOP Florida was busted with hookers. R Kelly lived in a Trump Tower. FLOTUS is a old Epstien hooker . Trump hired Acousta the Epstien cover up man. Trump family original business was running hookers. How’s that honey ?
So are the Walls Closing in On Barr; haha, why do people still believe CNN, this all just Lies…
Looks like I accidentally stumbled into loony land
Nadler” the penguin” needs to be impeach
They don’t want Barr sending their top leaders to jail.
I honestly didn’t think our country would fall apart this fast but so many spineless politicians are enabling it.
It’s not falling apart my friend. We’re only getting stronger. This November will prove it.
This lady just spout off a bunch of mistruths as she is making similar accusations against the AG then to throw Putin & Russia into this shows a problem with the permanent government establishment media
This “analyst” is a complete and total joke.
“National Security Analyst”
I know. A smart powerful woman speaking truth on nation television. I’d hate to see what you would say if she were also black.
These women make me want to hurl.
Of course CNN trying to scare everybody like usual.
WHATS THIS? CNNNA HAS A SCARY REPORT ? Oh, I better buckle in then.
This is your daily reminder that Epstien didn’t kill himself. Dont let this distract you from the fact that Ghislaine Maxwell is suppose to talk or end up dead this week.
He’s only going to answer the questions he feels like answering.