National security adviser: US foreign policy leads with diplomacy

National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan speaks to reporters about the United States foreign policy prior to President Joe Biden's visit to the State Department.
#CNN #News

National security adviser: US foreign policy leads with diplomacy


  1. “The exercise of intelligent forethought and of decisive action sufficiently far in advance of any likely crisis.” AKA Speak softly and carry a big stick.

    1. @Loral Anthalasright lol!!! The last three Democratic presidents had to fix a Republican caused recession. and they keep talking about socialism and someone will take their guns.

  2. Thank God, the world is not flat again… Plz…don’t let those unevolved humans lead again!
    This is what Quality Leadership looks like… We need to make up for 4 negative years.

    1. @Joy Simpson What do I know as a foreigner if you mean the world of the USA?But did they dislike the little barbie more than Sarah Hillbilly Spin who definitely wasn’t blonde.

    2. @Christopher Seton-Smith 😂😂😂 Thank you so much – you’ve made my night . Oh , you’ve gone through the same experience as me and thousands of people . It’s amazing how Americans tell people to mind their own business and to stay in their own countries . Yet, they are in every Continent , need allies , important products . Eat food produced in China , wash with products made in China , wear clothes , drive cars , use technology, sit on furniture made in China … They don’t seem to understand that they need other countries and cannot survive on their own 🤣🤣🤣 Sorry for the long comment .

    1. So if you think laying off tens of thousands of people from their jobs and making illegal aliens 30 million of them by the way citizens that will be taking jobs from all the American citizens a good start and you are a complete f****** moron

  3. it’s so nice to see intelligent and respectful speaking people back in our white house i can actually breathe and get my blood pressure back to normal.the last 4 years were a nightmare it reminded me of the movie ” red dawn” and the orange one was the mayor in the movie that sold out information to the russians about the American citizens,if you haven’t seen it watch it.

  4. For once the world countries have an administration that is sober and knows can work with for the good of the world and mankind. America was isolated from the world for four years.

  5. I’m glad these press conferences aren’t wasted with officials trying to clean up and justify a President’s late night wacky tweets anymore.

    1. You mean, “we will circle back around to that”. Empty suit Joe will do what every the CCP wants him to do.

  6. so refreshing to hear truth, logic, concern, empathy, productive goals as a nation from the administration!!!!

    1. @kelperdude think about why she would want to do that – let me see, oh i know for power, for money or wants to be like a trumper?

    2. @kelperdude lemme guess, some tweet or facebook post? Katie Porter already told her story of when AOC came running into her office to look for a place to hide..

  7. Nice to hear someone talk in full sentences and not just cry 😭 me me me me me me me #DonnyDiaper
    “Come back to bed baby daddy’s getting cold” – tRump to Ivanka

    1. “Hey dad, I’m all out of crack, can you get some more before I have to go get us more cash from Xi?” – Hunter Biden

    1. @Peoplelie Freethemen um. Nice copy paste. Can you cut it down to what you’re trying to say? Succinctly?

    2. Brain Coughlin maybe if that’s true it maybe temporary until childish questions stopped being asked by Fox ‘ news ‘ reporter or the like and I mean that politely. They have a way of trying to twist things around and make it it seem what it not. Guess 4years of trump and that name calling they can’t handle straight forward information.

    3. @Wilbur Whatley If that insult was meant for me and you’re a trump cult member, then I take that as a compliment. ( I’d not want a positive comment from one of you as it’d indicate that I’m of low intelligence and low character. )

  8. Finally, after a hiatus of American foreign policy which only served the West’s enemies (first and foremost Russia), the United States is making itself indispensible again. Germany approves this message 🙂

    1. @soylentdean Good point, how much knowledge do you have about the NATO agreements? Fex: On who has what duty, who is in charge and what are the costs of the shares based on? Check it out sometimes, lots has changed and lots for you to find out, before you comment.

  9. It’s just amazing actually hearing competent, qualified and expirienced people brief us with clarity and strategy on key domestic and foreign national security topics

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