National inquiry will look into use of Emergencies Act | “Freedom Convoy” protests

Minister of Public Safety Marco Mendicino announced that a national inquiry will be launched into the government's use of the Emergencies Act.

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National inquiry will look into use of Emergencies Act | "Freedom Convoy" protests


  1. This was a serious over reach by the government. Invoking the emergencies act AFTER the blockades at the border points were already dismantled/being dismantled. Did the truckers in Ottawa threaten our countries sovereignty or overthrowing the current gov’t? I don’t think so. I really hope the truth comes out.

    1. Declaring martial law would have been a serious over-reach even if the border blockades were still operational as Canada’s Police have all the legal powers and equipment they need under existing laws to deal with them as evidenced by the fact Police had already dispersed the blockades before martial law was invoked.

  2. Mendicino is a crook and has no place here, also anytime they thank someone for being part of the investigation you know that person is on the crooks side!

    1. Some weeks ago at a committee Mendicino said the government had to act quickly because the women of Ottawa were in danger of being raped.

  3. I love how Trudeau’s puppets don’t even have their own voice. His words & mannerisms come through them like ventriloquism.

  4. Emergencies Act should be use during War, National disaster(not provincial), and All related to national problems

    1. @bwa292 I think he means a situation equivalent to that taking place in the Ukraine, taking place in Canada would merit the emergencies act.

    1. Every railroad blockade (that I could find a record of, at least) was met with an injunction, sometimes granted within hours, resulting in the blockade being dismantled within days at the most. You are correct to point out that the government and police action has not been consistent. The Ottawa occupation and border blockades were allowed to continue for several weeks. This was followed by what is arguably an over-reaction, including the Emergencies Act.

  5. If you read Trudeau’s frame of reference for the inquiry it seeks to examine the truckers role not the role of him and his Ministers.
    3:12 Mendicino talking about the border blockades that were over by the time martial law was declared.

    1. yes well more specifically they want to look at everything they ‘had to do’ under the Act and write up a report assessing which ones can become permanent law so we don’t ‘ever have to use’ the emergency act for this kind of protesting ever again. The trick is framing the use of the Act as bad (which we agree with) and then putting what was done into law (behind the scenes by these Quebec Judges directing all of this)

  6. After the government investigated their selves for the use of the emergency act, they found no wrong doing

  7. they said *the purpose of the inquiry is to determine how the convoy was financed and built enough steam to become a ‘big problem’, and to ‘make sure’ the emergency act never has to be used for this kind of thing again* .. it sounds like they are using the indiscriminate and unpopular use of the Act as an excuse to ‘have to fix the laws’ so this type of protesting can be ‘nipped in the bud’ . am I *RIGHT?* or am I right?

  8. I care to point, to focus on cyber attacks and vulnerable key infrastructure, such as food or maybe energy plants, which is happening in the USA.
    This in my opinion, is much more suitable for an emergency and a potential big disturbance, than a flock of hissing geeses at a park, whom I assume are well feed with bread crumbs.

  9. This could happen only in “democratic” Canada.I never heard that puppets will review puppets😂🤣The verdict….not guilty at all accounts….RIDICULOUS 😤😂

  10. Oh dear! The public might get spoiled by all the wonderful things the truckers did for them. We can’t have that! We must keep the public under our thumb!!!

  11. The Liberal gov’t announced an inquiry into the use of the Emergencies Act today because they reached the time limit mandated by law. If they could have held back any inquiry longer they would have.

    1. It was not needed it was a crime against peaceful Canadians because it was easier to attack Canadians than talking to them one on one.

  12. I hope this is not going to be another waste of tax payers money. Guilty or not Trudeau seems to walk away from everything with absolutely no consequences!

  13. I find it interesting how they talk about the disruption of safety, and supply and are/were willing to use this act against the truckers, BUT, they weren’t willing to do the same against the pipeline blockade, who actually caused damage and proved a menace to public and private property. Not only that, they didn’t in any way shape or form even attempt to speak with the truckers, where they were willing to do that with the pipeline terrorists….AND, the pipeline terrorists cost the government and Canada pretty much the same amount of money….where was this act at that time? You would have actually have been justified back then…

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