President Trump has declared a national emergency over coronavirus, said he "doesn't take responsibility" for the lag in testing. On Friday House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced a deal on a coronavirus aid package that would ensure free testing and paid emergency leave. But what do these measures mean for daily life, and will they be enough to prevent coronavirus from overwhelming the health care system?
National emergency: Bracing for influx of coronavirus cases in US – Day That Was | MSNBC

Does anyone still think government “protects us”?
If a groups of people decide to eat a few of them, then they will.
More like want infected us
Wellcome to China.
@Matt Webb In cae you were not paying attention, there was a major shift in between the Depressin and Vietgnam when the Democrats became the champion of the little guy and the Republicans became the voice of the segregationists and bankers. Linoln would not be allowed near a Trump rally.
It protects the established system, not people
Cram a bunch of possibly exposed folks together for hours and what did you expect? Have government officials lost their minds!
trump and fox “news” are criminal
@Hana Ayo Alemayehu
Both Bernie, and Joe are idiots…
Its zero hundred human made virus takes out poor in every nation. Wake up who’s the truth about the Corona virus. The government and CDC don’t know Jack what they’re talking about. Here’s a doctor who’s studied and has a PhD in this field. he’ll break it down to you what’s really going on. Let’s quit the fear tactics
Harry Truman; “ the buck stops here”.
Trump;” I except responsibility for nothing at all”. Leadership at it’s best?
Typical liberal, hoping to God the virus destroys the American economy and kills 2 million people so Trump loses the election in November.
@Mark I hope he wins again just to see liberals lose their mind for another 4 years.
@Mark lmao all YOU can think about is this. You have no idea what liberals are like. Why don’t you go and actually speak to one.
Albin M Yes I know exactly what they are like. My stepmother, half brother and sister are bleeding heart liberals. Kind of a strange statement, are you drinking?
@Mark no, it’s more strange to think that they represent the entire group.
nobody cares about people, its all just about money.
@Harold Moore
Move along fool. Also work on your reading comprehension
@Matt Webb What part of Sander’s platform is communist? Also, his resume is posted online now. You can see what he did before he was mayor.
@Nate Hoffman
Double check if you don’t believe facts. He never had a real job before the age of 40. He also give praise to communist dictators, and nations. He claims that Castro had a literacy program. Do you know what that program was? He also praise Venezuela up until they collapsed. He honeymooned in communist Russia for God sake, how much more do you need?
Matt Webb Bernie is for the people the longest serving independent & it’s about integrity in politics which Trump has zero knowledge of

Trump supporters are just like him confused as
@Minerva Cintron
Interesting. Did he use integrity during the land scam?
I don’t think so, but for that matter I don’t exactly expect anyone in office to be a moral compass. I want someone that does what they were elected on.
But as for dirt, you can find wrong with anyone, if you search for it.
Bernie as a senator got nothing done at all. In the Hilldabeast’s own words “Nobody likes him, or will work with him.”
So let’s not worry about Bernie making it to the highest office. It will never come to pass, the Democratic party (DNC) has pretty much sealed it for creepy Grandpa Joe Biden!
We haven’t had a fire in awhile, let’s save a few bucks and lay off the fire department. Trump continues to display his self proclaimed “genius”.
Hey Faggioni, Obama cut pay to military personel, cut their training budget and money to upgrade equipment. He did that during a freakin war. What’s wrong with you?
@Astrobrant2 he’s been trying to close our borders and build the wall for 3.5 years now. You democrats stop him from building the wall, then give him crap about not getting it done? You’re not mentally stable, I hope you don’t have kids around you.
@Kilgore Trout Right. You can’t debate or educate people like that. They’re a cult. The only thing we can do is condemn them, shame them, and expose their ignorance and stupidity to the point where at least _some_ of them decide not to vote in November.
Trump is all about eliminating and destroying anything that Obama had started just to pump up his ego
After reading all these replies from liberals it’s obvious why conservatives won in 2016. Even with all the dark money and support from Bloomberg, Soros, Rothchilds they still lost. It’s the dumbing down of America. A Democrat Congress 78 and older the pull up bunch it’s crippling our country and Republicans will take congress and add senators.
They call it sluggish reaction. Looks more like sabotage of an agency leading to dereliction of duty.
@Yousavedbro Heaven Bound We aren’t here watching Fox.
PS: Jesus would be very much pro-welfare.
@Yousavedbro Heaven Bound You must never go to hospital! Only the miracle of prayer!
@Yousavedbro Heaven Bound your gonna get sick…
@Yousavedbro Heaven Bound and trump is more and more like littlehorn every day yet you christers take his word as gospel.
@clownin dan Jesus Christ is my protector..your declarations me means nothing. Be careful what you say with that god-given tongue of yours. God teaches you’ll reap what you sow. I pray to God you turn from your wicked curses to Jesus Christ blessings. I’ll write to you in a month and let you know I’m a good in Jesus Christ name. And I will still be speaking out against wicked socialism
Sounds like someone who has never taken
responsible for anything. Failed business’s, casinos, banks… what else!? Oh, I know failed as a president.
@StephanS your numbers are curious
@mymovetube You watched the debate correct lol. President Trump would destroy both of those 2 morons combined.
@Paul Belardo Again, I’m not the one watching Fox.
Given they needed the fairness doctrine out of the way to even get off the ground, they’re the real fake news. But what can you expect from the “news” station that calls itself “entertainment in a news format”.
@Paul Belardo Remember, the sound of windmill’s cause cancer.
I can continue listing all the moronic things Trump has ever said.
I applaud the people stating facts. People like Thugsy challenging these trolls & Trumpists. But as usual they respond with Trump’s greatest hit “fake news”. Not once have any of em disputed the lying cheating the failures as a businessman. Best to ignore em. Don’t need the CNN NBC & MSNBC to tell ya anything you shouldn’t already see or know about him. He gets in front of you every day every tweet and shows you who he truly is. If that line, “I don’t claim any responsibility” doesn’t wake a lot of you up @ this point? Ya there ain’t any hope for you
Trump only takes credit , not responsibility. That , he delegates to others !
Run along little PETUH Petrov
@StephanS Well that’s because tRUMP is guilty and the most useless president in American history.
You idiots! The virus is a hoax, get over it.
Hes like a Pitcher who takes credit when the team wins, and blames the lineup and coaches when they lose. Hes a child in the outfield picking dandelions and waving to his mom in the bleachers, except hes evil like Chucky.
@Anne Marie I think your hatred is more so.
Sick paid leave is not mandatory for the BIG companies.It is estimated that only 20% of the working class have a right to be paid when they are sick. 80% is dependent on the policies of their employer. And we all know their priorities. It is a shame.
Expect millions of Americans filing for unemployment insurance and food stamps.
. Also why is it that the UK and Canada come to the United States for treatment, if they have it so good? The rich of those countries also like slave harvested parts from China….
There is no such thing as free health care
So what happens when you get cancer @ 38…Make it through 2 years of chemo for 1.6 million…7 years later your stuck on were recieving $110 of snap…afdective April 1 st dud to budget cuts you now reciece $77 in snap….Get a job, Awsome glad employers will not hire me, no recent job history…40k in student loan debt…..Yep go find that non existant better job…Why don’t you enter the hiriing process and find out it is a joke….
@lextacy2008 Then I would suggest you move to one of the fore mentioned countries and be completely happy. It seems you lack any potential of illumination, don’t ya.
Matt Webb They don’t. The only time people from the U.K. come to the USA for medical treatment is when they need specialists who have done research into diseases which are rare and are willing to treat the patient, all payed for I might add by the British healthcare service or in rare cases by donations.
Asking a narcissist to take responsibility for his actions (or the lack of them) is going to be rejected out of hand immediately, as your broadcast clearly shows……..just sayin’
@Toward Treatise I said I’d report u because u keep addressing me although u know that we can only agree that we’ll never agree. and, nobody cares to change u, but u trump-pence-barr-ists WILL NEVER EVER RULE NOR CONTROL NOR DETERMINE IN ANY SINGLE WAYS OUR PROGRESSIVE LIVES, RIGHTS AND INTERESTS! so, separate all u want but only in your repukkke voting rural outbacks! GTFO of Washington DC because Washington DC is the capital of America and the most Democratic and Progressive in America!
Vel S you asked me questions in the same comments you said I should be silenced. Vel S all of your caps words here are why we should have the individualism of the separation of powers. We can agree. After all the federal government is useful to unite us as long as it doesn’t improperly control us. Will it follow the law? Let’s figure out the US on the matter before we globalize more than we have to. The stakes are high that way don’t u think? You’d really find Harvard’s January 2020 law review fascinating I think.
Vel S I am not for everything Barr has said or anyone else. And my avatar is James Madison.
@Toward Treatise …. but you are for some things barr has said? if you don’t realize how much disgusting in every way barr is, then, you’re nevertheless wasting my time.
James Madison I respect. However I prefer Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Vel S well thank you for letting me waste your time, rather than silence me via a corporate monopoly with a proven party bias on the matter, acting as a publisher as much as a platform. I appreciate it. No more to hate speech laws seeking to silence the people. Otherwise I enjoyed talking to you, thanks for an informed and passionate chat.
My God when a grown man doesnt want to take responsibility for the things he had done that is so miserable and shameful. Stand up with your chin held high and accept responsibility, be a man for once
You can’t really expect a man who draws fake lines on weather maps, because he can’t admit making a simple mistake, to admit an extremely serious one.
Any man who draws fake lines on a weather map, rather than admit he made a minor mistake, is not going to admit it when he makes a serious one. Trump is a psychopath.
When Trump says “nasty question” everyone else hears EXCELLENT QUESTION.
Hei I am Chinese kid and I need some Bat Soup please baby
That’s a great comment!!! Love it!
@Mari Oka Thanks baby
It was less than a week ago that Trump and Fox was calling COVID-19 a hoax.
The only hoax is Trump and Fox faux news.
Coronavirus doesn’t care what tRump calls it, it is overwhelming the world.
And, there was no need for a zombie apocalypse.
Greg – the hoax was the dems saying he wasn’t doing anything to fight corona
@Hi it’s me it’s ignorant people like you that lets this criminal we call a president lie. No,he was calling it a hoax along with fox fake news they said it was something the Democrats made up to bring him down, are you f****** kidding me! He dismantled the office for pandemics when he started. And now we’re so far behind. Shortage on testing kit, shortage on everything. He’s not a leader and he’s not a president and in the November he’s out of the White House and he should be heading to the big house.
I love how Trump can just make up a claim like he saved thousands of lives already.
Not Mexican children in cages.
Why not? He pretty much makes everything else up. What’s being a saviour to a few thousand lives?
Thank you for saying the word ‘lied’…. No one seems to put it like it is.
He’s so insanely absolutely disgusting

What makes you so great?
Neahkelli 4 more years.
“No I don’t take responsibility at all” ENOUGH SAID!! Vote blue so this sh!!t show will come to an end!!
cindy rogers never!
@GOVTISTHEPROBLEM : You better should. For your Family, for your life and for your country.
Something no normal president would say: “I take no responsibility at all”
Not a normal president… takes responsibility for things he hasn’t done denies stuff he has done, what do you expect
Trump always says “nasty” when he feels threatened by a woman.
He only said that about Hillary.
Most liberal democrat women aren’t proving the contrary.
@Mr Deplorable2020 <--- "This channel doesn't have any content" @Mr Deplorable2020 <--- Most likely another *Foreign Infiltrator* ... posing as if a Red Hat
Poor thing! The privation and horrors you’re experiencing are inhumane and terrifying! The perpetual anxiety of your existence is incomprehensible! Your suffering is far beyond that of any other human being! Be brave! Be courageous! Try to find your voice as you embrace your authentic self, as a self-actualized and human-potentialized victim of life.
@Kshir Sagar

No sick leave paid = me showing up for work if I get infected