NASA's Mars rover seeks ancient alien life.
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NASA's 'Perseverance' rover is equipped with two microphones, 23 cameras, seven scientific instruments, plus a drone helicopter.
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I would like to know just one thing? If the bible says the world is a flat surface with the waters encompassed with bounds until the day and night come to an end. Why then do you have a spinning globe behind you in your church? Wouldn’t that be a heresy?
Who out there calls themselves good Christians. Who out there knows the bible. You cannot both argue for the Globe and know the Creator. The globe is the work of Satan. Period! My own mother asked what difference does it make if the earth is flat or Spherical?
It makes all the difference in the world. It’s the difference between the big bang and the Creation of this beautiful plane.
Isaiah 11:12 speaks of “the four corners of the world.” Also revelations 7:1 the same thing “Four corners of the world” what sphere have you ever seen that has four corners?
1 chronicles 16:30 “Therefore the world is established and cannot be moved” Cannot be moved? I would say this is self explanatory.
Psalms 93:1 and 96:10 Both the same thing. “The world is set firmly in place and is an immovable object.”
So if the world is not spinning or circling around the sun, it must mean the world is not moving and our universe revolves around us. Like our ancestors knew. The earth is flat and has a dome cover.
1 Samuel 2:8 “For the pillar of the Lord are his and he has set the world upon them.” Pillars? Hmm! I don’t see pillars in any of NASA’S photos of earth from space.
Geniuses 1:6 “And God said let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from above from the waters below.” I’m not a scientist, however many experiments exist where water can be bent with electromagnetic energy and sound cybernetic. How’s that work? I don’t know. That would be a better question to answer for us.
Isaiah 44:24 “I am the Lord who made all things, who alone stretched out the heavens, who alone spread out the earth by myself.” If I’m to understand this verse you don’t stretch something out by rolling it into a ball.
Job 11:8 “It is as high as heaven; what cans’t thou do; It is deeper than hell; what cans’t thou know.” Again you can’t have height or debt on a heliocentric globe in an ever expanding universe because the earth is flat and under a dome.
Job 11:9 “The measure there off is longer than the earth and broader than the sea” Doesn’t say “longer than the sphere and broader than the curvature.” You can’t have a length and breadth on a sphere unless changing the wording in the bible. You can however have both a length and width on a flat plane.
Colossians’ 2:8 “Beware let’s any men who spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of man, after the rudiments of the world.”
Timothy 6:20 “Beware of false science.” My understanding of false science would fall under the category of pseudoscience. Science based on inaccurate equations. Like Einstein’s theory of relativity. Newton’s theory of gravity. Copernicus, Galileo, Aristotle, and Columbus. All wrong, all pseudo science equations based on the NWO! The earth is flat and has a dome over it
Corinthians 3:19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. Romans 3:4 “Let God be true and all men liars.” Need I say anymore?
Exodus 20:4 Thou shalt not make unto the any graven images or anything of it’s likeness of that which is in heaven above, or that there in the earth beneath.”
Job 26:10 “He hath compassed the water with bounds until the day and night come to an end.” What is “Compassed” meaning? To set a boundary or perimeter. Why is the Antarctic on the globe called the Antarctic Circle? Because these boundaries are the ends of the earth and are what hold our seas at sea level. Yet they depict it with a ship falling over the edge. Pfff!
This is just a few biblical proofs that the earth we live on is a contained system and those teaching anything different are liars. Because the earth is flat and not a sphere and not spinning.
In close I ask. Have you studied the scriptures of the bible yourself as I have. Have you ever been taught or heard of these scriptures I’ve quoted for you today. Have you ever heard of these scriptures at all? Probably not!
How can anyone question another’s context of the world without learning the scriptures meaning themselves. Don’t listen to me, laugh at me, mock me, but don’t listen to others. Instead learn of the context with your own understanding, not mainstream media, or what the liars of NASA would tell you.
If you go to church ask your minister of these scriptures. Ask him what their meaning is . You’ll get a lot of, “Well uh the uh, hmm well” followed with “let me get back to you about that.”
So if you wish to mock me, or beat down the truth you could never be on a higher understanding of our existence. To search the truth with your own studies is enlightenment. To accept pseudoscience and men with false tongues, and deceitful lies is cognitive dissident and bares ignorance. Without a true investigation on your own you can never be free as I am today.
The church of God is within us. Not in a building to listen to a minister who doesn’t teach this valuable information, these very informative, and self explanatory scriptures.
The globe that we cling to is nothing but pseudo science. A pagan object our education system, religious leaders and politicians have shoved down our throats since entering a classroom. You know as children, when we are at an age where we can’t substantiate an argument. So we become indoctrinated and keepers for the government yourselves. You sad Christians.
You can not challenge me by simply arguing it’s what you’ve been told. For my argument in turn would be what I’ve learned, what I’ve studied, what I’ve put my heart into understanding. Seeking the truth fully on my own with my own senses. It Would serve you better to do the same.
One last thing of thought. Why would they address climate control as the greenhouse effect. Doesn’t a house have a roof, an overhead, a “DOME”
I’ve said before. “They put the truth right under your nose but blind you with a plethora of lies.” Like Hillary Clinton who says. “One of these days we’re going to break through that highest ceiling of all.” THE DOME!!! Yet tells you it’s about equality for women rights. Bullshit! Wake up! Worship God and thank him alone. For it was he alone that gave mother earth and our beautiful lives.
Sent with kind thoughts.
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