NASA says this is what a black hole sounds like | Space news #shorts #shortsyoutube

NASA discovered that pressure waves sent out by a black hole caused ripples that could be translated into a note – now they've converted that data into a sound humans can hear.

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NASA says this is what a black hole sounds like | Space news #shorts #shortsyoutube


  1. Can’t wait for someone to take this sound and put it into clips from the movie Event Horizon. You know the one. lol

  2. Of course it would sound this way. Its devouring every living soul in it path. I’d expect the river of lost souls to sound like this too.💀

  3. What we know as sound travels thru the air, if there is no air in space, how can sound be produced?

  4. So let me get this straight – blackholes are able to bend time and space with their mere existence, they can devour light itself, they can survive for trillions of years and can swallow entire stars?

    How has no one started a religion over these yet? That’s literally the closest thing to a lovecraftian horror

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