NASA released the first colour images sent back from Mars by the Perseverance rover.
The rover successfully landed on Feb. 18 and will explore the red planet for signs of ancient microbial life.
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How are they gonna collect the samples ?
The samples come from Greenland
The European space agency is going to send another rover who will fire the samples to an orbiting satellite, which will then send the samples back to Earth, it’s really cool
I think the Rover itself will collect some I can’t say for sure tho.
@Dune Arksmith hahahahaha
@Tuna Sammich What? did you forget how cars are made these days? of ya that’s right, MACHINES.
Machines can collect dirt samples *face palm*
Cant wait to live there!
Nothing but CGI
Who hurt you?
And crappy cgi at that. Lol
Yep. Storytelling for adults.
@Mary Noonan can you show me what led you to believe this is cgi
Anyone who believes this nonsense has rocks for brains
@The Post how the ef would you know if I can’t stop talking about your drooling helmet wearing crap eating hero?
Please none of you reproduce
@Aspect Productions You’ve made the evidence quite clear.
I wonder if they filmed this in the same studio as the Apollo moon landing.
That’s some amazing wifi you guys got
Devon Island, Canada A.K.A MARS
Hey I ve been to that beach it’s in Canada!
Just curious… if these micro organisms are considered “life” … explain to me again how a to-be aborted fetus isn’t “life”?
It is life. However that doesn’t mean that you aren’t allowed to have it aborted.
@Leutrell Bodden that’s a fair response, my argument is just that it seems if we discovered microbial life on Mars, it would be treated with greater care and dignity than an unwanted child on Earth.
what if a girl is raped? should she be forced to have the baby and raise it when she did not ask for it?
@TheFoxfourty8 I know but the baby is still an innocent victim too. Often girls carry the child to term and adopt it out.
Why was there no real footage of the landing
There is. They have more important things to do with the limited bandwidth right now though. There is one photo of curiosity getting lowered from the sky cam if you search for it fyi. More higher def photos and video will be released in the coming weeks.
Because there is no footage, no one can go to Mars.
@TrueLove bingo
Because it would take to long to send back to earth and it would use lots of the rovers energy
Microbial life… small little cells are life on Mars… but a human fetus isn’t on earth
. Women’s choice yes, but let’s call abortions what they really are.
Who cares.
We do
Brain wielding human beings
LMFAO! Mars? Sure whatever
So what have you been up to lately? probably not something as impressive as getting a rover onto mars.
NASA and Mars and space exploration… Storytelling for adults. All the world is a stage.
Let me get my tinfoil hat out James.
You can say that and believe in the Bible at the same time
@BIDEN 2020 Just remember; your hat will amplify certain frequencies: those in the 2.6 Ghz (allocated for mobile communications and broadcast satellites) and 1.2 Ghz (allocated for aeronautical radio-navigation) bands.
@Joe Skins I’ve seen more truth in the Scriptures than anything NASA has released. NASA destroyed their credibility long ago.
@King James Bible Believer 1611 Can you back that up I can see the ISS orbit over my house but I haven’t seen demons or angels
Flat Earthers are pissed!
Don’t you know, earth is the only flat planet, the rest are round, flat earhers all around the globe agree with this.
i don’t see how there coulda been water
because the water woulda been frozen
and woulda stayed frozen this entire time
the way that i see it
There getting 55 million dollars a day to make up stories about flying into space.
Lets see. Rocket scientists with PHDs in Physics managing to do incredible, groundbreaking work vs some dude on youtube named “riley’s dad mike” that most likely delivers skids of 2x4s to local lumber yards. How can we possibly choose who to listen to?!
How come we never get video and like 4k or 8k quality
Because it’s Mars, not LA.
Spiritually I’m wonder why is mars their or Pluto. So kewl tho
Is that how you wanted that sentence to go?
Waste of money.