NASA is launching a study on unidentified aerial phenomena, commonly known as UFOs. The group of 16 people will gather data on unidentifiable events in the sky and release its findings to the public in mid-2023. CNN's Kristin Fisher reports. #CNN #News
NASA launches study on ‘unidentified aerial phenomena’

Awesome that Nasa is digging deeper, sucks that some of the classified stuff won’t be available when that’s what really matters.
@R G Some agency want their top secret UAV program to remain secret?! Truly shocking.
They are NOT extraterrestrials , they own this planet called earth because they are the big dogs on earth
, they live inside the earth , they have hundreds of thousands of years of advance technology ahead of humanity.
They could easily rid the earth’s surface of all humans but they are not dangerous , just curious .
@The Big Picture “the videos are only classified if they reveal information about US capabilities or strategies”.
No, this is not true.
Information is classified as to what kind of harm the information can do if the confidentiality is breached.
This includes the information itself, not just what kind of technology was used to obtain it.
Aliens are probably confused as to why we are destroying the only home that we have !
How are we destroying our planet?
Or they are interested that we have achieved the construction of such destructive tech.
It’s not just that the planets are far away. There is a massive amount of deadly radiation all over the universe.
Not to mention the fact that breaking the speed of light is most likely, The only thing on the planet that is so close to nearly impossible to get around
@Jeremy Pace traveling faster than light would be to slow you’d haft to figure out how to bend space . Or travel through black holes / different different dimensions
@Jorden Risley They step down the frequency of vibration from the etheric to the physical.
@Jeremy Pace Dude… imagine an intelligent race is out there that is a million years more advanced than us. If it’s possible to travel interstellar, they’ve probably figured it out… We know next to nothing about the true nature of our universe, using strictly Newtonian physics is obviously not the answer. More than likely we would have to tinker with the laws of the universe somehow, it won’t be possible if we have to obey them…
If they are “just visiting “, their technology must be very advanced. For the time it takes for Earthlings to pay a visit, its either a one way trip or another lifetime to learn of the outcome.
@KGS _71 note that they said they *only* happen in specified testing sites and follow the laws of physics. Anything outside of those parameters is not easily explainable as military testing.
They are NOT extraterrestrials , they own this planet called earth because they are the big dogs on earth
, they live inside the earth , they have hundreds of thousands of years of advance technology ahead of humanity.
They could easily rid the earth’s surface of all humans but they are not dangerous , just curious .
@Francis Hurley Are we missing another zero? Seems a little quick to me?

@meanderingNekomata~ I think that equating being millions of years older with being more advanced isn’t the brightest idea. Millions of years is just more opportunity for civilizations to fall, whether it be they go out like the dinosaurs or something like climate change. More time just equals more random chaos. Humanity doesn’t always move forward either, some people reject science and technology in favor of religion and there’s no reason to think aliens wouldn’t be the same. In contrast to how many thousands of years old our species is, we’ve only very recently begun to make scientific advancements. Everything we’ve accomplished could all be snuffed out in the blink of a eye. We’re not a very robust species and there’s so many of us that any significant changes to our planets temperature could spell the end. A volcano, meteor, or nuclear event could literally plunge the planet into darkness, kill all of our crops, and potentially end the entire species. So, no, I don’t think being older means you’ll have better technology. I think it just increases the chances of nature inevitably resetting itself and starting all over again.
@Chip in4seven yup. You’re right. That’s what I get for not proof reading my comments
It’s just recently alot of unidentified flying objects been showing like it’s normal
It’s definitely ramping up. I feel disclosure is coming soon within the next decade or two.
Anyone who factually has witnessed unidentified aerial phenomena never denies having seen something seemingly unearthly. Personal example, years ago camping in Moab (UT) we were sleeping under the stars. Each is silent inside his sleeping bag. In the upward distance appears an extra large satellite passing overhead. Suddenly the glowing object instantly changes its trajectory to a vertical climb. Within seconds after that change in direction and velocity it vanishes. None says anything. We all fall asleep. At breakfast, cooking eggs and eating oatmeal, someone blurted: I Saw A UFO Last Night. Then everyone unanimously voices his having witnessed the same phenomena. At that time, each agrees on the description of the object that had been seen and about how it moved and vanished. Witness an inexplicable event as that remains unforgettable. Rock on!
@mario st-onge Umm ..,.. Ummm……. Ummmmmmm…..
I’m guessing that you’ve never heard of Science?
@Ralph Umm ..,.. Ummm……. Ummmmmmm…..
Why would you say that I’ve never heard of science ?
Only because I shared an amusing guess of where these weird aerial phenomenons could come from ?
And that my guess would ” explain ” how ” they ” could be visiting the earth without having to travel for thousands of years or at least a minimum of five years at the speed of light , 300000 kilometers per second .
Notice that I used the word guess and not theory , because I do know science and I know what the word theory means in science.
I saw something similar. It was just the spotlight at the airport. “Wait, it will come around again,” said my dad. After 20 seconds…. zip it went! It looked like it was moving 1000s of miles an hour. And as it turned towards clearer sky it too vanished.
We still do not know everything about the winds in the upper atmosphere. A weather balloon or some other artifact could have been trapped and thrown at high speed into one of these powerful wind currents. There are so many rational explanations to this phenomenon without having to invoke the little green men to be behind this.
@Robert Gagne Weather balloons and those ‘other’ possibilities were ruled out. A balloon cannot travel against wind at high speeds or drop from extreme altitudes to sea level without the effects of inertia.
Have you watched the militaries leaked footage? It’s ridiculous to think the objects we’ve seen on video and also observed on radars could be anything but intelligently controlled crafts… The only different possibilities I can conjure are radar glitches and mass hallucination, not likely though… they have at least a thousand more of these videos and radar images that haven’t been released.
@Neal Anderson Yes but like I said, chances are that what we are seeing are different phenomena that we’ve grouped together for the majority of cases. The only compelling video I’ve seen that I can recall off the top of my head is the Fravor (sorry if I spelled it wrong) footage and that’s it. And let’s say that was a craft that was performing those insane moves, that still doesn’t prove it’s aliens, it’s still unquantifiably more likely that it’s part of some country’s secret government program than it being aliens. The odds of it being aliens are just way too low, and the evidence too little to be convincing (I mean the video isn’t even evidence for it being aliens, the video is evidence for it being an advanced craft but that’s it). Sorry if this isn’t coherent lol I’ve had insomnia so I haven’t really slept for a while
Edit: I also want to add that I’ve seen a ton of Fravor’s interviews on podcasts and news stations and his story is also compelling.
I’ve seen that exact shape ufo in New Zealand. It was grey like a rectangle box zipping in and out of clouds. Myself and 5 workmates saw it and recorded n took photos of it. I thought it was a human made drone but it was moving way too fast
@Ralph yes I stil hv the video and photos I took
@westsideAUKILANI that’s exactly what the air force pilot reported seeing. Anyway you can share these videos?
@westsideAUKILANI I’m guessing that you are just too shy to post these photos and video?
Also I’m hoping that they aren’t all out of focus and blurry. Like almost all “evidence” of ET. Not doubting you have photos but I hear a lot about proof. I just never see any proof.
I’ve seen light doing very unusual things. Even very rapidly ascending out of sight. My friend calls them a “rich man’s toy”. I just call them lights.
@Ralph il re upload in next hour n send yu link. Let me knw wat you think
@Ralph I’m still not convinced, im thinking it’s a man made drone tbh but its movements suggest other wise
It’s about time somebody finally took serious what a lot of us already know is in the skies above us! We the inhabitants of this Earth deserve the truth about what is out there so that we can all be prepared for the inevitable!
and what is that?
Yeah, a whole lot of nutters will be grabbing their guns hoping to blast them out of the sky.
NASA’s been looking into this for decades. It’s part of their job to do so.
I believe a lot of this stuff has been going on for years being a truck driver and driving at night on I-95 you would see a lot of their crazy lights .
Oh how naive we must be to think that NASA has not “studied” this already.
just after the fall of the berlin wall and the end of the cold war and the detente that followed many subjects were raised during radio or television debates among others of these subjects the subject of extraterrestrials flying saucers
a speaker on a radio show in the mid-1990s hypothesized that these unidentified flying machines are simply means of intercontinental transport where a handful of people are on board
in case of necessity these machines fly very high and at a very high speed *
A LOT of people have “seen something”. They just don’t talk about it out of fear of ridicule.
@Ian Evans Yes we have Sherlock Holmes, we have all seen something.
@[Hashknight Gaming] I mean, they’ve shut down our nukes before
Wouldn’t it be something if what was really going on was a second technological species here but, in the depths of the oceans.
At the fort lauderdale fishing peer, around 9 pm , I saw a spaceship come out of the ocean about a mile or so out there. It was clear to me and my girlfriend , cause we could see the ship start to spin( it was round like a saucer) and took off north and within seconds, it was gone…just like that! believe it or not…. this happen 30 years ago….omg time flies!
Have you ever heard of UFO documentarian, James Fox? All of his docs are the best of the best.
when people ask me if i believe in aliens i always say the same thing, *”hell yeah! don’t you believe in the law of probability”*
but i ain’t ever seen an alien or ufo but it’d be cool to see one just to know with _certainty_
Same w me. I was up north Canada in my late twenties, and saw a shooting star do a severe right angle. I will never question the existence of outer life since then. That was my certainty.
I don’t think that “our problem” of distance between stars is a problem for ancient beings millions of years old.
Good on you CNN
finally putting out news that affects all of humanity!
I would say “Finally!” except I’m fairly certain they have been studying this phenomenon since their inception in ’57/’58. Only difference is now their admitting to it.
These are space flys
Wouldn’t it be funny if UFOs are actually dark matter and it’s been staring us in the face this whole time? It would at least explain how they can move around at such speeds without seeming to interact with the atmosphere.