NASA and SpaceX launch the first operational flight of the Crew Dragon from Cape Canaveral to the International Space Station.
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#NASA #SpaceX #InternationalSpaceStation #CrewDragon
Здравствуйте, За всё время обращений к общественности через интернет не один блогер или деятель не взялся помочь нам (осветить со своего канала и т д) только некоторые,простые люди откликнулись, СПАСИБО ВАМ!
Моя же история -это крик души,с которой нам ни как не справиться без помощи! Интересно не будет, будет ЖЕСТЬ !
Последнее место службы атомный подводный крейсер стратегического назначения”Юрий Долгорукий”, проект 955., АПК 4 покален я “БОРЕЙ”, участвовал в успешных испытаниях ракет “Булава”.
Сокращаю историю на сколько ВОЗМОЖНО!
Только человек имеющий понимание о том, что в жизни судьба не справедлива порой с теми кто этого совсем не заслуживает! Несовершенство законодательства РФ привело к тому, что я с детьми фактически буду БОМЖем.
Я военный пенсионер, пенсионное дело МД-60139, ст. мичман запаса, 23 года выслуги !
В 2007 году министр обороны по профессии “плотник” Сердюков помните такого!? И ему подобные дормоеды придумал военную ипотеку в целях экономии для расхищения и подкорма своих корманных Банкиров ! Раньше военнослужащие отслужившие более 20 лет получали сертификаты на жилье сразу после выхода на пенсию. Я попадал под сертификат, но в связи с этим нововведением часть военнослужащих в приказном порядке заставили написать рапорта для того, чтобы они стали участниками ипотеки этой проклятой, Я был в их числе!!
За время прохождения службы в районе Крайнего Севера в тяжёлых условиях я заболел, появились хронические заболевания несовместимые с службой.
В 2016 г. Я был отправлен на пенсию.
Квартиру в которой я проживал ещё до службы во время службу пришлось ослужебить, а для того, чтобы вступить в права ипотечной квартиры служебное жилье нужно было сдать! После увальнения платежи по военной ипотеке прекратились и я должен был платить самостоятельно. Так сложилось, что несколько раз пропустили платежи Из-за блокировки счетов по другим кредитам!! И начала углубляться эта Долговая яма!
Все карты периодически блокируются а не редко с переодичносью 2-3 раза в год с тех 50% пенсии судебные приставы частично, а порой и полностью переводят деньги создавая тем самым мне неудобства так как на них я писал жалобы (поэтому карта сбербанка Натальи Н).
В следствии пропусков платежей, наша несчастная однушка 28м° была продана с молотка в мае 2019г.
Жилье купил вместе с прописанными мной супругой и двумя детьми некий
Меридон Валера. Он разного рода действиями вынудил нас пока идёт судебное разбирательство, по выписке из жилья платить не только коммуналку но и аренду т. к. он стал СОБСТВЕННИКОМ и вся пенсия уходила ему. Я по началу отказался и не стал платить, а он ВСКРЫЛ дверь поставил свой замок! И все это при нас на глазах детей, менты по вызову даже не приехали, и видя свою ненаказанность эта сука отрезал подводку воды угрожая снять унитаз и т. д. Он вынудил всё-таки платить! Пришлось влазить в долги и все пенсию отдавать ему, что бы спокойно жить, теперь уже в его квартире!
Из-за пандемии суды переносились и так мы протянули всё лето.
В этот непростой период супругу
уволили и стало просто жесть!
Для моих деток McDonald’s раз в полгода стало прям событие, с кортошечкой за 35руб. + Гамбургер 49руб стало праздничной едой. Вот смотрю на них думаю а дальше то что!? И жить не хочется! Ведь
В нашей стране законы направлены на обнищание среднего класса граждан да его и нет одни богатые и бедные ! В античности у раба была крыша над головой. А сечас помощь правительства всем по 10 рублей, миллиардерам миллиарды в виде налоговых каникул и т д . А ещё правительство любит прощать долги Карее, Кубе, Монголии! Или Батьке подарить 1,5милиада долларов!
Этот комментарий поддерживает блогеров и помогает выводу их в Топ. А Так же, что бы привлечь внимание людей!
Иза самоизоляции попасть на приём к должностному лицу стало вообще невозможно. Я писал, обращался везде. администрации ВВП тоже ничего!
Товарищи не оскорбляйте меня! Не дай Бог с вами такое случится. Знайте попросить помощи, такой привилегией обладаем только мы ЛЮДИ! НЕ ВЕДИТЕ СЕБЯ КАК НЕ ЛЮДИ ПО ОТНОШЕНИЮ К Любому ЧЕЛОВЕКУ. Попросить это не это украсть!
Все сейчас заморочены своими проблемами!
А друзья и родные до тех пор являются таковыми пока от них не потребуется помощь..
Нмер карты сбербанка:
4817 7603 2595 1873 Наталья Н.
( 4817760325951873 ) или по номеру тел.
+79111618787 (это мой номер) он подключён к карте сбербанк Натальи Н. онлайн перевода по номеру тел..
Если вы ещё думаете,
Что детей выписать в НИКУДА не могут? На моём основном канале в YouTube ” Дима Ч. И.” Я выложил как судья вынесла решение о выселении меня и моей семьи на улицу из моего единственного жилья куда вложен мат. капитал! А у детей нет горантированного так сказать в главным законом страны,жилья.
Я буду добавлять на канал документы, всё что связано с моей бедой. У кого есть возможность Помогите. Я и дети с женой в будем Благодарны за помощь на найм жилья пока учебный год идёт, а потом в деревню в заброшенные дома их много по России Матушке.
+79111618787 WhatsApp можете связаться со мной И что бы мне здесь не писали (гадости) я не перестану взывать о помощи, когда все спосбы испробованы
Я такой-же пользователь YouTube как и ве остальные! Помощь моей семье это адресная помощь!Тем кто её заслуживает, я про мирное небо над вашей головой за частичку которого я заплатил здоровьем
“Дима Ч.И”. – это мой основной канал там все доказательства сказанного выше!!
Квартиру оставили, снял видио так новый собственик
даже кухню забрал су.. ! пришлось оставить т. к. квартира более года, по документам принадлежала не нам а уже ему
USMC This world is going through a transition from the Zeta extraterrestrial civilizations control over humanity for the last 13,000 years. We have been involved in this hidden war since April of 2016. This war will be completed in September of 2020. The Zeta’s have been directly controlling people of power and influence to carry out their agenda for humanity. They have followed bloodlines intentionally and historically. All Zeta’s will be removed and not a single Zeta will go unnoticed. The human element will continue to carry out the Zeta agenda of global depopulation since they are unaware of their removal and how deeply indoctrinated they are. The phrase used by President Trump constantly, “These People Are Sick” in the English/Jewish Gematria Calculator = Zeta. Gematria is used by President Trump and Q constantly to get out coded proofs. The Hidden War against the Invisible Enemy is against the Zeta extraterrestrial civilization. The New World Order is a Zeta agenda. This has been a Hidden Spiritual War of biblical proportions per say to remove the Invisible Enemy. With the Zeta’s out of the way President Trump and Patriots around the world are free to arrest those who were controlled directly and indirectly and that is occurring now. The one thing that ties all of these people directly controlled by the Zeta’s is Pedophilia, Satanic ritual, Pedovorism and much worse. Why, because this is the behavior of the Zeta’s, they eat people and are fond of children. History has been rewritten to control and conceal the Zeta influence over humanity for the last 6000 years. Does anyone believe people are this evil to each other with an Agenda called the New World Order and with another Agenda called “21” to achieve it. Zeta control has been responsible for all major wars of the past. The elites involved in this world won’t benefit by killing 95% of the world’s population if humanity were to experience this devastation. Their wealth will become worthless and so will their lives. When a person of importance or influence falls under Zeta control that control is absolute. Any threat of exposure or to these people and the Zeta agenda was dealt with in many ways including sudden death. They will have served a purpose and be killed when they are no longer needed. The Zeta agenda has been to reduce the global population because their control over humanity was threatened and the secret of their existence was in danger of being revealed. Zeta’s use people to control people and kill people. The primary weapon the Zeta’s used against humanity was they were unseen and were able to control a person’s behavior and thoughts at will. We remove the Zeta’s permanently from 22 collection points on Earth. We operate one of those collection points; This includes; NM, AZ, CA, CO,UT, NV, WY, MT, ID, OR, WA, HI and Alaska. The Provinces of; AB, BC, YT and NW Territories. The Eastern side of Asia and specifically China, Japan and Kamchatka. There are collection points on every continent and on the lunar surface. The underground bases and tunnel systems in which they occupied have been systematically destroyed using earthquake swarming by targeted high frequency bursts from space. The Zeta’s were then forced to go to one of the 22 collection points for immediate removal. The earthquake swarming still occurring is to finish collapsing these underground locations so they can never be used again. At our collection point we deactivate the crafts, flood them with water and put them in storage. We have more than 2100 of these crafts and counting stored in a mountain valley lake that was once an entrance to one of those underground Zeta bases with connections to many others. We have removed more than 295,000 entities of which more than 275,000 were Zeta’s from this one location. Two of these locations exist in North America. Globally more than 1.2 million have been removed. Only a few stragglers remain to be collected and removed, the location of every Zeta is known. Humanity has never been alone and several civilizations have been here and have had direct involvement in this war. In time the world will meet them. Humanity has two cousins that were directly enslaved in underground bases by the Zeta’s everyone will soon meet. You know them as Sasquatch who are the Nephilim of the past and the Small Grey Aliens of abduction scenarios. These people have been enslaved by the Zeta’s and used for various purposes. They were genetically changed in appearance only for the purposes in which they were used. They are as human as anyone else. Globally they are being freed from their enslavement. For the Sasquatch people 13,000 years and used for hard labor of underground construction. Prior to 6000 years both underground and above ground construction. They are the builders of Egypt’s pyramids, most major pyramids and monolithic structures globally. Pyramids were built for the purpose of power generation in underground bases. This is why some of these abandoned underground locations lack soot within them. These locations were abandoned for seismically active mountain locations beginning 6000 years ago. This change was made due to the human population growth. The Small Grey’s had this same situation done to them starting 9100 years ago. They were used as the geneticists for the Zeta’s and the face of Zeta secrecy. The reason for Zeta’s involvement with humanity was for the purpose of genetic farming. They are unable to reproduce and all are clones and maintained their population by cloning. Zeta’s also cloned people for numerous reasons such as food and sexual deviancy. What the Zeta’s desired most is the sensation of human sexuality and the people they directly controlled display the same behavior they so desired. This is what ties the people they directly controlled together, Pedophilia and much worse. The world will soon start to learn who these people and the sick behavior they have been involved with and the depth of control they have had over humanity going back 6000 years. History has been rewritten to control the masses and maintain Zeta’s secrecy. This is why human history mainly in all religious scripture of all major religions only goes back roughly 6000 years. Prior to that history is based on scientific research and a massive misuse of conjecture. With all this said the world will experience some pain as this transition takes place. Humanity is transitioning from enslavement that everyone was unaware of to absolute freedom. Everyone will be introduced to the true parents of humanity, the Pleiadian civilization who were forced to leave when the Zeta’s arrived. Your true name is not human or homosapien, it is Pleiadian. When you look up at the stars do you believe that everything was created exclusively for humanity. There are countless civilizations of all ages and advanced abilities. Humanity is very young and the Pleiadian’s started seeding themselves to this world 325,000 years ago. The word “God” is a Zeta word for Slave Master. The word “Satan” is the Zeta word for their Appointed Leader, which I am happy to say is dead. Satanic symbolism is the Zeta holographic language. You are Spirits using the mass of the human body so you can interact with your environment. The Spirit and the body evolve together. The body has a short life but the Spirit does not. It is Angels that give energy consciousness or purpose. This information is what the Zeta’s took away from humanity by naming themselves as your creator. It used to be the Gods then to the one God to reflect the whole of the Zeta civilization. The future is going to be beautiful and it is a great time to be living. Incarnates are very real and nothing can stop this. This was planned before everyone alive today was born. This is what the Great Awakening is truly about. Humanity is not alone and all will be disclosed in full in the near future. Nothing can stop this, “The Future Is Known” in the Gematria calculator = “Q, Your Gematrix Army” = “Heaven On Earth”. Do you believe in Angels? They are very real and originate from the oldest of civilizations. I must point out that the biblical description of “Fallen Angels” is a misleading Zeta character assassination of the truth. This is as brief as I make this information. Everything will be disclosed to humanity as time progresses. USMC
Must be scary
I want to learn this and go to the moon and space,

Just the fascinating joy of someone getting to experience such awesome ness and like I said I would love to do this one day
I have always been the one to want to look at it the moon and stars all he ours of the night, maybe one day I can join a mission trip to space and the moon
Another Milestone in History. This is Amazing people making Amazing Moves for Humanity!
Another complete deception, but enjoy…
Wow Fantastic!

just think about it in 10-20yrs if we survive this pandemic people will be able to live on the moon and visit frequently
so we have at least another 10 years of mental flat earthers
@Mark C well now you shouldn’t take things read in the bible outta context. Maybe people are looking at earth from a different perspective.
Outer space is fake. Rockets always end up flying horizontal.
Your stupidity level is infinite
It’s great to see women have now taken over space flight.
USMC This world is going through a transition from the Zeta extraterrestrial civilizations control over humanity for the last 13,000 years. We have been involved in this hidden war since April of 2016. This war will be completed in September of 2020. The Zeta’s have been directly controlling people of power and influence to carry out their agenda for humanity. They have followed bloodlines intentionally and historically. All Zeta’s will be removed and not a single Zeta will go unnoticed. The human element will continue to carry out the Zeta agenda of global depopulation since they are unaware of their removal and how deeply indoctrinated they are. The phrase used by President Trump constantly, “These People Are Sick” in the English/Jewish Gematria Calculator = Zeta. Gematria is used by President Trump and Q constantly to get out coded proofs. The Hidden War against the Invisible Enemy is against the Zeta extraterrestrial civilization. The New World Order is a Zeta agenda. This has been a Hidden Spiritual War of biblical proportions per say to remove the Invisible Enemy. With the Zeta’s out of the way President Trump and Patriots around the world are free to arrest those who were controlled directly and indirectly and that is occurring now. The one thing that ties all of these people directly controlled by the Zeta’s is Pedophilia, Satanic ritual, Pedovorism and much worse. Why, because this is the behavior of the Zeta’s, they eat people and are fond of children. History has been rewritten to control and conceal the Zeta influence over humanity for the last 6000 years. Does anyone believe people are this evil to each other with an Agenda called the New World Order and with another Agenda called “21” to achieve it. Zeta control has been responsible for all major wars of the past. The elites involved in this world won’t benefit by killing 95% of the world’s population if humanity were to experience this devastation. Their wealth will become worthless and so will their lives. When a person of importance or influence falls under Zeta control that control is absolute. Any threat of exposure or to these people and the Zeta agenda was dealt with in many ways including sudden death. They will have served a purpose and be killed when they are no longer needed. The Zeta agenda has been to reduce the global population because their control over humanity was threatened and the secret of their existence was in danger of being revealed. Zeta’s use people to control people and kill people. The primary weapon the Zeta’s used against humanity was they were unseen and were able to control a person’s behavior and thoughts at will. We remove the Zeta’s permanently from 22 collection points on Earth. We operate one of those collection points; This includes; NM, AZ, CA, CO,UT, NV, WY, MT, ID, OR, WA, HI and Alaska. The Provinces of; AB, BC, YT and NW Territories. The Eastern side of Asia and specifically China, Japan and Kamchatka. There are collection points on every continent and on the lunar surface. The underground bases and tunnel systems in which they occupied have been systematically destroyed using earthquake swarming by targeted high frequency bursts from space. The Zeta’s were then forced to go to one of the 22 collection points for immediate removal. The earthquake swarming still occurring is to finish collapsing these underground locations so they can never be used again. At our collection point we deactivate the crafts, flood them with water and put them in storage. We have more than 2100 of these crafts and counting stored in a mountain valley lake that was once an entrance to one of those underground Zeta bases with connections to many others. We have removed more than 295,000 entities of which more than 275,000 were Zeta’s from this one location. Two of these locations exist in North America. Globally more than 1.2 million have been removed. Only a few stragglers remain to be collected and removed, the location of every Zeta is known. Humanity has never been alone and several civilizations have been here and have had direct involvement in this war. In time the world will meet them. Humanity has two cousins that were directly enslaved in underground bases by the Zeta’s everyone will soon meet. You know them as Sasquatch who are the Nephilim of the past and the Small Grey Aliens of abduction scenarios. These people have been enslaved by the Zeta’s and used for various purposes. They were genetically changed in appearance only for the purposes in which they were used. They are as human as anyone else. Globally they are being freed from their enslavement. For the Sasquatch people 13,000 years and used for hard labor of underground construction. Prior to 6000 years both underground and above ground construction. They are the builders of Egypt’s pyramids, most major pyramids and monolithic structures globally. Pyramids were built for the purpose of power generation in underground bases. This is why some of these abandoned underground locations lack soot within them. These locations were abandoned for seismically active mountain locations beginning 6000 years ago. This change was made due to the human population growth. The Small Grey’s had this same situation done to them starting 9100 years ago. They were used as the geneticists for the Zeta’s and the face of Zeta secrecy. The reason for Zeta’s involvement with humanity was for the purpose of genetic farming. They are unable to reproduce and all are clones and maintained their population by cloning. Zeta’s also cloned people for numerous reasons such as food and sexual deviancy. What the Zeta’s desired most is the sensation of human sexuality and the people they directly controlled display the same behavior they so desired. This is what ties the people they directly controlled together, Pedophilia and much worse. The world will soon start to learn who these people and the sick behavior they have been involved with and the depth of control they have had over humanity going back 6000 years. History has been rewritten to control the masses and maintain Zeta’s secrecy. This is why human history mainly in all religious scripture of all major religions only goes back roughly 6000 years. Prior to that history is based on scientific research and a massive misuse of conjecture. With all this said the world will experience some pain as this transition takes place. Humanity is transitioning from enslavement that everyone was unaware of to absolute freedom. Everyone will be introduced to the true parents of humanity, the Pleiadian civilization who were forced to leave when the Zeta’s arrived. Your true name is not human or homosapien, it is Pleiadian. When you look up at the stars do you believe that everything was created exclusively for humanity. There are countless civilizations of all ages and advanced abilities. Humanity is very young and the Pleiadian’s started seeding themselves to this world 325,000 years ago. The word “God” is a Zeta word for Slave Master. The word “Satan” is the Zeta word for their Appointed Leader, which I am happy to say is dead. Satanic symbolism is the Zeta holographic language. You are Spirits using the mass of the human body so you can interact with your environment. The Spirit and the body evolve together. The body has a short life but the Spirit does not. It is Angels that give energy consciousness or purpose. This information is what the Zeta’s took away from humanity by naming themselves as your creator. It used to be the Gods then to the one God to reflect the whole of the Zeta civilization. The future is going to be beautiful and it is a great time to be living. Incarnates are very real and nothing can stop this. This was planned before everyone alive today was born. This is what the Great Awakening is truly about. Humanity is not alone and all will be disclosed in full in the near future. Nothing can stop this, “The Future Is Known” in the Gematria calculator = “Q, Your Gematrix Army” = “Heaven On Earth”. Do you believe in Angels? They are very real and originate from the oldest of civilizations. I must point out that the biblical description of “Fallen Angels” is a misleading Zeta character assassination of the truth. This is as brief as I make this information. Everything will be disclosed to humanity as time progresses. USMC
38:03 Why are these monitors so fuzzy; even numbers in large font are hardly readable. The whole capsule looks so fake. And they couldn’t find a real astronaut so bad that they had to use an ex-footballer as pilot??? Smells so fishy; but then again, anything Elon Musk does smells fishy.
23:26 Thank You very much, happy launch.
There are real ufo drone dragons flying around marina del Rey los angels every day. Anyone can record them. I have 1000 videos of them. Nov 15, 2020.
Wow the lift off had me in tears. So amazing
Ha ha ha….they got you again
Someone should ask the Japanese member if he enjoys whale meat !!