Naomi Osaka withdraws from French Open, cites mental health

CNN’s Rosemary Church speaks with former Wimbledon champion Pat Cash after tennis star Naomi Osaka announced her withdrawal from the French Open after refusing to speak to the media at the grand slam. The four-time major winner posted a statement on Twitter saying she was pulling out so that "everyone can get back to focusing on the tennis going on in Paris," adding that she would "take some time away from the court."

#CNN #News


  1. The talent is more important than these media obligations. Give her a break ffs. Couldn’t give AF about some silly questions from journalists.

    1. I love to watch her play ! But No excuse ! She is pro, if she can’t do her job including her obligation, she need to quit until she ready to be back for her business as other players does.

    2. @RICKEYDD that’s the game that’s the business she playing since she turned to Pro. That’s the way of this business.

  2. So if Naomi kills herself over depression, I don’t want to here “RIP, she should have reached out” “We care about mental health” from the tennis association.

    1. Not surprising is the fucing cnn viewer normies dont even realize the sequence of events that happened and they are being gaslighted by this girl. She did this entire thing through twitter instead of reaching out to french open officials and worked something out. After she put out this drama queen power play on twitter, officials reached out to her to work it out. She refused their phone calls. This was before they announced the fine situation because she didnt want to work with them honestly. After she did not get what she wanted in her manipulative power play, she then took it a huge step further and consulted her PR team then came up with the depression and anxiety stuff to come out on top as the victim and social media hero. There are no critical thinkers left in the world, which is why elections turn out as they do. BTW this entire thing is because she sucks on clay court and didnt want to answer any questions about it. She would never do this on a hard court tournament

  3. She got tired of answering the same stupid questions from people who want to catch something to make her look bad.🤡

    1. She plays with a ball. Literally that’s what she does. How could anything make her look bad and why would they want to make her look bad? She plays with a ball

  4. French “Stench” Osaka .
    Fame & Monetary gain must never be Compromised for the well being of Any Mind by Anyone, Anywhere @ Anytime . “ALL Minds Matter “

  5. She knows how the French oppress her Farther farthers i pray that she gets well never mind the press

    1. I like how that takes away from the sentiment of the message for you. Spoken like a true oppressor, @fred thompson
      I can only imagine what would have happened to you had you been on #Ayiti some 200 years ago.

    2. @snasty99 Do you want some cheese with your whine? Is “Ayiti” anything like Haiti- where innocent white people were murdered by savages?

    3. @fred thompson they got what was coming to them imo. and not for the color of their skin, but how they chose to treat innocent human beings. play with fire, you get burned.

    4. @snasty99 So you support murder of innocent women and children. But I bet you protest the police who accidentally kill drug addled thugs doin’t you?

  6. Bottom line: Osaka is being bullied. Full stop. If she had a broken leg, or seizures, or had a different physical disability, they would treat her differently.
    It’s disgusting behavior.

    1. Bottom line , you are a basic normie if you dont see what is really happening here. She did this entire thing through twitter instead of reaching out to french open officials and worked something out. After she put out this drama queen power play on twitter, officials reached out to her to work it out. She refused their phone calls. This was before they announced the fine situation because she didnt want to work with them honestly. After she did not get what she wanted in her manipulative power play, she then took it a huge step further and consulted her PR team then came up with the depression and anxiety stuff to come out on top as the victim and social media hero. There are no critical thinkers left in the world, which is why elections turn out as they do. BTW this entire thing is because she sucks on clay court and didnt want to answer any questions about it. She would never do this on a hard court tournament

  7. “I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it’s not the answer.” – Jim Carrey

    1. @Eduardo Oliveira He does not see you though. You are NOT the right race for him to care about so don’t you fell stupid. smdh

    2. I don’t think that Osaka’s health issue have anything to do with Trump rather it has a lot to do with social media and loss of privacy.

      She’s not the first celebrity seriously affected by fame and I think that Jim Carrey, once Hollywood’s best comedian, put it best – he did go crazy and had a major depression while being super rich and famous.

    3. @Eduardo Oliveira i see the kool aid didn’t work try Lysol instead and if that doesn’t work try swollow a torch light that might work

    1. Says the kid hiding behind a keyboard who’s never stepped foot on a playing field or court of any type…

  8. Thank you for opening the conversation about mental health. This issue needs to be normalized in our conversations.

  9. The French doing what they do best disrespecting a Haitian. You reap what you sow and I pray everyone involved with that disrespect gets what’s coming to them.

    1. You really have ruined my day. It was great, the best day. The best day ever. Now its ruined. And I will have to think of what you wrote the whole rest of the day. And how big and strong you are….

  10. There’s so much talk about treating health seriously between big institutions and sporting bodies, but all too often when it comes to treating mental health to the same standard as physical health, when genuine sacrifice is involved, these big bodies change their tune.

    Power to Naomi Osaka for standing up for her mental health and well-being. If she had a throat issue and was unable to speak, I bet they wouldn’t force her to do a press conference. This should be no different.

    1. Perfectly said and maybe others will muster up the courage and come forward and protect themselves before it’s too late.

    2. Company, management and everyone who’s not in her shoes can say we’re concerned about mental health…but not listening to those words!

      They can hear this and that…but when they don’t listen that’s when it’s dangerous! Think back on how many bosses treat employees that way?

    3. She should leave if she has a mental health problems ! Not giving any excuse not to do her obligation, it’s part of her job, her business and her task being a player. That’s how the game and business runs. She know it much better than us since she turned to Pro.

    1. Then she might want to give back that price money….Millions of people suffer from mental health problems without the luxury of 20 million Dollars…Crying on a major level..

    2. @Chris Seavers Typical pull yourself up by the bootstraps nonsense. Athletes are humans first and foremost. Money doesn’t equate to happiness or mental health. If she had cancer and couldn’t play should she have to give her money back? Mental health is health. Period. Mental illness untreated can lead to all kinds of problems and in the worse situations self harm.

    3. @John Rios so are Cops yet your history shows penalty of anti-cop rhetoric, police and military are paid way less then some idiot who plays a child’s game for a living. Stop making excuses for weak people i had to work the entire time covid started i caught covid and had to still work but i guess we can’t all be unbreakable.

    4. These idiot people they are talking nonsense about money they want her to die because of money idiot how much money you kill people for that your great-grandfather killing blood Money

    5. @Gibbons Gomez I also had Covid and had to work through the entire pandemic. However rather than making me less compassionate it has had the opposite impact. I also have many loved ones who are regular people who struggle with mental illness. I know people who are terrified of public speaking. Mental illness doesn’t mean someone is weak. Rather your lack of compassion and understanding points to lazy thinking and dangerous generalizations.

  11. Good on you Pat Cash for understanding people with mental issues … It’s something they don’t want to happen to them ….when it does you just can’t do much about it . It’s not something that you can just say it will go away tomorrow… even working with professional help does not work for a lot of people … stay strong Osaka ….

  12. I’m glad she did . I saw her after winning Australian open and looked out of focus when she had to talk to the crowd. Too much pressure.


    1. @Scott Summers if you want to know what someone you don’t even know has accomplished….seek help.

    2. @Scott Summers oh! What have I accomplished?
      I’m retired. 30 years with the state of california. Started at 23. Retired at 53. House paid for. New cars paid for.
      Financial secured. Health benefits.
      Raised a successful kid.
      That’s what I have accomplished.

    3. @Thomas John I’m 25 U.S Navy GM2(sw/aw/exw) . I have my own home 1 car and 3 motorcycles.

    1. @youeverseethesehandsfly There’s no contract that says you have to do interviews LOL.

    2. @Mr Denson thats dumb af plaster those damn logos somewhere else it’s not like we are in 1950

    3. @aurora boreale your comment is actually dumb and not based on reality. Athletes and sports make most of their money from big media and sponsors. I doubt that you have ever bought tickets to sporting events

  14. good decision.. as tennis requires high level of mental strength..taking a break from tennis to get treatment would be 👍

  15. These major tournaments feel entitled to the players, these conferences sometimes put salt on the player’s wounds after they had a bad day with their questions.
    You don’t own the players.

  16. She was forced out after the organizations were assholes about it. They refused to budge an inch

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