Nanos thinks Trudeau wants an election in 2021, but will the opposition agree? | TREND LINE

TREND LINE looks back at 2020 and makes some predictions for 2021
Watch it here:'s Michael Stittle and Nanos Research's Nik Nanos take a look at the landscape in Canadian politics – will Prime Minister Justin Trudeau send the country back to the polls?

Make sure to watch the full show for Nik's predictions for 2021!


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Nanos thinks Trudeau wants an election in 2021, but will the opposition agree? | TREND LINE


    1. Ya Trudeau, needs to be OUT!

      Now, who will be the one that will compete against him that will take his position as Prime Minister?

    1. @Mark Poitras That’s whats going to happen when he loses his PM position in the election.. HE WILL BE TEACH DRAMA ONLINE SCHOOLING!

  1. would be interesting, last federal election it was Doug Ford who the Cons were worried about, this time its probably Jason Kenney

  2. probably will try to pass somethign rediculous and make it a confidence motion, and then blame the other parties for calling an election during a pandemic..

    1. I NEVER VOTED for Trudeau back then, AND I NEVER WILL VOTE FOR HIM!

      Who else is NOT going to vote for him?

      If this coming election will INCLUDE A VOTING FRAUD AND a STOLEN ELECTION, then it might be usefull to for the FRAUD to kick Trudeau out as prime minister.. So Trudeau can go back as a TEACHER and TEACH DRAMA CLASS ONLINE SCHOOLING!

    2. @Christine Sevigny I NEVER VOTED for Trudeau back then, AND I NEVER WILL VOTE FOR HIM!

      Who else is NOT going to vote for him?

      If this coming election will INCLUDE A VOTING FRAUD AND a STOLEN ELECTION, then it might be usefull to for the FRAUD to kick Trudeau out as prime minister.. So Trudeau can go back as a TEACHER and TEACH DRAMA CLASS ONLINE SCHOOLING!

    3. @RoomofCybertron I never did and never will either. But it seems he is immune to scandal. That’s why they call him “Teflon Trudeau” because nothing sticks. That’s also why I don’t read trash “newspapers” like the Toronto Star. I get more factual reporting from the National Enquirer.

    1. I NEVER VOTED for Trudeau back then, AND I NEVER WILL VOTE FOR HIM!

      Who else is NOT going to vote for him?

  3. I NEVER VOTED for Trudeau back then, AND I NEVER WILL VOTE FOR HIM!

    Who else is NOT going to vote for him?

    If this coming election will INCLUDE A VOTING FRAUD AND a STOLEN ELECTION, then it might be usefull to for the FRAUD to kick Trudeau out as prime minister.. So Trudeau can go back as a TEACHER and TEACH DRAMA CLASS ONLINE SCHOOLING!

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