Trend Line's Michael Stittle and Nik Nanos break down the standoff between Doug Ford and CUPE and how it's dragging down Pierre Poilievre.
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I support the Pierre Poilievre!
Pierre 4 P.M.
You wish Nick. Your phone poll of 1500 Ontarians is not representative of Canadians.
@roof pizza lol you had to edit one sentence, now that’s funny!!!
Lol I’m glad you’re on the other side!
lolz. They say you should always lead with your best material and you lot never have anything except childish retorts. PP loves the uneducated.
@roof pizza Yeah, Mr. maturity himself!!

@roof pizza buddy, you’re the uneducated! Lmao. Too funny! Are you going to edit the edit?
@roof pizza you should try working for a living! I’m tired of paying for you!
Lol nanos is nonsense
On that we can agree.
No it’s not.
I’d say this has a lot to do with the “Americanization” of our politics. Yes, we have different parties provincially and federally, but they are starting to get lumped together as simply conservative because it’s a lot easier to just see monoliths.
The guy is somewhat of a disappointment…despite the hype and the promise he still doesn’t answer questions (except those on the economy and what is currently going wrong) straightforwardly like all other politicians, and the repetitious nature of his rhetoric is beginning to feel disingenuous. Any hope that he would sure-fire get rid of Trudeau is slowly dwindling away for me.
He’s answered more questions since September than the liberals have in 7 years
@Paying more will save the planet. You have concrete proof of that? Have you gone though all the transcripts with every question Liberals have been asked and all the transcripts of all the questions PP has been asked?
Keep on huffing that copium
The nature of modern politics. You’re basically voting for the same corrupt monsters with little difference between them. Though with the way junior is running things into the ground, I’m almost hoping he wins again. Nothing turns coats faster than hunger.
Poilievre also attacks the bank of Canada hoping for political gain….. Again very disturbing . The the bank needs to remain independent and free from meddling politicians. Poilievres again disqualifies himself from office.
BOC independent? Your funny!
BOC already proved they were not independent. The only disturbing thing i see is the continued refusal of the cognitively dissonant to see the devastation of every aspect of our country by a fraudster who pretends to be a liberal.
What does the BOC, Federal Reserve, BoE, etc etc, all have in common? Find that one out. It’s a shocking revelation that’ll get you Gaddafi’d.
Obvious troll. BOC is a private country that is hollowing out this country.
Giggle! Independent?
No its not.
Go Pierre go

Oh boy, more charades. Love this game.
Go Pierre go
We Have Gratefully Received Our Daily Thoughts!
lots of Pierre Poilievre bots on here.
Lots of Trudeau fluffers here.
Poilievres promotion of Crypto demonstrates his basic lack of understanding concerning all things financial or more likely he is just trying to gain favour with those who have a financial interest in Crypto.
Poilievre tends to say anything he thinks will benefit him politically. He not very concerned with being factual.