CTV News' Michael Stittle and Nanos Research's Nik Nanos break down the federal budget – it's been two weeks since the fiscal update, did it give Prime Minister Justin Trudeau a polling boost?
Who is Katie Telford? Nik and Michael take a look at the prime minister's chief of staff ahead of her testimony before a parliamentary committee looking into alleged foreign interference in Canadian elections.
Finally, the Bank of Canada has held the key interest rate at 4.5 per cent – the political spotlight may be on Telford, but are more economic issues bubbling? Nik has the latest issues tracking to share.
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I hope Conservatives remember 1; they close the Veterans Centers 2; they wanted to up old age to 67 3 ;that they are willing to sacrifice children for votes 4;they want to privatize healthcare just remember that when you vote and if you get thank yourself
And after the slimy tactics used by this government against those who aren’t on board with liberal policies, I can’t wait to see those same tactics used against those who aren’t on board with conservative policies.
You guys opened Pandora’s Box. Now we will get the chance to play with it.
@Andrew Ryba Mom is bringing the FACTS!
she’s a patriot!
ABT: Anybody But Trudeau,and definitely not Jagmeet. Pierre’s got my vote.
Trudeau must resign
I think jail would be more suitable. Resignation is for someone thats competive and retires. Trudeau is neither
JT told injured veterans that they are asking for more than Canada can give, then turned around and helped fund a war in another country (non NATO) on a completely different continent…
We back Ukraine and vets get enough and have a wonderful mental health system to use for free. Its companies making life unlivable is whats happening.
@D As JT continues to make it more difficult for injured veterans (and serving members)…
Also, who exactly is “we”?
Go conservatives Go .
Boring defiantly works, that’s how Biden in the United states got 80 million votes
Canadains can’t afford another min of this liberal, ndp government.
I’m so sick at hearing anything about Trudeau or his Crime Family.
Not me. Should have been there in the 70’s
. It is hard to trust a pollster who says ” you know what ? “. Another problem is his unconditional support for Katie Telford.
Unfortunately very few if anyone actually reads the budget.
Apart from the fact that the “minimum” Trudeau has missed his projected deficits in all his past budgets is by double so with history in mind we are looking at a minimum $86 Billion deficit here.
This budget is chock full of hundreds of millions of affirmative action and DEI spending at a time Canadian’s are going to food banks.
Trudeau must go.
Pierre for PM

Budget bounce? More like a budget dip. The latest budget is pure validation of how unimaginative, uncreative, and completely disconnected from reality this government is.
Wow… I’ve been a fan so far but the remarks about the Conservatives…I now agree this guy is as liberal as they come and can’t put his bias aside. Thought this was a data analysis program
Even the stupid want him to stop spending at this point.
This is not job interview for her. It is not how much she knows. It about what she did with info what she had on her hand.
Pierre Poilievre for prime minister!

Vote conservative!
Could they be more biased?
Trudeau has to GO
HELLO NICK. Since when has anyone linked Mao Si Tung-deau and fiscal policy???? Polievre throws a blanket over fis smoldering ruins of our economy
I can’t wait till he fixes the weather
2 weeks should be enough time to cipher sleepy Joe. Thats enough time to dumb myself down and recover enough to realizeTrudeau and Biden are both out of touch