Pollster Nic Nanos breaks down the results of a new poll which suggests Canadians think pandemic support should end.
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SPUTNIK-V for Canada!
Still haven’t had the koofy 19
@Mutley McLaren

@DeadNorth 86 same here

@DeadNorth 86 Same here.
@DeadNorth 86 same
Poor landlords. I don’t feel sorry for the bums that abused the system to go back to normal bum status.
Agree now that the benefits are gone time to kick the bum tenants out that can’t pay .
@Jumbo Me Nope. Time to end scumlords.
I’m skeptical of these poll numbers. It’s such a small number and in a small region
Susan its time to get some work, no other way, plenty of jobs available.
@STONE Nothing to do with getting work, these changes step on small business owners and employers. Many business are fine but others still need help, your simplistic “time to get some work” spin is a talking point for the simple that misses the point badly and strawman’s those discussing the payments.
The time has come to bring all forms of gvt to a end, do not worry corporations are next.
Silly impossible childish spin, we have issues to fix. Empowering oligarchs and corporate feudalism has no upside.
replace it with an UBI
Lotta TARDS in Alberta
Aren’t you commies tired of stepping on rakes ………… !?
Idc about this
It is endemic – been that way for more than a year. Learn to live with it rather than make corporations richer and fascist governments stronger

The pandemic ended February 2020
It’s totally false than jobs have been recovered…
HOLY CRAP! Who the hell did this survey. Everyone I know wants the money to keep flowing. ROLMAO. YEA PLEASE STOP GIVING IUT FREE MONEY.
No, this is not an indication of hope and an end to the pandemic. We’re tired of seeing all these political games being played on our jobs, homes, income, and lives, while the 1% just get richer, and more and more rules, restrictions, and mandates are placed on the 99% who are actually helping our country run, and move forward.
Absolutely! Get off your you know what and get back to work!!!!