Nanos: Key Liberal strongholds are at risk amid Trudeau’s polling slump | TREND LINE

Trend Line's Michael Stittle and Nik Nanos break down the latest polling and it's not good news for Justin Trudeau — as new data from Nanos Research shows some ridings once considered Liberal strongholds are now at risk.

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Nanos: Key Liberal strongholds are at risk amid Trudeau's polling slump | TREND LINE


    1. I wish I could consider him but all he does is attack and very rarely show any policy knowledge or solutions.

    2. ​@Steve GPP is the opposition, he job is to criticize the government and hold them to account.
      JT is the leader, his job is unity and policy

    3. ​@Steve G but the current trudeau government has been so excellent providing policy solutions to the problems in our country?

    4. ​@Steve G Pierre has hundreds of hours of solutions here on YouTube. Just scroll through his channel

    5. @Rob Davidson I agree that is the job of the official opposition. But when he is also needs to tell swing voters what he would do differently and how we should do it.

    1. Jagmeet literally supported the Liberals these past few years and in turn destroyed my life as a young Canadian

  1. Get rid of Trudeau and Singh. Incompetence and weakness are things Canada does not need as a leader or governorship.

    1. Then we better not elect PP. To prove competence you should have had at least one real job and strong leaders focus on getting wins for their supporters like Singh did instead scoring points with gotchas and cheap shots.

  2. Right now its a pretty easy decision. I’ve always seen myself as a centre voter. But its blatantly clear that the status quo in this country is abysmal. The record of this goverment is very clear
    1. ridiculous housing costs
    2. high inflation
    3. utter lack of transparency
    4. Exponential increase in crime
    5. gross negligence when it comes to foreign interference

    I think so many Canadians took the harper years for granted because the average Canadian enjoyed a far better quality of life which has now seen a steep decline.

  3. Can’t wait to see Twinkle Toes shuffle off to who cares where. For our sake I hope it is far away. This nations future is best off as looking at his reign as “The Big Mistake”.

  4. No to snap election!
    Same old bandwagon of politicking!
    LP continue building low income housing.
    LP continue funding programs that keep, safe and stay alive for drug addicts and homeless.

  5. I would love to vote NDP but jagmeet has ruined the party by joining Trudeau and he hasn’t held him accountable at all!!!

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