CTVNews.ca's Michael Stittle and Nanos Research's Nik Nanos break down the upcoming debates and what topics could be key for federal party leaders.
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Go mad max
Wares he going ? To the debates lol
@Jumbo Me you’re 12, shut up
Wonder how many issues Erin O’Toole will flip flop on this week? He keeps changing his mind on major issues every week.
I wonder how max will fare tonight in the debate. Oh wait yea never mind
@heavily slice lol don’t like my opinion. Move on
@Jumbo Me LOL Coming from the guy who can’t do the same
Please lead by example.
They aren’t anti-vaxxer protests. If you had any journalists, you would know that
Hear hear
Lol except they are Ppc so yes they are lol
@Jumbo Me Ah, you must be a journalist. Because only a journalist is that uninformed.
@Primmakin Sofis ah you must be a Ppc voter because only ppc can be that blind when it’s right in the open
I’m voting for PPC
Assault rifles have been banned since 1977,you to get the term correct, “assault style or looking rifles”
We need a full blown movement for democratic rights. May this medical discrimination be the spearhead.
Play election
I hope Otoole shows everyone that he will investigate all Trudeau’s scandals. And then points out the n.d.p. always covering for him. The n.d.p. is just as guilty for not letting the investigations into the w.e. scandal happen.
Bought and paid for polling results from a bought and paid for polling agency.
Can we make sure all the candidates are Canadien and entitled to run in the election?
Sad excuse for journalism. No integrity, whatsoever.
These nanos are for the birds!
Say anything bad about trudeau and it gets deleted .
Tik tok trudeau your time is near
Vote People’s party of Canada. They have more following then green and tool is folding before our eyes as we all saw coming
We’re going up.
Liberals are