Nanos: Canadians expect politicians to take ‘responsibility’ for COVID-19 failures | TREND LINE's Rachel Aiello and Nanos Research's Nik Nanos break down the latest report cards showing how Canadians are ranking the provinces are faring when it comes to handling COVID-19.

Also, how Canadians' mental health is holding up more than a year into the pandemic?

Finally, Nik weighs in on the potential impact of NACI's confusing vaccine messaging and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's comments towards anti-lockdown protesters.

#cdnpoli #covid19 #trendline

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Nanos: Canadians expect politicians to take 'responsibility' for COVID-19 failures | TREND LINE


  1. Are Canadians responsible enough to hold politicians responsible? I doubt it. If they were, Trudeau would be scared for bringing variants here, and he’s not.

    1. What a f are you talking about?
      Politicians and so called experts are 100% responsible for this mess but the problem is they have this thing called political immunity that’s protecting them…unfortunately.

    2. If it weren’t for the Ontario cops telling Doug Fraud where to stick it, it would want spot checks on the road asking for papers

    3. @Don Juan Only some Ontario cops. Other police in the province are entirely fine with acting like hired goons

  2. No need for paraphrasing and quotation marks. Whomever is involved needs to be held responsible. Asking anyone to take responsibility in this country is laughable.

  3. Canadians Wants Politicians to be held accountable. CTV’s shows bias yet again by not showing Trudeau. Last I checked Trudeau is the politician for all of Canada.

  4. Nobody will ever take the blame but twist it for making them look like heroes. The politicians have done so much worldwide damage to so many.

  5. The irony is that the failures are mostly the results of compromising with the very public that now demands accountability for those failures.

    Goes to show that success by pissing everyone off is better than failure due to compromise to keep everyone happy.

  6. Politicians taking responsibility for their decisions? Ha hah ha ha hah ha ha. Oh, wait, you’re serious. Let me laugh even harder. HA HAH HA HA HAH HA HA.

  7. This all falls squarely on the shoulders of Trudeau period. One epic failure after another!!!!

  8. Didn’t they pass a bill on the federal and provincial level protecting them from any mishaps, wrong doings, or murder way at the beginning of this?

    1. @Myles Rimmer many were hired after being convicted @Nuremberg, @OperationPaperclip… better to learn from the horrors of history than to re-meet them.

  9. We will get even at election time. Doug Fords legacy will be forever known as useless.
    Vote for a party other then liberal or conservative. Make a statement

  10. Their 2 worst failures:
    1. imposing I 0 c k d 0 w n s, r e s t r 1 c t 1 0 n s , and m @ s k s
    2. considering v @ c c 1 n e p @ s s p o r t s

    sorry for the weird spacing, had to find a way around the filters

  11. Every branch of the government must be prosecuted for the mess and pay for the mess up they caused.

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