CTVNews.ca's Michael Stittle and Nanos Research's Nik Nanos discuss how Canada's leaders are responding to the crisis in Ukraine.
Then Michael and Nik look at the COVID-19 situation across Canada as multiple provinces race to relax COVID-19 restrictions.
Finally, Nik breaks down U.S. President Joe Biden's approval numbers. Will his latest speech help reverse the president's polling slump?
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the question of why Russia started its military operation in Ukraine just now, when the beginning of the mud season makes any movement of heavy equipment difficult. On the surface, the reason could be that heavy shelling of the eastern provinces by the Ukrainian army has been going on again for weeks. But that alone cannot be the reason. So what does Russia know that we don’t yet know? Could it actually be nuclear warheads that have already been brought to Kiev? This is supported by the fact that although C-17 military transports have been delivering tons of weapons to Kiev for weeks. But only a few flights of these deliveries have not taken the shortest route via Germany on their way to Kiev. They took a detour via the Baltic Sea and Poland. Why? Is it unreasonable to assume that they were not allowed to fly over Germany because they had nuclear warheads on board?
So if that were the case, our government would know what was really going on. And Russia would then have the absolute right to defend itself by demilitarizing Ukraine with a preemptive war, thus preventing a nuclear attack on its country. Is it unthinkable that the government in Kiev would send nuclear bombs to Moscow?
yo komrade nobody cares what you say, as we already know it is 100% false
@Paddington Ukraine also isn’t part of NATO, at least as of yet.
It amazes me how an 8 year long conflict is now the headline
You dont want to know the truth, its quite unpalatable. But a one world government will be built on the ashes of all your nations
ruble has collapsed, russian trolls aren’t getting paid you know that right?
Are these Canadians actually aware of what it will cost them?
Whatever it is, it’ll be way less that what the Ukranians will have to pay if we do nothing.
@WLDB why is that our problem?
@WLDB we have our own problems in our country.
@WLDB Facts
We need Peter MacKay
Yes, we do. He finally drove the stake in the heart of the PC’s. He should be given the opportunity to put the CPC out of its misery too
Sure. Pete can amalgamate the CPC/LPC/NDP! He’s just that kind of guy!
Canadians? speak for yourself, im supportive of staying the hell away from NATO wars.
Speak for yourself. I’m fully supportive of backing Ukraine with aid, both humanitarian and military.
@Peter Vanderhook Then why don’t you volunteer to fight for the Ukrainians? Please send a selfie with you at the front lines!
Easy to spend other peoples money.
It looks like Truth & Reconciliation has fallen off the scale. It doesn’t look like anyone cares anymore ?
lol it always was a joke
No one ever did. FN in Canada have been treated better than most conquered peoples throughout history. Only when you re interpret 17-19th century policy through a 21st century lenses is this an issue.
im not.
I’m not supporting pissing of Russia.
I’m sure the Ukraine is really upset they pissed Russia off, oh wait a minute the Ukraine didn’t, oh well.
I’m at war with no one that doesn’t violate my rights , unlike my own government
you misspelled the ‘truckers’, as the gov isn’t violating anyones rights………..the ‘truckers’ however are violating everyone else’s rights…..which is why there is a 300m class action suit against them.
@GreenBean44 GreenBean44 I’m sorry you’ve been violated , I’m guessing you.enjoyed every minute of it though
Nope. I do not support sanctions and I am Canadian. But my voice doesnt matter because this government doesnt represent Canadians.
i agree
I support bringing in Hot, Single, Ukrainian Women into Canada, it’s definitely the right thing to do

Unfortunately, there is going to be many young women that their loved ones arey killed by russian soldiers in Ukraine. Maybe she will come here, you may never capture her heart tho.
7:02 the illegal Roxham Rd crossing is still open.
I’m not in support of sanctions, but know one asked me !
Growing up in Wpg., and familiar with my childhood friend who was Ukrainian and the love, food, culture is amazing to learn and welcomed in their home. I hold those memories and hope more Ukrainians come to Canada