Pollster Nik Nanos breaks down Erin O'Toole's victory in the Conservative leadership race and his surprising level of support in Quebec.
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and so what?
Useless monarchy loyalists. Know how I can tell? I can smell the anti democratic aroma of Crown loyalty even now.
Nothing “ Royal” about those freaks .
@Julie Gill it is a royal clusterf#$k though…
I thought you meant you could smell my loyalty to Crown Royal. None the less, a royal loser now leading the PCs.
So basically, they handed Trudeau another win.
F V I guess scandals, ethics violations, conflict of interest, obstruction of justice etc etc, don’t play a role in your mind?
Don’t you have an independent justice department in Canada? 3 ethics violations. Somebody should be prosecuting instead of just a bunch of MP’s voting on whether he stays.
Quebecers don’t really follow the English world, so this nonsense of BLM and Marxism is weird and foreign to them. They’re slow to throw their heritage under the bus
Would you be surprised how much Quebecers follow the English world especially in the greater Montreal area where I would say over 70% are bilingual? I would know, I am a Montrealer born and raised as English as my first language. Quebecers are open-minded to a new leader and most hate Trudeau they see him as what he is. That is why they mainly voted for the Bloc so they wouldn’t give the votes to the Liberals.
@Robert MTL but mtl is the spot for liberals but i agree with you for threst of your point western canadian thinks quebecers vote liberal but not really
yvanthe terrible in the last election Quebec was mainly liberal on the greater Montreal, south est of the St Laurence is mainly CPC, and north and north eastern is Bloc. Quebec have many firearm owners so I can see the switch to CPC or even PPC.
@Robert MTL Did he promise to reverse the gun grab?
He will put oil back in refineries.
Hope he cracks down on the corruption in BC.
pierre should be our prime minister…i would be PROUD to be a canadian again if poilive was our PM…
Hopefully one day sir
Am I supposed to be able to understand the anchor? Was excess number of news presenters who could be understood a big problem that required remediation?
Erin should have Leslie as his running mate. They would make a great team.
Running mate? This isn’t America…
He was born in Montreal
Unite the country
He is centre
Yes he will bridge the gap
He’s a human right fighter
0:46 fantastical
what is the ratio between “working” canadians vs. ‘CERB’ canadians? that will tell you where the balance of power leans to. I don’t want to be paying for welfare if someone is healthy enough to get a job. and the Liberal Govt is enabling those individuals who would rather sit on the couch and collect a welfare cheque for nothing.
My thought exactly, well said
Tradeau is robbing the country blind can you not see where we’re headed, maybe you two can do some time in prison for him
Nanos always looks so sad when Conservatives doing well
Anybody that will vote liberal today is a trader to Canadians.
I’ll vote for O’Toole over Trudeau. I’m not quite sure if any PM in history is as scandal plagued as Trudeau, and I’m not talking about the fake scandals leveled against Harper during years of Harper Derangement Syndrome. I’m talking about ones that show actual corruption in the PM office worth hundreds of millions.
What about Ford