1. Yeh, she’s doing exactly what she’s accused him of doing to her.. standing up pointed finger. Did she fist punch the table this tantrum time??

  1. Fair play to Nancy Pelosi it’s way past time someone in America grew a pair of balls and stood up to trump

    1. No .. Its just a tale told by an idiot, full of fury … as it has no bearing in reality, it cannot impart anything at all, even if negated.

    2. Nobody EVER claimed that it was a compliment! The fact tRump insults everybody only says if he doesn’t insult u, then you haven’t done enough to distance yourself from him and his racist unAmerican agenda!

  2. Nervous? Trump has never come face to face with a strong, confident, focused woman before and he’s a fish out of water. He thrives on negativity and he doesn’t get it from our Nancy. She’s a credit to us all!!

    1. Lol…….loath him for what…….please list the issues you have right here…….I’m going out on a limb here that you actually have something intelligent to say.

    1. @Right Wing Lutheran Cowgirl I have news for you Pelosi aint no lady…she is a MAN no uterus…tranny ditto the fake daughter who is a man….

    2. @Pinky jones so very sorry. My family landed shortly after Plymouth Rock; but we didn’t need to procreate with our cousins. The extensive vocabulary all that is needed to secure the upper hand in any verbal debate. 😂

    3. @Pinky jones How very slow of me.Your Pinky because you are a “Pinko” aka communist circa 60’s on.

    4. No worries “pinky” (little p on purpose) I will vote and I will make it count. Have a nice life, comrade.

  3. He cried and came home from NATO when they were talking about him 😂 he can dish it but he can’t take it

    1. @cindy b ohhhh…you suspect….but you don’t actually know. Don’t act like you know what Trump prefers either. Just because you can say it, doesn’t mean it’s true.

  4. Nancy Pelosi is the classiest act on either side of the aisle—except it’s clearly not an act, she’s the real deal.

    1. @Tristan OMG, you know the real clown is the Grabber-in-Chief! If you were a logical thinker you would understand that Pelosi is a class act.

    1. @Nelson Helmutt Ummmm you need to lay off the propaganda train…there are ways you can help yourself instead of blaming everyone else (mostly dems I’m sure) there are credible websites and articles you can research. C’mon you seriously can’t still believe in him…do you? Nvm scratch that…I’m sure some day you’ll come to your senses, hopefully it will be sooner rather than later. Good luck! 💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸

    2. @Carlos Barahona Spoken by the tiny little bean burrito at his computer in a squalid little dank barrio apt.

    3. @Carlos Barahona It was your liberal dude buddy norman above that brought up the small junk stuff. I dont go around talking about others junk, thats a liberal thing

    4. @norman-m [KANDAGAIGO] When was the last time you heard anybody mention those so called “children in cages”? The gov dem’s were using them as a pawn. It’s all they do. As soon as something else comes up you notice they don’t even exist to them now that they have other toy’s to play with. The border was run the same way long before Trump. Wake up! It’s only been 3 years out of our entire country’s history! Our border is a vacation compared to where those people are from otherwise why would they line up there to come rushing over. It’s a personal choice they are running towards! You got your eyes wide shut dude!

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