Nancy Pelosi stood up to Trump during a White House meeting on Syria and called out his support for Russia and Putin. Lawrence O’Donnell says that a photo of the exchange could be the most memorable photo of the Trump administration. Aired on 10/16/19.
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Nancy Pelosi To President Donald Trump: 'All Roads With You Lead To Putin' | The Last Word | MSNBC
Of course. That’s what they talked about behind closed doors, Suria and Turkey…
They cant stand the fact that the Kurds just made a peace deal with Syria and there will be no war. The Neocons cant stand it. The deal was done about four days ago… This was all about oil and some of these (so called) Democrats are involved. I hope the corporate Democrats are all booted out by real progressives.
@SonyJimable You are really funny, that place belongs to Suria, WTF doing PYD in there?
So glad she said it to his face cuz no one else would
Oved G. I know , but look at the faces of the men to the right of trump ,

When Trumpfool dies i do a party at my place…everyone invited…drinks on me
Tony Touch see you there!
Yes the bravest one, inthe room,is a WO-MAN!!!
Hi from New Zealand,
Gutsy Women Nancy Pelosi!
@RhondaH What date is the 2020 election, impeachment taking too long. Only two months left and 2019 over, dam the year went quick???
I have watched Elizabeth Warren in action on Youtube at some those senate hearing especially ‘Wellsfargo CEO ‘. She another Gutsy Woman.
Trump will be eaten alive by her, can’t wait to watch that presidential debate. Please, America the world would like it televised. Have a top day.
@henry rudolph The 2020 election is November 3, 2020. We here are hopeful that trump won’t even be on the ballot, but instead removed from office before then. Warren could easily rip a new one on trump or pence. All the women running against trump are gutsy and can’t be intimidated by his insults and bluster.
@RhondaH Impeachment!!
I hope a female is elected president they tend to be qualitative rather than quantitative (and there’s nothing wrong with that.). Ronald Reagan was in power when NZ first female Priminster forfeited into the position. He remarked, “the best man won”.
I’ll never forget him saying that.
@henry rudolph Yes, well the majority of voters in the 2016 election voted for Hillary Clinton who was, if anything, the most qualified candidate that has ever run for president. Our outdated electoral college system which allows a second place candidate to get into office is why we got trump instead. Same thing happened when GW Bush got into office. He didn’t get the majority vote either, Al Gore did. Only twice has that happened and both a disaster of huge proportions. Of course Reagan and all Republicans are male chauvinist pigs. It is Republican state run legislatures in the southern states that are attacking women’s rights to abortion and even birth control. The Supreme Court is now hearing the case on Louisiana’s basically ban on abortion which may overturn the Roe vs. Wade case that passed the SC in 1973 giving women the right to that choice.
like the spartan king answer in the movie 300.
Nancy just kick trump into the hole.
good job Nancy.
not really
No she didn’t. She pitched a childish temper tantrum over not getting her way
AS you are doing right now–BWA HA HA !
Only 45* could be so stupid to tweet that photo of Nancy standing up to his infantile toddler rage, and she was the only adult in the room brave enough to.
That photo, and Nancy’s statement, are already iconic. Way to go Nancy! Thanks for standing up to the coward bully on behalf of all Americans!
She made it her cover photo.

@CShield I know! Epic haha. I would be proud of it too if I was her; I’m proud of her for standing up to the coward, for being the adult in the room!
A room full of men , and the only one with a set of balls
@Wrong Crowd because she`s famous?
@GapYaLater If you can`t tell the difference between “emotional” and “assertive”, you are in for a lot of future difficulties
@eva camille thoroughman She had an emotional breakdown. Everyone else stayed and had a productive meeting. How embarrassing for her.
Great photo of Trump getting spanked.
All I see is an older lady standing up pointing her finger at ppl lmao
This is one of the best pieces I’ve seen O’Donnell do. Thank you sir for stating the case clearly and forcefully. We need journalism like this in these dark times.
Yes, I agree wholeheartedly!!!!!
Never mind Trump.
Take a look at the three guys to his right.
Erich Von Molder ya we should go to war with Turkey!
No look at Nancy having a meltdown!
I Have need no advice on what I see, I need no response from you either, I have no need for desperation, But thankyou for the advice #noneedforyourshit #lovelightandfuckyoutoo xxx
Oh, don’t feel too sorry for them… They are all Trump’s brave generals, so no real need to sit there with their heads hung low in shame – all they need is to stand up and leave. Unfortunately for them, Nancy has all the cojones, Donnie and his toy soldiers none. Thanks to their silence, the children of former US allies are now, this very moment, dying under bombs, betrayed and sold out by Trump’s America. Disgusting filth.
Yeh – The 3 Crooks to his right are even shocked.
Oh the tweets tomorrow are gonna be off the charts. Lol. Gawd he’s an embarassment
L. Langhorn hope trump watches will send him into a toddler tantrum.
You know what they say, “A picture is worth a thousand words!”
You are right, Pelosi having a meltdown for sure. I always thought it was being rude to point your finger at someone.
Yes because u can give any photo you own perspective in a thousand words positive or negative..and the sheep will follow
Typhoid Donny looked like he was afraid he would be grabbed by the ear and hauled out to the woodshed. No Bull Nancy looked like she could have.
Instead of bringing the troops home from Syria, he is sending them to Iraq. What a liar.
Surely Saudi Arabia?
MrPhilbert there’s isn’t a war where they’re being sent genius
Iconic …History in the makeing, correct.
Sad state of affairs: one Orangeutan keeping 435 elected representatives at bay. (Senators notwithstanding)
“All roads with you lead to Putin”; soon to be lined with crucifixes…
Trump: “you’re a third grade politician”
Pelosi: “I wish you were a politician”.
The phrase is “third rate” not third grade.
@Bellezza Catenaro Tell it to the orange guy.
@martial chuard
Tell it to the origins guy
@Bellezza Catenaro Yepppppbbfffft!
The five Generals to Trump’s right: their looks are priceless.
@Zorak0515 Good morning Comrade Bot!
Fake News!!!
ReL0ad3r then open your eyes. It’s shame on their faces.
Lori Patt no just a fake lori that’s always your answer when you can’t come up with even a semi intelligent answer. Bo ho lori
@Chris O’Brien – dobroe utro
The grown up military men can’t even look Pelosi in the eye.