Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi addresses the House chamber after pro-Trump rioters stormed the Capitol building.
#CNN #News
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi addresses the House chamber after pro-Trump rioters stormed the Capitol building.
#CNN #News
It took todays actions to get both parties to unite? WTF Shame on all our leaders.
@Cha4k Yeah, black is white and white is black, according to you.
@lundilar 2000 DOLAR
@random User So was 2016 election when “Russian collusion” was pushed in by dems and msm.
If you still don’t get msm are propaganda machinery then you are blind.Both sides msm, fox,cnn etc.
@Air LEARN When you grow your own crop with horse and plow and people take your food at night.
Both sides are against us. It’s just that so few on all sides don’t realise it yet.
Meanwhile we dieing of covid and no food or meds in winter time on street
For the past two months, Trump has wound up his supporters to such a frenzy with conspiracy theories then the set them off to cause trouble while he sat back and watched on TV.

, the irony of these people.
And Trump Supporters call others sheep
Just hope they realise when they start getting arrested for their actions while Trump is laughing at them from the golf course.
@Steve Gillham The Russians made me do it. And God. Can you still go back to Bali? Oh darn.
@Steve Gillham It was great until the wuflu. Remember what the media said, it was Trumps fault. Not Chyyyyna.
@Getit Now
What a BS. Still believing in conspiracy theories? QAnon? Poorly educated? YES!
The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, prayed today for the recovery of democracy in the US.
How ironic!
@Elvira Gomez True. There is a lot of racism in America, it was never about law and order, but about American white chauvinism
@Nik Nat Patty Wack who’s behavior?
@Marcelo Da Silva absolutely agree, it’s going to be interesting to see how the Democrats are going to make or changes to how law enforcement and our local police will protect the community and themselves in addition to so many things that this administration distorted.
I don’t bet on too much with everything we have learned and the level of corruption on both sides, I don’t expect much but we now know enough to push back and get more involved politically in our communities and question EVERYTHING
The shills just report the news. They’re the only ones making money.
i thought she will say it again. what a beautiful sight to behold.
The list of reasons to stay the hell out of America just keeps growing.
@Jetmir Metaliaj I guess you are not really gifted. Being a republican is a core belief but there is no contradiction between being a republican and still listen to wise people and good insights. I strongly recommend it. You sure might need it. Would I take Barack Obama over Donald Cheater/Liar Trump? EVERY day! I stand for dignity, honor, and valor. Things that Donald Trump can´t even spell.
@Action Man What is your point exactly? I didn´t vote for Trump or other corrupt Republicans. The whole republican party is falling apart because of that idiot Trump and I blame all republican cowards in office for not standing up against Trump. That doesn´t mean that my core beliefs are not republican. Your comment shows how Trump managed to divide the country. The apparent lack of respect for the constitution, the community, and the Americans put us in the situation that we are in today. There are both bad and good people on both sides. All republicans are not Trumpists. I actually feel good with Biden as a president considering the alternative and every republican that cherish the constitution should feel the same.
@Nordman Forget about Trump.Presidents come and go.
What he showed ppl is who is in charge of public narrative.Now he is gonne watch msm on both sides.
Height of hypocrisy America’s population is 400 million people and yet they are not able to run the democracy correctly and @$$* hole American British and even middle Eastern media outlets teach India about democracy a country with 1.3 billion people
Stay ignorant, dude. Might as well avoid Germany because similar things happened there a few months ago.
I’m saddened by this.
Looks like *America* is slowly turning into a *Third World Country* under a *Gucci Belt* made in *China.*
@Michael D
You don’t know what Antifa is and you write total BS.
@cervellone I stated both.
@Natster Jam It’s not Biden China connection.You wrote it wrong.
It’s Beijing Biden China connection.
cervellone Let me guess just a idea? I know what they are but do you know what they truly are? They are the new nazis! The foot soldiers for the globalist.
@cervellone That guy that took pedastal…he is antifa.
Ppl that broke windows…all antifa.There are pictures of em on blm/antifa protests.
They also said they will do this but then again if you are one of em you probably knew this and now cover their asses…
My brother-in-law is 67 with diabetes; a Navy Veteran; hasn’t had insulin in 3 months. Bring hope, help, and healing. God Bless. Happy 2021

@CanadaGuy 1971 Not that simple. He’s 67, he probably enlisted before 1980 so he’s not eligible to the VA.
@Marckye N. Ummmmm…..the VA has WW2 Vets.
Height of hypocrisy America’s population is 400 million people and yet they are not able to run the democracy correctly and @$$* hole American British and even middle Eastern media outlets teach India about democracy a country with 1.3 billion people
@CanadaGuy 1971 yes, you’re right! I got it wrong. But still not all vets are eligible to VA.
Only trump listen poor people’s voice! Bidden will help his son to make money and more corruption with China. God bless trump!
they are ALL criminals, get ride of all of them
Yeah you’re right Linda,All Criminals
I agree Pelosi and her socialist party needs to go
Never worship a political ruler.
That’s one of the first things trump did was change the tax status of churches. They can campaign for political offices and still be tax free.
unfortunately politicians will always across time consider themselves as messiah
@Shamil Arifeen Yes antifa and blm last 6 months protesting every day until sunrise and burning down cities at night during pandemic ergo spreading it everywhere as they organized and traveled all over country, causing hundreds of thousands deaths.
Or maybe orange man himself hit the street and caughed at every citizen individualy?
Height of hypocrisy America’s population is 400 million people and yet they are not able to run the democracy correctly and @$$* hole American British and even middle Eastern media outlets teach India about democracy a country with 1.3 billion people
Such a beautiful sight behold!
From Sharon Stone: Karma!
Have u ever heard a crowd goin’ APE SH!T
@Lucy Ricardo

No they just kill people…
The weakness is that she ate too much ice cream ice cream at the people paid for
@Bill Burgess true true
@Lucy Ricardo trump hates Latinos and built a wall
@Miki van Duyn damnnnnn lol
wow, that’s the most beautiful scenery. Bravo.
Nancy Pelosi shoved her tampon in the wrong hole again
Such a beautiful scenery!!! You said so to same situation happened in HK, what an instant KAMA!
Nancy Pelosi shoved her tampon in the wrong hole again
@Brooke Baldvag hahaha oh god…
I figured out this geek in 2016. This is what Trump’s rule led to.
This is going to be one hell of a Netflix documentary
“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote”
“Well, Doctor, what have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?” Franklin replied, “A Republic, if you can keep it.”
Benjamin Franklin
People:”they work for us”
Also people:”stops government from working “
Its sad but the left does not care about us. And now that they know how to cheat it will not stop. America is going to be a laughing stock. I mean look were watching a clown in a mask right now.
This stimulus package isn’t getting us out of this debt we are all in now because of covid