Nancy Pelosi Rips McConnell For Inaction On Gun Control | Hardball | MSNBC

It's been more than a month since 31 people were murdered in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who has already sent two pieces of bipartisan gun legislation to the Senate Majority Leader, ripped McConnell for his inaction.
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Nancy Pelosi Rips McConnell For Inaction On Gun Control | Hardball | MSNBC


  1. I think the people have already understood that this mentally disintegrating President has to go as fast as possible. The politicians are the ones shying away from their duty….

  2. Moscow Mitch aka Cocaine Mitch akaThe Grim Reaper aka The Turtle! Anybody else out there know of any other nick names for Moscow Mitch aka Massacre Mitch aka Melting Chin Mitch aka Montebank Mitch? How about SpankyPants tRump what is your favourite nick name for Spanky?

    1. I wouldn’t call him the grim reaper, Moscow Mitch is fitting, as is Montebank Mitch, that’s what he really does and describes him perfectly imho…

  3. moscow mitch knows quite well that even if traitor trump did veto the bill it could easily be overridden by a 2/3 vote in both houses of congress!

    1. @Ro G you’re the Godam moron. Germany exterminated 13 MILLION people immediately after banning guns. Turkey 1.5 million after banning guns. Russia 20 million executed. Just because you are a weakling and unable to defend yourself without dialing 911 and waiting for a Plastic badge to show up doesn’t make the rest of America a bunch of fuh king wimps.
      Shall Not Be Infringed!

    2. The right thing is adhering to the Constitution. If McConnell wants to save lives, he would pass mandatory prison laws for those who support gun control.

    3. @Ro G

      The UK is more white and the majority of homicides happen in Democrat run cities.

      Pretty standard stuff.

      But tell me more about your fear of statistical rarities and inanimate objects.

    4. @God of Chaos Your statement is just plain wrong. There is less gun violence in other countries due to the fact that there are no NRA’s or powerful gun lobbies. Whites have murdered Blacks, Native American, Asian Americans, and Mexican Americans. Your hands are not clean and YOU hang on to your guns out of fear. Yet, you have a President and Senate Majority Leader who have suspicion ties with Russia. When is it enough? Mass killings of people of all ages and sizes. Murders committed by all races. I hope you our your children are not the target of a gun wielding madman.

  4. So sick of hearing Trump say, “We’re looking at; and we’re looking at… If you look at; and if you look at..” Blah, blah, blah..

    1. Between Moscow Mitch, Chump and the spineless invisible Republicans, nothing will ever get done; same thing has happened with their ‘health care’ solutions. They are spineless, gutless and mindless and EVERY Republican should be impeached or removed from office.

    2. @Leticia Vazquez But when it’s something Chump wants, such as the vaping control, it goes into effect IMMEDIATELY. Yeah, we know where your priorities are, Liar-In-Chief.

  5. Yes, be afraid of mother’s! This mother says immediately outlaw semi/ automatic weapon,high capacity magazines. Immediately get health care for all to address the physical and mental pains. Make 45 show he has 1/4 my testosterone level by showing his taxes.come on Mama’s!

  6. Gun control laws won’t help? Just because Trump and his republican cronies love breaking the laws and refuse to even hold Trump and their selves accountable, at all, does not therefore mean gun control will somehow be ineffective. Any honest gun owner I never heard complain about gun control laws…

    Republicans love blaming mental health while gutting healthcare!!

    1. @Occam’s Razor I think a civil war is on the horizons, it will a time when Patriots purge the country of Marxist, Socialist and Communists. Jefferson said it best…The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

      Boot lickers like you want big brother to take care of them, how pathetic.

  7. We’re doing something, somethings will be looked at. Many things, and we will look for more thing and lots of things will be looked at.

  8. Nancy Pelosi points out that the House passed a bill on gun control months ago and people have died needlessly since then, while that bill sits gathering dust on the desk of that Zero on the Half Shell, Moscow Mitch. When you put it that way, I guess the nickname he’s proud of, “The Grim Reaper” really suits him..

  9. 330,000,000 ppl in the US, 11,000 gun murders (see FBI UCR), 48,000 ppl murdered by texting drivers. How do you save more lives and avoid giving drug dealers a new illicit product to sell?

  10. It’s simple don’t let deranged PEOPLE have guns it’s not the gun it’s the shooter,and tell the deepstate to stop having deepstate false flag shooting events on purpose to try and take away our second amendment rights.NOT GOING TO HAPPEN

  11. The Democrat front holes are dripping with delight as they hope to drinkTrump’s blood one day soon.

    Stay thirsty, my stupid friends….

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