Once reluctant to pursue impeachment, now the House Speaker gives her reasons for saying there's evidence the president committed an impeachable offense. Aired on 11/14/19.
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Nancy Pelosi Makes Her Case Against Trump Citing 'Evidence Of Bribery' | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Donnies in trouble
@Carol Neilands Exactly.
And more so, we don’t need to use a Latin phrase to describe, in English,
Bribery and Extortion.
@Blondie SL I’m not sure why it’s so hard for people to understand. His supporters would go into a volcano to defend him.

@Bravado pure Yes. And frankly, I’m at the point that I wish they all would go into the volcano!
It’s time for these OUTDATED fools to be moved out of our future of inclusivity .
While some say this is dividing the country and that’s true. I think that the divide is a good thing, because it’s bringing to the front, the NASTY and HORRIBLE kind of people that still exist in our midst.
As time goes on, I sure hope that our youth, as they grow and bring forth the next generation and next and next…..
breed out this type of human…. or.. .perhaps a better word, IN-human.
Trump breaking his oath of office and bribing a foreign official. What else would you expect from fake bone spurs Trump.
Him trying to bone Ivanka
So, I’m back to thinking Pelosi is pretty sharp and actually playing 3-D chess by consistently giving the Orange Floater just enough rope to hang himself with, without her appearing overzealous.
She is smart she don’t jump up fast but when she say some she stick to it I unlike lying Trump
I’ve said that from the beginning.
Pelosi KNOWS what she’s doing. Ms. Pelosi is VERY sharp and analytical, not to mention she has decades of EXPERIENCE and makes trump (small t) look like the childish, spoiled brat MORON that he actually is.
I hope he’s having many a sleepless night!
Yes she’s getting ready to cut his head and he won’t know what or when it happen
@carolyn barnett LOL yup! Well said.

That’s how you end a snake! Cut off its head.
Inez Qtaish say watch out HERE COMES THE BOOM
You mean, the boom from Pelosi’s dentures falling out of her mouth? Or the boom from when her head falls off her shoulders?
@Eric Claey Here you go again, eric (small e).
Your trolling is just boring, stupid and truly lack-luster.
Your comments are juvenile at best.
But, I guess you are just a lonely little goof anyway.
So have at it. Enjoy your stupidness. Clearly, that’s all ya got!
Donnie’s dirty deeds done dirt cheap… maybe not
Time to GET REAL, America. Trump’s Cult and the GOP all KNOW Trump has betrayed America. They don’t CARE. They WANT the End Of The Republic. They HATE Dems, SO MUCH, that they think it’s WORTH a single party Dictatorship. Elections will be RIGGED in 2020, UNLESS we REMOVE Trump, and his enablers. It’s come down to a a straight fight, between good and evil
The United States has never looked so shabby. Thanks go to the king of self promotion, the failed casino owner who somehow pulled down the Republican party. Can we toss him to the curb and get on to something else?
You giving up on the Mueller Report, the “quid pro quo”, and the bribery accusation so soon? Strike Three is coming right at ya…
@Eric Claey
Again, eric? Well, at least your moronicness (new word) is consistent.
TMIDiva …………………….. This vulgarian brings shame on himself, his cronies, and especially the Republican party that allowed and condones this travesty, this DEBASEMENT of America, still . trump himself has no capacity to feel or understand shame. It is up to ALL of us to make sure that those within his cult-like cabal DO experience that shame and utter humiliation – particularly at the ballot box; hopefully for generations .
@JoeyFiveandDimes To date, NO ONE has said this so eloquently!
You’ve sure nailed it and in the most perfect terms.
I haven’t heard the word, “vulgarian” in so many years that it was no longer in my vocabulary. Honestly, I had to look up the meaning again. LOL
And that word fits PERFECTLY.
I truly hope your fine words resonate widely and that we ALL get out and vote OUT this vulgarian, his cronies, co-criminals and the entire GOP.
Blondie SL ………………. Thank you . Precise words have impact, but we’ll need more . Important is the understanding of what they impart . I maintain that anyone behaving so boorishly in normal human activities as trump exhibits would be instantly recognized as someone to consciously avoid by everyone of basic intellect and decency .
Treason would also fit Trump because of his hero worship of Putin.
What about your hero worship of Nazi Nancy and Schiff for Brains… and leftist fake news?
@Eric Claey Again
Impeaching putin’s orange beeeeyotch is fun.
When is that going to happen? When the cow jumps over the moon?
@Eric Claey it’s happening right now. Isn’t it great???
@AchilleS SiX lil eric is just a little troll. Nothing of substance to say. Only trolling with foolish comments. Very child-like
@Eric Claey I don’t think Trump can jump that high. Maybe that’s why he wanted a space force!
Republicans need another James dean , to tell them the truth , as they will never belive that their president is the problem … it would mean all republicans are crooked !
What’s the problem? Is the economy doing too good for you? Or, is our military too strong for you? Or is that wall getting to high for you?
Eric Claey believes
The Nat debt grows , economy is grate .
A high wall with holes is grater than A wall without holes that people pass through .
A military that lost billions of dollars now can’t protect Ali’s is grate.
Every time the President says that IMPEACHMENT is a DIRTY WORD
….. what the President is saying in fact is DEMOCRACY is a DIRTY WORD!
he is a weasel & i having grown up in the land of weasels
warn you they lurk with gifts worth little and promises worth nothing at all.
Republicans and Moscow Mitch – Every Effort to Support the President
is supporting the efforts of a foreign adversary.
& Your not researching out of the kitchen with sugar highs & Low Character Chefs
are hurting your Fellow Americans. Please Wake Up Your Self Improvement.
And the Republican defense is that inept bribery is not really bribery. I’d like to see that defense play out in a real court of law.
We’re still waiting for all that evidence from the Mueller Report, and all that “quid pro quo” evidence. When the “bribery” accusation fails, that should be strike three against the Democrats and Fake News.
@Eric Claey Yes you are correct the Democrats and we the people are still waiting for the evidence from the Mueller Report – the evidence that our now partisan DOJ is withholding – the evidence that the first court says that we the people should have – the evidence that terrified Trump will continue to withhold from we the people though at least two appeals. Thank you Eric for bringing up this important fact.
ruth d ……………….. The “Sideshow Bob” defense, as observed by writer Jonathan Chait and “The Simpsons ” writers that introduced it .
Republicans and Moscow Mitch – Every Effort to Support the President
is supporting the efforts of a foreign adversary.
& Your not researching out of the kitchen with sugar highs & Low Character Chefs
are hurting your Fellow Americans. Please Wake Up Your Self Improvement.
Pelosi will be calling it Treason soon – Trump sold out US National Security for a catchphrase he could use in 2020.
Hey guys do you think if you and me did something like what tRump did would we be arrested?
I also know if I dismissed a subpoena I would be jailed for it! Talk about ENTITLEMENT! This just proves some (I’m sure we all know who) ARE above the law!
If one man is above the law, then the rest of the American people are too. I believe it’s called equality.

Thank You Madame Speaker!! #Finally #ImpeachTrumpNow #RemoveTheCrookNow #TrumpCrimeFamily #TrumpCrimeSyndicate #StrangulationNotSuicide #MoreQuestionsThenAnswers
She need to fire her makeup artist
Trump will never testify. He will claim his innocence throughout.
Lol The dems are going down. This garbage is so ridiculous
Pelosi has been on the take from The Chinese and is desperate to protect it
This party is finished they will never recover from this!!! Just talked to our city clerk we have lost well over 65% of democrat voters they are running from this party now voter party changes she said since kavanaughs hit job are way up they are kaput!