NAACP President: We’ve To Get Prepared To Vote Like We’ve Never Voted Before | Craig Melvin | MSNBC

MSNBC's Chris Jansing is joined by NAACP President, Derrick Johnson, to discuss the implications of President Trump’s visit to Kenosha, Wisconsin and the importance of voting to address police brutality and hold law enforcement accountable. Aired on 9/1/2020.
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NAACP President: We've To Get Prepared To Vote Like We’ve Never Voted Before | Craig Melvin | MSNBC


    1. @BDiana9909 the way Trump walking down that ramp and shaking holding that glass of water he the one who needs to be in the nursing home 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  1. Americans vote like your life depends on it… this election is very important, fight for the soul of America…. VOTE!!!

    1. S E it’s a shame that trump supporters are stupid as he is, remember he said the virus was a hoax when he would have acted, we are done … he is going out of that WH

    2. @Green Eyes may i ask what state you live in?? I’m from NY, we are fed up with Democrats here. Its very possible that our state votes red in November! I’m curious to know your state. Thanks

    3. Jeremy teed haven’t you heard Biden saying he’s definitely going to be raising our taxes?

    4. mr future haven’t you seen that they’re lying about the coronavirus deaths? If you die in a car accident it’s listed as coronavirus. Same with almost any kind of death. My nephew had it and they told him that he counts as 10 people having it because they estimate that’s how many people he probably infected. Their statistics are way off. By the way he felt bad one day and was fine after that.

  2. How can he be for law and order when his supporters are killing people on the streets with guns?
    Why are reporters unable to ask these follow up questions when he said he’s for law and order?

    1. @Roger Pieronski oh so one sided paintball is ok by you? How did that building crumbled (the one your king toured in WI), did a protester with no weapon do that, or a trumpster trucker plow into bricks? Think.

    1. @Pamela Mattox Agree, the dumas Mayors and Governors have made this a worse problem. and Trump has offered for MONTHS to help remove the looters and burners!

    2. @Randy Couch The leftists are such sad, angry people these days and they are actually trying to reverse logic and blame CONSERVATIVES for the problems THEY are causing. it’s the strangest time I have EVER lived through!

    1. @G F nobody told you who to vote for….vote for trump. You’re the minority..just like 2016 your votes didn’t win him the seat..the electorate did.

    2. @Jeremy teed Here you go…. *President Trump’s platform:* Defeated Isis, lowering big pharma prices, energy independence, criminal justice reform, peace in the Middle East (Nobel Prize stuff), crushing much of Radical Islam, zero wars, First Step act, action against opioids bringing death rate down, excellent COVID response enacted the Defense Production Act 78 times, border security, 50+ hostage release negotiations, cracked down on North Korea, housing, bank and labor deregulation, lower taxes, strongest economy ever, 50-year record low unemployment of 3.5% in September 2019, lowest unemployment rate ever of 4.1% for blacks and Hispanics, 7 million jobs created. *Democrat’s platform:* Must defeat Trump… or you’ll all die, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump… *We Love You.*

    3. @Jeremy teed Biden does social distancing campaign? So they social distanced all the way to their houses? DNC did not have more ratings. You know where FAKE NEWS got that claim? From CNN. Which CNN has more DEMS watching than REP watching, so therefore they said, OH LOOK, DNC OUT PERFORMED, The first night the DNC ad less viewers than America’s got Talent. The RNC had 6X as many viewers. But hey, don’t believe me, just wait until Nov 3rd. HAHAHAHA you are going to cry like a B*tch again.

    4. Hopefully because if he doesn’t win I think a new group is going to rise and they will probably head to the white house and the rich suburban neighboors. I think it will become a revolution where they over turn the goverment. That’s such a sad thought but I bet it will happen

    5. @Betsy Bird Not a chance. Right now the DOJ and FBI are reviewing video and arresting criminals. You won’t hear much about what is really going on.

  3. Trump has done one thing, he has allowed the scum, the dark underbelly of the US to rise to the surface. Now it must be skimmed off.

  4. Law and Order? Trump’s 3500 cases of litigation, $25 million settlement for his fake university, emolument breaches, hatch clause abuse, not to mention golf cheat.

  5. He was apprehended after committing murder and Trump twists it into blaming those who tried to stop his lethal rampage. Typical Trump.

    1. @David Eby ppl tried to unarm gunman but he had rifle strapped to his chest harness. Let me walk down street armed but if someone confronts me, I shoot them in self defense

    2. @InterTranslata Tragedia Exactly, if you are armed with a skateboard you probably shouldn’t attack a man armed with an AR. No one ever accused liberals of being smart!

    3. @David Eby no one believes that they are tough either. Liberals are soft, flower children of the corns. Peace and love mobs whose women don’t bother to shave lol

    1. @Randy Couch because trump and his supporters love and respect police so much that during the maga/lockdown all were spitting on police and throwing rocks and bottles at them and attacking riot police…..

  6. How Hitler seized power:
    1.Create a crisis.
    2.Demonize opponents.
    3.Declare a state of emergency.
    4.Undermine elections.
    5. Make the rule of law irrelevant.
    6. Rule by executive order. If America falls it will be because of the people who sat on their hands. Trump is bad for America’s future. Period. #AmericaOrTrump #VOTEBLUE2020

    1. Without a real science base plan to curve and minimize the spread of the virus your plan by default becomes that of destroying America. It’s just that simple.

  7. All citizens should always vote, but it is particularly important this time. This is not the time for excuses. #thisisdifferent

    1. I don’t get how people forgets biden’s only job was to tackle bernie… he never got a chance against the biggest troll on the planet, but the DNC was always ok with that…

  8. There is no leadership in the White House. The Republican party is dead and now it is the Trump party. We need to vote President Trump, Trumpism, and all his enablers out of office! Vote Blue no matter who!!!

    1. I don’t get how people forgets biden’s only job was to tackle bernie… he never got a chance against the biggest troll on the planet, but the DNC was always ok with that…

    2. I like to think that somewhere there is a group of people all gathering info on Trump and clan, and when they have enough to be sure they will catch and keep them, they will arrest them, there will be a trail, and they will all get very very long prison sentences

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