NAACP President Derrick Johnson joins Morning Joe ahead of the South Carolina primary to discuss the candidates and their records and the importance of Jim Clyburn's endorsement of Joe Biden. Aired on 2/28/2020.
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NAACP President: To Us, SC Is Beginning Of Primary Season | Morning Joe | MSNBC
No Bernie…?
You guys serious?
They are. Thats why they are failing
they’re seriously bought
Image Joe Biden winning the first 3 states…would msnbc say, primaries only begin in SC?
@El Jay time to take your meds, buddy.
I just said that… Kra Kra!!!!
Well, Pete won the first state, and tied for first in the second. Nobody won the first three states. SC is the first state with a major black populace.
Remember that time Biden lied about getting arrested when he went to see Nelson Mandela? Pandering to the max.
Remember the numerous time Sanders claimed he marched with King, to pander to black folk, although there is absolutely any evidence of him being there? Remember when Sanders told Lou Dobbs that illegal aliens are stealing the jobs of American workers? And now he pretend to believe the opposite, to pander to Latinos.
Biden lies every other day about “being involved with civil rights”, when he was literally a Segregationist fighting against civil rights. Lol
Biden literally has dementia.
Deborah Freedman where are your receipts, Brenda?
“South Carolina is the first state that represents the diversity of the Democratic Party.”
Yeah, talk about forgetting Nevada, which Bernie won in a landslide.
Even if Joe Biden wins narrowly, MSNBC is going to make it seem like the greatest win to have ever happened in American political history.
They will do anything to stop and silence Bernie. MSNBC just doesn’t care to hide it all anymore.
Mack McG MSNBC has been fake news for years….
Rod I’ve known they’ve had a bias but, from a leftist perspective, it’s wild to see their open disdain for that end that they usually use for the right.
@Don Williams wtf is wrong with you
So people please help me out, I’m not from the USA and the way it sounds too me is that the first 2 states are mainly white peoples and that Nevada is more diverse but MSNBC makes it sound like there are just white and latino’s people living there. So what’s the truth?
Gross bias against Bernie. He’s the candidate with most of the popular vote so far so he should be mentioned more than the 3rd and 4th places.
Bernie’s also winning the black vote nationally.
@ScootMagoot46 per whom? The fake polls?
Jeff Woods – so you’re a Republican troll. just great.
Every time I watch MSNBC they have on someone that looks into the camera & tells you why #Bernie can’t win’. While #Bernie is winning. How about having someone on that explains why he’s winning & is going to be the nominee. #Bernie’s winning but you’re telling us he can’t win! It doesn’t make sense! Just say!
Will Wright That’s what they’ve been doing to Trump for 4 years. Americans are finally catching on.
@Rod id not agree with you on that. MSNBC helped trump win big time last election
Winning is getting a majority of the delegates. Has he gotten that yet?
@Deborah Freedman RIght now #Bernie has the most delegates! So he’s winning! Duh! you people are crazy
Oh stop acting like your so important! We all know your organization is in the democraps pocket!
“A mash-up there of the top presidential candidates in SC… well except for one… *cough* In other news: Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada aren’t important. I’m not really sure how you could even call them states. Am I right?”
Since Pete won Iowa (despite Sanders campaign cheating), and tied in NH, I’m sure he thinks those states were important. But, this is a discussion of South Carolina. Do pay attention.
I will never forget the woman in the interview with Ari Melber. Quote: “Do you know, why i will vote for Sanders? Because MSNBC is so biased against him.”
Perro dehont what are you talking about? My thoughts and sayings are my own
Perro dehont you sound insane and deranged… you people can’t help but lie to others and yourselves can you?
El Jay I didn’t doubt that but I have seen you repeating the same sentence, that’s just boring to read . Thanks for your reply .
Deborah Freedman Yes I do agree that it’s more important to be truthful , I just thought that it was boring to read the same comment a couple of times in different threads. Thank YOU for sharing your opinion in a civilized way, we might not agree on subjects but it’s time to getting a stop to all the hate on internet and it starts with us.
El Jay You might think that I’m deranged and lying that’s up to you. About lying, people you and me included lie or twist the truth every day . Me being deranged maybe because I think that I will be able to change some people’s attitude online by trying to keep it civilized. I do troll and I also use insults sometimes but that’s because I’m human.
00:40 “All trying to connect themselves to former President Barack Obama.”
Bernie isn’t.
@Rod actrually bernie stated exactly what obama stated about cuba LMBO so if he MIGHT connect himself to castro he only shares 44.s opinion on it
@Sean Patrick He went to Cuba, and tried to meet with Castro. But, Castro didn’t have time for him, so he had to settle for a much lower party official. He would have loved to connect himself to Castro, Castro couldn’t be bothered.
@Xeno_2GTHR But Obama didn’t gloss over the atrocities and racism of Castro’s regime. It’s interesting that in Castro’s Cuba, over 60% of the population was black, but not one party leader was.
@Deborah Freedman”Connect” himself? You are looking for news reports that meet the narrative you wish to believe. Bernie is clearly against dictators and totalitarians. Pointing out that something positive came out of a bad regime is NOT an endorsement. Blinding yourself to something good coming out of Cuba is NOT patriotic. It is ignorant, full stop.
Did I miss when Bernie said, “We fell in love” of a dictator?
Q: What Michael Bloomberg can do to make up for Stop & Frisk?
A: Withdraw from the race.
I thought the law had changed from frisk to pat. There is a big difference. The pat for weapons aLlows the officer to protect himself but a frisk is if their goes in your pocket and in the process they find a small bag of pot. They can take as evidence in the process of a Legal frisk. But randomly picking who to stop without cause is. or can be cause for a violation I think 14th
Amendment due process
@Karen La Clair Sorry, but what are you talking about?
Bloomberg was ordered by the court to terminate the practice and fought against the ruling. He is record supporting the practice last year.
Sean Patrick I know nothing about Bloomberg as Mayor or his wealth. I am from a town of 4,000 near Lake Placid NY. Don’t like the city. So I have to see what I was referring to. Bloomberg? are you sure? Did I use his name?
@Karen La Clair You know nothing about Bloomberg, but you comment on this? I am confused.
MSM continues its relentless attack of Bernie and progressives !!!
Biden lied about getting arrested trying to meet *Nelson Mandela.* How’s that going to affect him??
And Sanders said illegal aliens are stealing American jobs. How will that affect him?
@Deborah Freedman And when did Bernie say that..? Post a link.

The Democratic Party 

All bought and paid for. I stopped voting because Obama was a lame. Bernie has made me consider him.
So the minimum wage, public housing, health care ,free college and student loan is not important to south carolina?
All the candidates are offering policies to improve things. The difference is, most of the real Democrats have practical plans that can work. Black folk tend to be practical. They’ve been lied to enough to have really good BS detectors. And when Sanders speaks, those detectors go off.
Why are the losers in this campaign being treated like they’re winning? Just curious.
….Out of touch aristocrats in a dying aristocracy…..
Because the MSM is full of poop, they don’t do truth only drama, drama, drama they are the now the news reality shows
Because they’re patriots and refuse to take Putin’s support. Even Bernie acknowledges he has Putin’s support.
Black folks have to stop locking themselves into someone because of name recognition. Joe is a part of the corporate establishment.
And you cultist Bernie trolls have to quit whining and projecting your views onto others. Not everyone gives a sh!t about the same things as you do. Self righteousness is a very deplorable character trait.
350 million in the country, each with a unique perspective. Get over it…
@Ditto just watch Biden bite the dust. His political career is finished even if he wins South Carolina.
@SoulVizionTV you just show your true colors
I hope Bernie pulls an upset and wins so I can see tgis face all over MSNBC
I hope he gets upset and has a fatal hear attack.
“the primary starts in the state where the guy i support is winning”