Nova Scotia Premier Iain Rankin is tightening COVID-19 restrictions along its border and is limiting shopping to essentials only after the province reports a record 227 new COVID-19 cases on Friday.
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FIGHTING Nova Scotia – you can do it

You can be even more tyrannical??? Yikes
Another devout Branch Covidian.
@Richard Dixon Very clever word play!
NOw your telling business not sell there own stuff , might as well tell them go broke while you are , since you dont pay none of there bills lol
that’s exactly their intention
Lmao so much for that bubble you got there
You can thank those visitors from Ontario who went there and brought the variant.
@N S did you or anyone really believe you could keep it out indefinitely?
So now they’re extending the lockdown. Who else saw this coming? The government loves having this kind of power.
Another 14 days to flatten the curve, then followed by another 365 days of more restrictions.
@fernand robichaud you mean our rights and freedoms are gradually been taken away! It’s not gonna end until we end it!
Yes the government wants to control you more so you spend less money and not return back to being a mindless consumer like you were before the pandemic happened. Great logic idiots!
Drama queens
@M. A. there is logic in their actions … hint: money is not their MAIN concern
They’ve never been honest about the 23 deaths April 2020, so why would they start being honest now?
that total deaths are 23 in over a years time? I got 70 when I looked it up but gads that is over a year’s time
@Karen Dworkin I believe stats Canada
has it at 69 for 2020. Were you aware in 2018 there were 68 flu deaths in NS
PCR test at 25, no “Covid”. PCR test above 25, “Covid”.
Exactly and they will use this to say their jabs are working
@Canadian Patriot Toronto
That and the fact we are coming out of viral (flu/cold) season as well
PCR is NOT A TEST! It’s a process that can be multiplied as many times as one wants to do it, to get the results desired!
C o n v i d
If you bought a house, you have to wait!!! Wait where?
lol if i own a house. Get fucked
It’s void of compassion. NS leaves them stranded rather than finding a quarantine solution.
Plenty of Timms… oh wait they are closed.
There’s more traffic under this “lockdown” than there was last year.
I lost my job today because I would not call 811 and book a brain swab test for covid 19.
Sorry to hear that. I admire your courage. Thank you for sharing
Sorry to hear. I would refuse the test as well.
Congratulation on being one of the few Canadians with a spine who value their values and beliefs more than money and a paycheck. Welcome to the fight
Find yourself a lawyer. I work at law office and we advocate for people’s human rights which are being stampeding on by these political psychopaths.
@Devon I don’t have much money I am just trying to find something else. 30 years of working I never imagined the workplace would ever get this bad. the wearing a mask all day in a industrial setting is very unpleasant and exhausting but now terminating employment because you wont call 811 to book a test. I am not sick! I am not a disease. I am a human being.
A neighbor died of covid19 yesterday. He was 75 and was run over by a truck.
@W L I’m not asking you to believe me I’m asking you for evidence. I am assuming you don’t have any that’s why you are all trying to insult me. Like I said if you can show me real Evidence not from Facebook that Death certificates in Nova Scotia are being forged I would change my mind. Edit to add Not anecdotal evidence. I am not interested in a story your friend at work told you. If it is going to court I want to see the legal court documents filed in court. Those are public record.
@S Drisd I don’t need the evidence your the one that does. I believe him over you.
@S Drisd “extraordinary claims”? My guy, it’s been proven many times that they have indeed been putting Covid for deaths when it wasn’t the actual cause. Do you live under a rock, or do you just believe everything the “news” tells you?
Wake up brother, you’re delusional.
@W L Yeah that’s not how this works. You’re the one who said death certificates were being forged therefore you’re the 1 who needs to show the evidence. You make the claim you find the evidence.That’s how a debate works. I know the reason your deflecting is because you have no evidence. But again like I said if you have evidence the death certificates are being forged in Nova Scotia I will change my mind.
@S Drisd no I never said that. I said I believe him over you.
We followed your rules, and 1 year later we are worse off than ever
NS did follow the rules with amazing results. You can thank the visitors from Ontario who didn’t follow the rules and who brought in the variant to NS. Crazy how this works. Just ask Quebec City and the effects of one gym that didn’t follow the rules. It took a lockdown for one month with curfew to get things back to some semblance of stability. NS lockdown guidance will work and things can open up again in 2-3 weeks.
Right . Well said .
You clearly don’t understand anything after 1 year.
@N S too late now for lockdowns.
COVID-19 pandemic-related lockdown: response time is more important than its strictness
“We found high correlation between the response time of a country and its mortality rate. This finding suggests that countries that took early measures to limit population mixing had better control on the viral-related mortality. In contrast, neither the lockdown duration nor the lockdown strictness were significantly associated with mortality rates.”
I didn’t think lockdowns could get any more crazy than Ontario’s…. Wow
its in all provinces
Have you seen quebec?
the supply chain is collapsing, this is a cover. soon the military will be called in, mark my words
@S Drisd Who would fight for Trudeau ?
@Bye-bye Trudeau What is that have to do with anything I said? You are just a troll.
@S Drisd it’s scheduled for Q2 & Q3 2021. It is unfolding as we speak. machine gun toting jarheads in the streets by july-sep
Military? What military? Canada’s military was defunded a long time ago.
@Soldier for Christ Doesn’t sound defended to me
We haven’t truly been living for a while now…
There’s literally no purpose to life anymore.
This make zero sense, if it’s a virus, then why is the government, military, police force,.construction workers, transit workers,.productions plants, transportation and logistics still in full force along with the lumber harvesting and milling industry
I’m in Alberta.
Remember how Canadians looked down their noses at USA when their numbers were high, now look whose house is on fire, meanwhile lower cases and more re-opening down south.
Someone died guys, so we’re going to shut down the entire provenance.
This is so against the charter of rights.
Are we starting to realize this is not for our safety yet?
I’m moving to Florida where they have a real leader. Not a messenger boy reading whatever WHO puts in front of him.