A mysterious metal monolith found in a Utah desert was removed by an 'unknown party' over the weekend.
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Aliens took it back
It’s funny to note that the aliens have human rivet technology for joining metal together.
@Jeffrey Sweet nooo humans have alien rivet technology
@Jeffrey Sweet An unsettling unnerving sound and indescribable purple light came out of the clear sky 5 seconds later it was gone LOL
We’re not worthy
Do thou as thy monolith commands.
It’s a Festivus pole. It’s that time of year.
It is now time… For the airing of grievances.
@Captain Midnight All you can eat buffets have a limit, AND THIS IS FALSE ADVERTISINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SERENITY NOW!
You are a festivus pole
It’s the Dominion voting server.
Vote if Weyoun comesback
Hillary picked it up for bleaching.
Yeah itll be back in the desert in 6 hours
Hollow, non magnetic and paneled. Shame really. I was hoping this was the beginning of an alien conquest.
@YoAhmed sure there are. Just not likely they’ve made it to earth.
@Matthew Smith Correct or maybe they have visited already before humans
@YoAhmed There is such thing as closed mindedness however.
@Matthew Smith they’re already here.. but cloaked
@Jason Nasunin we are the aliens
The guy needed his stainless steel sheets for another prank !
Forgot his rivets lol
Democrats probably stole it like they are trying to steal the election.
Aliens: I feel like we missed something back at earth…
Shoulda installed cameras around it after discovering it
Dude it’s so cheap, hikers took videos of it and it’s hollow and has 3 parts to it and not even metal lol
That worked for Epstein how?
@levi nelson if not metal then what is it alien paper
@Sus Gold it’s Juan prolly
Amazon Prime wrong address
how original
@Valar Dohaeris I dont see this one that much
oh this is just the start i think…..whoever took it is probably gonna set it up somewhere else to be found again!
nah, next we’ll see a huge light absorbing monolith floating around the planet in a few months or less.
@Jondont say too much
“Alien Artifact Discovered – Instantly Covered In Greasy Fingerprints”
Look up Buzz Aldrin saying there’s a monolith on Mars’ Moon
It’s as alien to you as vaginas eh bro
Probably all those hikers from their greasy Clif bars
If you look closely you can see someone licked it
Probably somebody put it there and ask somebody to take video. Just to show his fine arts masterpiece.
someone put it there in hopes it would go viral and it did. end of story.
Your one of them aren’t you will you won’t fool me
Still a cool story!
@Sus Gold lmao, y’a one of those pranksters with a few pieces of metal to scrap
@asdkotable Oh I can see it though I would have put it somewhere less remote. Imagine if it showed up in the middle of a farmers field surrounded by a crop circle.
exactly what im saying. its nothing more than a prank.
Mysterious 3 pieces of stainless sheets riveted together disappears….riveting
Watch the video of the dude who went to find it. In his vid you can clearly see its riveted together and hear it’s hollow when he knocks on it
@schrodingers cat look at 0:50 – 0:52 there are rivets look closer
@Screamin demon I see it. That does not look like a structural steel rivet though it looks like a speed rivet which probably means it was damaged during transport and that was done on site. Still means it is at least 5 plates, not 3.
@m sanders – Hmm, 3 sides? I’m pretty sure the minimum number of sides for a triangular prism of any kind is 4.
@schrodingers cat – at least 4 not five; each side plus the top, there might not be a bottom
It was a portal for an alien invasion, but they saw how f**ked we are this year that they closed it and postponed everything for some other time
Probably realized that there was a pandemic about and went “aw hell naw”
LOL so Thump was responsible for saving humanity from invasion?? thats messed up… i think id take my chance with the new alien overlords. they probably know more about trying to save our environment.
biden wins so ig thats what hes gonna do next fix this lol
it’s in my back yard. birds love it.
Like I said, it was probably somebody’s art project.
“Art” surrounded by beautiful nature.

TLDR: hollow, has rivets. Not magnetizable.
Alien conversation
“Ah, home sweet home”
“Uh oh, I can’t find the house key!”
“You didn’t drop it back on Earth did you?”
“Damnit, yes, we have to go back!”
The monolith had a message “Epstein did not kill himself”
It’s Earth’s USB stick. Don’t pull it out or we all get erased