Mutual funds, index funds and ETFs: How to use these to build wealth

Buying an ETF or mutual fund is a cheaper, less risky way for new investors to enter the stock market. Here are the pros and cons of each, explained. RELATED:

Financial markets have been showing signs of increased concerns for a while, but the U.S. stock market had remained largely resilient. The S&P 500 has had just two down weeks in the last eight, and the last time it had even a 5% pullback from a record high was in October.

Any weakness could present an opportunity to scoop up more stocks at lower prices, or investors could at least hold steady in their retirement accounts, according to Sam Stovall, chief investment strategist at investment research firm CFRA.

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Mutual funds, index funds and ETFs: How to use these to build wealth | For My Money


  1. Hey folks it corn pop. Ya know, with the hairy legs? How bout we deal with this behind the gym? I learned about roaches at the pool! C’mon man 10% to the big guy!

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