Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) talks to Chris Hayes about his trip to Ukraine when he warned President Zelenskiy not to get entangled in U.S. politics. Aired on 11/13/19.
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Murphy Warned Ukraine’s President In Sept. Not To Get Entangled In U.S. Politics | All In | MSNBC
russia planted the seed and is now watching it grow. china continues to watch russia…
@z le a literate snail is too smart for Trump.
z le a dog turd is too smart for Trump
@George B. Wolffsohn Why don’t we hear more about this!!
@Leeanne Bishop and yet, they’re holding out, and holding up while showing that widdle donnie is NOT the great negotiator. China can play the long game. widdle donnie doesn’t have the patience to hold out.
Sad that these countries are pressured to succumb to American (in this case: Trump’s) demands… abuse of power, corrupting everything and everybody. Everything that Trump touches, gets dirrrrty beyond saving, and eventually dies. He has the “touch of death”, and I don’t mean a 70s Kung Fu movie.
@Ladysmith Dee It has been confirmed by multiple witnesses that the Ukrainians knew, probably that’s why it isn’t reported, because only fox opinion news and republicans politicians (who know better) would say otherwise (lie). What the The President of Ukraine said was reported on CNN. Why would you believe a politician when he’s fighting for his countries survival when our officials say otherwise?
Ladysmith Dee You’re absolutely correct about Ukraine not knowing the aid was held up… UNTIL AUGUST 29TH.. See, if you’re going to put out things you believe you know, go to Google first and FACT CHECK!! Amb Taylor testified the same thing because HE didn’t know either. Sondland is who made it point blank to them. No aid UNLESS YOU.. Please go FACT CHECK what I said so that you not spread inaccuracies when the facts are out there.. I mean absolutely ZERO disrespect to you. It just bothers me that you heard a misleading talking point from May and you’re still using it even after Republicans have changed their defense for the 9th time and have done away mostly with Zelensky didn’t know. That’s one thing that was a tad out by Ukraine. One of his aids said when they found out they had a meeting for several days and found the lives of their people and the land of their country saving was worth just doing it. That is said and told to 3 people that testified to it.. Why is it hard for you to see that what Trump did was ILLEGAL? In his own MEMO It says it!! It’s about our country, not a party or one person.. He’s destroying our country and we are no longer respected on the world stage. America has been left out of 13 different 32 COUNTRY MEETING.. They left us out and Trudeau said.., “What is the point in inviting a person that will not join to be a part and sit in the hotel watching his favorite news people and on Twitter .” That is what Trump had made our country into. More mass shootings under him yet he won’t do anything at all about them. He was just in a room of billionaires and millionaires in NYC telling them their STOCK MARKET investments will continue to be good and he will protect them and, “NO HIGHER TAXES ON YOU, NO SOCIALISM IN THIS COUNTRY.” Exact words!!
ღSwnsasyღ _ yes! Same here !
ღSwnsasyღ _ Spot-on text, I love reading these well-informed, passionate and accurate opinions and insights, thank you, lady ! Trump is an evil that must be removed, this must be stopped, these impeachment procedures, regardless of outcome, will be a testimony that at least a part of America will go down in history as standing up for Democracy, not just in the US, but around the world. But if they fail to remove Trump, this sends a signal to all future dictators, and that will be very, very BAD.
Ladysmith Dee of course he said he was not pressured. What else could he do? Indicate to his country that as a new president he was going to allow himself to be bribed or pressured into doing personal work for Trump? And the. He would have Trump attack him and he would not get aid the next year. Stupid response
Chris Murphy ===> Voice of reason and intelligence making things very clear.
@Ladysmith Dee is a bogus site!
@Ladysmith Dee it’s clear you are Russian
“Good begets good; evil begets evil”…said Paul Auster..
All the spying and investigations proved there are no criminal acts pertaining to Trump.
@Ladysmith Dee Trump begets a shitload of Russian Intel trolls. FACT CHECK: A normal counterintelligence operation was predicated on very reliable human intel and led to a shitload of confessions and convictions. Secondly every move by Trump is to do whatever works best for Putin. It’s moot as to whether or not Trump is a Russian asset because there is no daylight between what he and a Russian asset do.
Throw in Moscow Mitch and America is a great sleeping drunk who is deaf, dumb and blind as the only defence to Russia ver 20.20
Life is funny. Trump asked a former comedian for dirt on his political rival and was served impeachment hearings. Ha.
@Zachary Fluke ~ well at a guess he is a russian intel officer with terminal FITH disease.
@David Lafleche Yup … Trump speak. Why is it none of them say, Joe Biden should definitely go to Disneyland for this’ unspecified act.
@Mike C Because Biden committed extortion.
are you insane
And what does Senator Johnson have to say? He’s a Republican, right? And he accompanied the ambassador and the other senator to Ukraine, right? So what is his statement?
That part.

Who CARES?! lol he’s a Republican and they’re not exactly on a truth-telling crusade nowadays.
to paraphrase JFK
Trump: ” Ask not what you can do for your country, ask what you can do for ME “
Trump says, Follow me for the new, great America, worship me, me, me!
@birdlynn hubbard After all……He said he is the “Chosen One”!
“And if you don’t know what I want, ask Rudy.”
@Ladysmith Dee what you s wrong with you?
Trump takes no salary. His finances are not appreciating anywhere near what they would if he were a private citizen. Ask why you listen to, read, watch and absorb the media programming provided to you by your country – yes you are being programmed.
These guys are all using cell phones. The phone bill shows every call. Who called who and when and for how long. All of them should just dump their phone bills on the table
you could just ask russia
Devin Nunes claims that this is some wild conspiracy theory, grounded in pure fiction.

Yet at the same time, he’s suing a cow who has a twitter account for spreading lies about him.
For $250 million!
Is this the “best” the republicans have to offer?
@Lana Kahl Ladysmith Dee is a bogus site!
who would take TRUMP BLOOD MONEY
@Eddie Edmunds That my friend, would be the ” Perfect” Call!!! Also Joe and Hunter, take that fire out of that argument. Let the people SEE their reactions… a SANE process!!
@Ladysmith Dee Yes, the Trump Regime has almost completed it’s coup on the Constitution and the United States of America. Make America Great Again = IMPEACH TRUMP!
Yep. BWAAAAA. moooo
A senator that didn’t catch the republican “I Don’t Recall” memory virus.
Folks at work kept commenting on this. WTF ever vote for a Republican again, they can’t remember anything from a few days prior, how in the heck are they able to do their jobs? This must be why Republicans wear lapel pins with their names on them, so they can remember who each other is.
@Ladysmith Dee Bogus site!
“I don’t recall”, “I don’t recall”, “I don’t recall”, “I don’t recall”, “I don’t recall”, “I don’t recall”, x 20 – “What do you mean like wipe it with a towel?”, “What difference does it make”…
Trump: I cheated on *all* my wives. I cheated on my taxes. I cheated the banks. I cheated the investors. I cheated my employees. I cheated my contractors. I cheated my suppliers. *But trust me, I don’t cheat in elections*
Add cheated on military serv too
And you know this and have evidence of this or are you just doing some internet investigation seeing what others try and push and go with that?
@Cam Busters Why believe such a pathological liar when the evidence overwhelms? How can you? Donald Trump is pretty sure he got out of being drafted for the Vietnam War because of heel spurs, but he can’t seem to remember which heel it was that gave him problems, when the injury finally cleared up, or how serious the heel spurs actually were.
While Trump’s explanations for why he deferred the draft have varied — sometimes it’s a lucky lottery number, sometimes it’s a health problem despite his “astonishingly excellent” health — the Republican nominee assured The New York Times that it was, indeed, due to heel spurs. “I had a doctor that gave me a letter — a very strong letter on the heels,” Trump said, though he never ended up providing that letter to the Times and could not remember the name of the doctor who had written it.
Trump explained the heel spurs, which are caused by a calcium build-up, were “not a big problem, but it was enough of a problem” to exempt him from the draft. At another point in the interview, he said the heels were a “minor” injury, but he also claimed the spurs made things “difficult from the long-term walking standpoint.”
And after all that, the heel spurs weren’t “enough of a problem” to appear in Trump’s record of health released by his physician in December.
Hey, my senator being dope again, as he always is. Lucky to have one of the very few politicians I like be my representative
is trump signaling to all countries that they can invade their neighbours ? … yes, apparently… russia in ukraine, turkey in syria, …
He is trying to start a third world war
Canada…. please, please!
This entire saga further reinforces the argument that the life of a soldier is one of the greatest tragedies, where their brave sacrifices at times are rendered useless, by power hungry individuals in suits and ties. That is all.
That was good, but should be brought out to the light and shame those “suit and tie spineless wimps” who try to talk down our great military men and heros.
Too true to argue with.
@Mohit Kalro
~ That, sadly, has been the norm under bone spur gutless wonders. They are resentful about the sacrifice of those who step forward to defend their country, including the second by second fear borne by their loved ones. Stolen valour does not make a warrior’s act less noble nor less deserving of a nation’s pride and gratitude.
@Mike C indeed, could not have said it better.
all this shows Trump to be what we all knew he is, a narcissistic bully & coward who wants to shift the blame from Russia interference to Ukrainian interference, following Putin’s orders
yes but this is not getting trump out any faster its juts stall tactics on the repukes, cover ups have a way of back firing in your face
john e Lawler That’s not his only toxic behavior as he’s a Malignant Narcissist!
@Jeanne 54 true
Senators Murphy and Johnson should be witnesses to the House to explain their September 5th trip to Ukraine and what transpired in regard to the withheld aid.
Our other allies must be watching this in absolute horror.
Oh they were especially every time Hillary spoke
StarWine, we still have allies out there? We can only
that we do..
After gw Shrub stole his 2nd term most of the world’s democracies saw the toilet swirl we’ve always been, in the big picture
What allies?
Russia and North Korea?
A mixture of amusement and horror. Sure is making a lot of money for all these media corporations who cover every fart though.
why can’t the Rupublicans argue eloquently and factually like the Democrats?
Because GOP lead by deception. GOP = Fraud. U cannot eloquently argue lies; the only people listening are bunch of dotards & liars. Very simple!
They lack truth. Liars are fools.
Peter Tan ~ Ever see how tough it for a turd to speak? And they’re the runts of the runts of cross species experiments with gerbils. Pop a run wheel near them and they’re great, for runted runted gerbils..
Because they can’t argue in the facts because they are disregarding them and constantly trying to ‘spin’ them.
It is very simple they don’t like the facts so won’t use them and none of them are smart enough to be eloquent. The smart Republicans saw what Trump was and keep their distance or have left the party. All you have left is the ignorant co-conspirators.
The opening picture of Zelensky staring in disbelief at the smug, vapid countenance of captain Tiny hands/Bone Spurs says it all. Thank you GOP and MAGAots everywhere for making America the laughing stock of the eat fecal matter and die…
Trump is so disgusting. I look forward to the day when America is governed by a real patriot and not a sham artist.
You will be looking for the rest of your life then buddy – they all are corrupt.
@Nicholas Gadler True, that’s what US politics is all about nowadays… You vote for the “least bad candidate” instead of a good one… All the good, ethical and capable people have decided a long time ago that politics is not for them, because most of the voters would rather vote for a “Kim Kardashian” than a “Bill Gates”.