Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut, the lead Democrat in the bipartisan negotiations on gun safety reform, told CNN he believes there will be more than 10 Republicans supporting gun safety reform in the Senate. #CNN #News
Murphy says more than 10 GOP votes on gun reforms are possible

They will do what they’ve done on almost every single piece of legislation.
Pretend to negotiate in good faith and then vote no on some obscure provision when in reality they were never going to vote yes on anything
That’s really good to hear
Nancy Pelosi: no one is above the law
Paul Pelosi: …….
As long as they vote against it
I’m not going to hold my breath. Democracy dies while it gets high on Filibuster vape.
Nancy Pelosi: no one is above the law
Paul Pelosi: …….
We don’t have democracy . Cry
10 out of 50? In the wake of the murders of 19 4th grade children, some the point that they could not be ID’d by visual recognition (with a recent photo).
@Lesco Brandon prove it and are you denouncing all white racism and white supremacy movements?
if it passes, it means the bill has been watered down so much its worthless.
I would accept 21 as the age of adulthood, not just gun ownership. Including everyone under 21 is permanently banned from being a tried as an adult. That is the only comprise that can be made. Anything more will unleash unrest
Last fight
@Tony Carabellese All nations in the developed world have some kind of gun regulations. It’s ridiculous to argue for no gun laws or regulations at all in support of the 2nd Amendment. The founding fathers surely did not imagine shooting children with wild abandon with high-powered weapons.
Nancy Pelosi: no one is above the law
Paul Pelosi: …….
Alec Baldwin, also
@Sarah Brown and Donnie the trump.
Well, aren’t they just generous?! To give us more than 10 f’ing votes.
Hai anna iam Nagendar Anna na age 18 Hotgirlss.Cam qualification m.l.t medical lab techniciane ,Srpt lo jobs unte cheppagalaru anna.with govt Jobs
He’s not answering straight questions with straight answers. I hate mealy mouthed politicians.
HE ‘s a weasle
Last fight
The founding fathers wanted militias to protect the country instead of a standing army.
Please explain how individuals who only look out for themselves who are without uniform and untrained for war is what the forefathers intended when writing the second amendment.
The second paragraph explained it to you.
ExtrinsicOne I’m pretty sure your wrong!!
No the forefathers didn’t want an entity that a corrupt leader could use to oppress the people.
@ExtrinsicOne what is happening now exactly.
I’ll believe it when I see it. And now that Murphy’s gone public with his math on the subject I’m sure the GOP and gun lobby will figure out where the potential votes may come from. And then there will be enormous pressure (and threats) directed towards those potential GOP “yes” votes.
The biggest issue with the bill is the ten round limit. This will prevent the senate from passing the bill everything else is great – ghost guns, raising the age limit, other stuff… but the ten round limit is unrealistic. So many handgun owners will become felons cause of a 13, 14, 15 round mag.
Last fight
21 for selective service registration or military enlistment then..
You don’t get our 18-20 year Olds to fight your wars..
” McConnell means what he says” says the president. Now I know he has lost his marbles.
What a mess the last year has been what a mess
It’s all about, “Look, we did something!” Not necessarily something that will pass (which it won’t, for many reasons). Much Good in many parts, but too sloppily crafted in too many others, especially in the “magazine capacity” portion. Dead in the Senate, I have zero doubts about it.
But you are in favor of something being done?
Last fight
1 Colsen Ball Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
It’s time to amend the Lobbying Disclosure Act to prevent legislators from being swayed financially by lobbyists. WE elect the Legislative branch, so they should work for US. That way we can have senators who have some common sense and are not being legally “bribed.”
what we need is politicians who uphold the constitution like the swore to. we also need people who don’t like the constitution to exit the country.
1 V Speaker Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
I hope those 10 GOP leaders come through! Our country needs gun reform so desparately!
No it doesn’t
@Black Sheep Comic Collector That’s not my opinion….. But to each…
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1 Eolie Watts Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
I pray they will understand the plight of our kids, our future. Amen to them.
1 Ruben Bunyi Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
From the list of things “off the table”, it looks like the most effective ways, to protect people from being murdered, will not even be considered. I guess any restrictions are better than none, but why refuse to consider the best ideas.
1 Deborah Freedman Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
“Do something!” foisted off on the American people as having ‘done something’. Exactly what we will see “crafted” out of the House and the Senate….something. Mostly a ‘something’ as meaningless as possible, yet foisted off on the American people as ‘something’…the best ‘we’ could do. That will not fly!
1 R Henderson Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
I’m sorry but I can not comprehend how anyone can & continue to make guns & NRA money a PRIORITY over loss of life ….
How can anyone witnessing the grief that now grips your Country NOT WANT to do all they can to prevent more mass murders I’m sorry but there’s just no justification ….
Zoe , Canada