Thousands of people are being forced to evacuate due to the 16 fires raging across California which have left millions without power. #CNN #News
Multiple raging California fires force thousands to evacuate

Thousands of people are being forced to evacuate due to the 16 fires raging across California which have left millions without power. #CNN #News
My god. So much real estate to sell before it gets burned
We need to find better ways to stop these fires
Is it just me or is hell on earth beautiful
*highway to hell music starts playing*
Run! Be safe! This is real news it looks like, I think.
It was staged…on the moon.
It was actually footage from last weekends “party” on Chicago’s south side…. Everyone said it was hot.
slagletoby seriously? This is REAL. People are losing EVERYTHING. I guess as long as it doesn’t affect you, it’s OK to be a jerk…
You think…..
Good wishes to those in CA…Let’s het rain moving!

Hell on earth!!!
The Great Anointed Pussygrabber Our Lord LittleHands!!!
oh well, it’s only murica.
My best wishes for the people of California.
Alphawolf 655 thank you
You’re too politically correct just say my prayers go with you, how are your best wishes going to have any effect on anything?
NowTruth IsH8Speech … You’re too “religiously” correct. Go do some shopping at hobby lobby.
This is crazy every year they have this problem
We are in a shadow war with China and nobody wants to admit it yet:
This is the same tech they used for the CA wildfires (lights/lasers falling from the sky are fakes/archaic tech) as well as the Hawaii volcano (the bad guys were attempting to freeze the tip of the volcano whilst heating below the surface, would’ve caused a massive explosion that would’ve sent the peak skyward and covered most of the US in ash within minutes. Great news is the good guys have access to similar tech and they were hitting the ground around the volcano, softening it up, hoping it would break apart and vent, which it did) .The tech works somewhat similarly to a microwave oven in this state so anything conductive will go up first. Their hopes are generally that the resulting fire will wipe everything out to the point it isn’t easy to determine conductive vs biological damage but if you want a hint, go to the video of Trump visiting CA after the wildfires to meet with gov. Jerry Brown. Pay close attention to the site, the background. You’ll notice metals are burnt to a crisp whereas most plant life (even inches from the metal) are left entirely untouched. Right in front of our eyes for the whole world to see, yet nobody was paying attention. There’s a decent document on CIA CREST documenting Russia’s and China’s use of such tech throughout the 60s, 70s and 80s but there are plenty of white papers on the tech and much can be learned from studying quantum mechanics. The ARMY’s ‘active denial system’ is a scaled down version of this tech. Its capabilities are quite literally limited only by imagination and everything that receives and transmits contributes to this global scalar network (a network of intersecting radio waves, a grid)-It’s largely what the ‘chemtrails’ are about. Filling the atmosphere with nanometallic particles, like tinfoil in the microwave (far more effective, offers nearly infinite resolution). Those satellites do far more than they let on.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< (First paragraph moved): If you want the truth as to what happened on 9/11, research 'SCALAR INTERFEROMETRY.' Everything else is smoke and mirrors. This is the 'Tesla Death Ray' everyone speaks of. However, they put every possible redundancy in place so most theories are correct (countless rabbit holes of endless debate, but they operate in the realm far beyond imagination. In fact, many are entirely unaware one of the towers was constructed with an HVAC system that requires a certain chemical be pumped throughout every wall in the building. The same chemical NASA uses to amplify heat output from rocket fuel) but the big tech that was used to bring them down was focusing radio waves onto a single vector via satellite and local Doppler radar. On a side-note: 'Chemtrails' are not planes filled with large barrels spraying liquid into the sky. Chemtrails are advanced fifth generation nanotech: they bond the metals with the fuel at the quantum scale and the chemical process doesn't occur until combusted at high altitude and properly swept with the interferometer (via satellite), entirely undetectable via any publicly available means until the process has already taken place. Essentially, the fuel appears as normal, the plane climbs and as it reaches its destination (said destination already being blasted with the proper frequency/amplitude/etc) the fuel is then combusted and nobody is the wiser until streaks start showing up in the sky (this isn't even getting to DARPA's quantum 'swarm' tech but you've already seen it in many Hollywood films). Either way, a good place to start: millions of docs like this were dumped the month Trump took office (and many more since), much of them pertaining to 'psychoenergetics' research or, in other words, the study of the 'spiritual sciences.' Telekinesis, Remote Viewing, etc. It's traditionally the study of human paranormal capability. You'll even find buried in these docs the fact that Chinese military intelligence successfully infiltrated the construction company who remodeled/renovated CIA HQ, you'll find all the very same seditious stuff they're doing to Trump, they also did to Reagan, it was just behind closed doors at the time. One example everyone seems gets a kick out of: 'The Force' in Star Wars came from some of these studies. They found a human being, when inside a strong magnetic field, can move an object using only thought, with their arm extended outward toward the object and their muscles fully flexed, to what they call 'the edge of friction.' In other words, as close to weightlessness as physically possible. Essentially a human in a strong magnetic field can move a very light conductive object placed atop a dielectric surface just enough to render it nearly weightless with little to no 'training.' There's far too much to list, even for a brief dose of cliff notes but just do a little digging around the CIA CREST database and it won't take long before you find something infinitely interesting. Keep in mind, this isn't even remotely scratching the surface: Excerpt of interest: Original doc: Schumann Resonances (anomaly on sensor 2 aka Saudi Arabia seen as a bright horizontal orange bar, near equator, or where Earth’s magnetic field is at its furthest point from source, and is at its greatest rate of deceleration, has shown up the past few years and the amplitude in South Africa, near Antarctica, or where the energy in Earth’s magnetic field is approaching its greatest rate of acceleration, has been off the charts during that time). Another side note: They’ve ‘debunked’ the Schumann Resonances using semantics, as usual and haven’t even done a thorough job of it. The Schumann Resonances are a set of frequencies from which they measure amplitude in Earth’s magnetic field. It isn’t the frequencies that have been off the charts (as everyone states, even hear things like ‘IT’S AT 192HZ!! EMERGENCY, everyone gets that wrong, the frequencies are the control, they do not change, it’s the amplitude (power) at said frequencies that has been historically off the charts, as well as amplitudes at much higher frequencies than are typically measured, therefore by definition not even part of the ‘Schumann Resonances.’ So again, easily ‘debunked’ to the unaware laymen but the stuff has been WAY off the charts a few years or so now, everyone’s hunch was correct at least. Pulse on same date, rainfall sensor animation (does this look natural to you?): Again not even scratching the surface, just trying to quickly share the little bit I can but I’d be more than glad to share more or explain everything I know for any in need. BONUS: Entirely unrelated but this doc was in the same release and everyone gets a kick out of it. If you’re ‘meh,’ click this one, it’s the least boring of the bunch
It’s a transcription of a Remote Viewing session held in training-viewing the planet Mars at the time 1,000,000 B.C. Excerpt: Original document:
The government started all the fires using Laser weapons .
They have a lot of raging flames AKA democrats
@Gerardo Argueta False, they’re radio wave weapons, or ‘scalar interferometry’ based weapons. Focusing radio waves from multiple locations on a single point. Energy properties work very similarly to how a microwave oven vibrates molecules to heat them up. In fact, it’s possible to locate effected areas as conductive materials (like metals) would show more signs of heat than non conductive materials (like plastics, biology, etc).
Read previous comment then look for yourself.
Trump says leave… so I guess you should stay
Also Trump: That fire is going to Vegas as seen by this sharpie line
Are you talking about the same President Trump who has brought us the lowest unemployment since 1969? Yeah, I’d listen to him.
Please stay
The fire is going to spread to Washington state Portland oh and parts of Canada
I’m on a highway to hell !!

Way more of us are without power. They (PG&E) told us these de-energizing would prevent these fires. They need to get it together and have ongoing maintenance so some of these fires can be prevented/controlled.
Why didn’t CNN cover the mass shooting at Texas A & M? Must have been a real shooting
Shooter was black…. Didn’t fit the narrative
Mint Visto
Wow how low can you go has been answered.
This is what happens when you try to invoke the dead!!!
When the Earthquakes
Cali here, we blame our idiot politicians starting with Grossom
Arnold Schwarzenegger
“Get ouuu, if you want to live!”
We are in a shadow war with China and nobody wants to admit it yet:
This is the same tech they used for the CA wildfires (lights/lasers falling from the sky are fakes/archaic tech) as well as the Hawaii volcano (the bad guys were attempting to freeze the tip of the volcano whilst heating below the surface, would’ve caused a massive explosion that would’ve sent the peak skyward and covered most of the US in ash within minutes. Great news is the good guys have access to similar tech and they were hitting the ground around the volcano, softening it up, hoping it would break apart and vent, which it did) .The tech works somewhat similarly to a microwave oven in this state so anything conductive will go up first. Their hopes are generally that the resulting fire will wipe everything out to the point it isn’t easy to determine conductive vs biological damage but if you want a hint, go to the video of Trump visiting CA after the wildfires to meet with gov. Jerry Brown. Pay close attention to the site, the background. You’ll notice metals are burnt to a crisp whereas most plant life (even inches from the metal) are left entirely untouched. Right in front of our eyes for the whole world to see, yet nobody was paying attention. There’s a decent document on CIA CREST documenting Russia’s and China’s use of such tech throughout the 60s, 70s and 80s but there are plenty of white papers on the tech and much can be learned from studying quantum mechanics. The ARMY’s ‘active denial system’ is a scaled down version of this tech. Its capabilities are quite literally limited only by imagination and everything that receives and transmits contributes to this global scalar network (a network of intersecting radio waves, a grid)-It’s largely what the ‘chemtrails’ are about. Filling the atmosphere with nanometallic particles, like tinfoil in the microwave (far more effective, offers nearly infinite resolution). Those satellites do far more than they let on.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< (First paragraph moved): If you want the truth as to what happened on 9/11, research 'SCALAR INTERFEROMETRY.' Everything else is smoke and mirrors. This is the 'Tesla Death Ray' everyone speaks of. However, they put every possible redundancy in place so most theories are correct (countless rabbit holes of endless debate, but they operate in the realm far beyond imagination. In fact, many are entirely unaware one of the towers was constructed with an HVAC system that requires a certain chemical be pumped throughout every wall in the building. The same chemical NASA uses to amplify heat output from rocket fuel) but the big tech that was used to bring them down was focusing radio waves onto a single vector via satellite and local Doppler radar. On a side-note: 'Chemtrails' are not planes filled with large barrels spraying liquid into the sky. Chemtrails are advanced fifth generation nanotech: they bond the metals with the fuel at the quantum scale and the chemical process doesn't occur until combusted at high altitude and properly swept with the interferometer (via satellite), entirely undetectable via any publicly available means until the process has already taken place. Essentially, the fuel appears as normal, the plane climbs and as it reaches its destination (said destination already being blasted with the proper frequency/amplitude/etc) the fuel is then combusted and nobody is the wiser until streaks start showing up in the sky (this isn't even getting to DARPA's quantum 'swarm' tech but you've already seen it in many Hollywood films). Either way, a good place to start: millions of docs like this were dumped the month Trump took office (and many more since), much of them pertaining to 'psychoenergetics' research or, in other words, the study of the 'spiritual sciences.' Telekinesis, Remote Viewing, etc. It's traditionally the study of human paranormal capability. You'll even find buried in these docs the fact that Chinese military intelligence successfully infiltrated the construction company who remodeled/renovated CIA HQ, you'll find all the very same seditious stuff they're doing to Trump, they also did to Reagan, it was just behind closed doors at the time. One example everyone seems gets a kick out of: 'The Force' in Star Wars came from some of these studies. They found a human being, when inside a strong magnetic field, can move an object using only thought, with their arm extended outward toward the object and their muscles fully flexed, to what they call 'the edge of friction.' In other words, as close to weightlessness as physically possible. Essentially a human in a strong magnetic field can move a very light conductive object placed atop a dielectric surface just enough to render it nearly weightless with little to no 'training.' There's far too much to list, even for a brief dose of cliff notes but just do a little digging around the CIA CREST database and it won't take long before you find something infinitely interesting. Keep in mind, this isn't even remotely scratching the surface: Excerpt of interest: Original doc: Schumann Resonances (anomaly on sensor 2 aka Saudi Arabia seen as a bright horizontal orange bar, near equator, or where Earth’s magnetic field is at its furthest point from source, and is at its greatest rate of deceleration, has shown up the past few years and the amplitude in South Africa, near Antarctica, or where the energy in Earth’s magnetic field is approaching its greatest rate of acceleration, has been off the charts during that time). Another side note: They’ve ‘debunked’ the Schumann Resonances using semantics, as usual and haven’t even done a thorough job of it. The Schumann Resonances are a set of frequencies from which they measure amplitude in Earth’s magnetic field. It isn’t the frequencies that have been off the charts (as everyone states, even hear things like ‘IT’S AT 192HZ!! EMERGENCY, everyone gets that wrong, the frequencies are the control, they do not change, it’s the amplitude (power) at said frequencies that has been historically off the charts, as well as amplitudes at much higher frequencies than are typically measured, therefore by definition not even part of the ‘Schumann Resonances.’ So again, easily ‘debunked’ to the unaware laymen but the stuff has been WAY off the charts a few years or so now, everyone’s hunch was correct at least. Pulse on same date, rainfall sensor animation (does this look natural to you?): Again not even scratching the surface, just trying to quickly share the little bit I can but I’d be more than glad to share more or explain everything I know for any in need. BONUS: Entirely unrelated but this doc was in the same release and everyone gets a kick out of it. If you’re ‘meh,’ click this one, it’s the least boring of the bunch
It’s a transcription of a Remote Viewing session held in training-viewing the planet Mars at the time 1,000,000 B.C. Excerpt: Original document:
Broooo my online friend is currently in California, but he’s luckily safe.
The government is responsible for the fires , they want everyone to leave .
I’m worried about all the weed that was harvesting.