Multiple Prosecutors Quit Roger Stone Case After DOJ Announces Reduced Sentence | Deadline | MSNBC

Several prosecutors in Roger Stone's criminal case abruptly resigned from the case on Tuesday after the Justice Department said it planned to reduce its recommended 7 to 9 years sentence for the longtime Trump ally. The Justice Department pulled back on its request after President Donald Trump blasted the initial sentencing proposal as "a miscarriage of justice." Aired on 02/11/2020.
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Multiple Prosecutors Quit Roger Stone Case After DOJ Announces Reduced Sentence | Deadline | MSNBC

Multiple Prosecutors Quit Roger Stone Case After DOJ Announces Reduced Sentence | Deadline | MSNBC


    1. Maybe they realize that he was found guilty of process crimes after being investigated with a warrant that didnt follow process 🤷🏻‍♂️

    1. Send helicopters gun boats, tank, personal carriers, 30 machine gun toting SWAT FBI agents in dawn raid with CNN cameras tipped off on every fake news creature at CNN, MSN, CBS, ABC, NPR, NBC, and Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Ohr, Strok, McCabe, Sally Yates, Pelosi, Weissman, Mueller, Biden and son, Kerry and Son, Clinton, Podestas, Huma Abadeen, Feinstein, Schift, Nadler. Time for justice in endless overthrow attempts. All in solitary for 8 months of looking at their shoes like Manafort until their minds crack. Then life no parole. You either take out the king or you die, that is how overthrows work. Seth Rich was the whistle blower on DNC. Who ordered the military raid on 70 year old with no criminal history? Weissman?

  1. We will remember that equality for all sounds good… until you realize that the people that had “unfair advantages” would rather destroy this country, then share it and make it beautiful.

    1. Wow, Trump screwed the country up so much that when somebody does the right thing they’re immediately attacked (in a condescending way) by the presidents water carriers. Stone was unanimously found guilty of major crimes by a jury of his peers.

    2. Grey, Rusty, Steven: A jury of Roger Stone’s peers found him guilty of all 7 felonies. The recommended sentence is standard for the crimes Stone committed. Justice is served when it is equal. Justice is not served when a felon has friends in such high places that their sentence time is cut in half.

    1. The Senate, The no longer ‘Independent Judiciary’ under Partisan John & SCOTUS, is facilitating the precipitous fall of the rule of law and the rise of a single Supreme Leader.

  2. when limits to political authority are not recognized,
    The leaders of the people in a popular government are not defenders of freedom, but candidates of tyranny.

    Benjamin constant.

    1. @Tor Finn

      — Denial is an essential coping strategy for one who praises a lying, narcissistic con man!
      — A synonym for “actual” is “real”. So, TF, when are facts not real? (Unless you meant Kellyanne Conway’s “alternative facts” — obviously real in the Trump/Conway reality TV series entitled, “President Trump”.)
      — Who is Kay Gee Trump? And to what position was Kay Gee Trump elected?
      — Keep waiting . . . there’s really nothing more for you to do than that, given that you demonstrate denial as your essential coping strategy.

  3. We are in pre-Revolutionary France; all the excesses have become the norm; morality is disappearing before our eyes.

    1. @Joyce Taylor specifically what tyranny? You all need to stop with the over the top rhetoric. The sentence recommendation was ridiculous, he’s an eccentric old man who got in trouble for talking to wikileaks. Seriously.. What tyranny do you speak of?? The great economy? The blue collar boom? Just please knock off all the crazy talk.

    1. We are a constitutional republic, not a democracy. Do me a favor and take a peek at the constitution, tell me how many times the word “DEMOCRACY ” is used in it……. I’ll save you the trouble, democracy is never mentioned. I’m sure that you have never read the constitution but I bet you have the communist manifesto in your back pocket!

    2. Damian Fraley You need to settle down little man before you stroke out!🤤 Yep my mistake. Your constitutional republic is still as shithole!👍

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