Rachel Maddow reports on several news outlets that followed a report in the Atlantic of Donald Trump disparaging veterans and military service with matching reporting of their own, including Fox News, rendering denials from the Trump camp hollow. Aired on 09/04/2020.
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Multiple News Outlets Mirror Report Of Trump Denigrating Veterans, Military Service | MSNBC
Come November, we’ll show you what a Real LOSER looks like.
But trump will cheer on the confederates, who actually were LOSERS. He’s sick. Vote him out.
@david clark nope sorry the only one that wanted to do anything about the virus he shut down flights immediately from China and he called him a racist and then when that backfired in your face you started saying that he did nothing about the virus which by the way was mishandled by Democrat politicians like Cuomo and New York who was responsible for murdering elderly people by sending them back to nursing homes to die sorry you lose again do the lack of action evidence
@david clark by the way unless you can name one thing that Obama accomplished other than supporting terrorism increasing welfare numbers and giving money to terrorist Nations like Iran then you lose
@david clark sorry but you haven’t proven anything except that you’re incompetent and brainwashed maybe you should stop watching CNN and CNBC and other fake news media
@david clark so once again name one thing that Obama accomplished show me some evidence of that booming economy under Obama oh wait a minute you can’t
@david clark so where is that proof of a booming economy under Obama haven’t seen it yet because it doesn’t exist we have proof of the booming economy under Trump in fact the economy is recovering since people have learned that coronavirus was nothing but fake fear-mongering garbage that was nothing but flew virus that had a less than 001% fatality rate sorry but you lose again
Definition of STUPID: knowing the truth, seeing the truth, but still believing Trump lies.
Rod are you nuts?

Awwwwww….look at little ‘ uneducated’ you, do you feel lonely on the ‘stupid step’?
Lol, This has been debunked as all lies. The only suckers are the morons who let the MSM aka The self appointed rulers or your opinions manipulate you. Trump did not say any of those things and its all bull
. You people are the saddest braindead group on earth. Trump 2020

@Larry Lichtenstein — Exactly as predicted. “Lonesome Rhodes” was going to come out sooner or later.
@Rod well rod, i’m wondering when would be a good time for adoring trump fans to have this story come out. two years ago so people can forget, six months after the election so your sainted president can be reelected or not at all so you can all say how great he is. this man lies, has no conscience, make things up as he goes along and if you can’t see it then when this story comes out makes no difference because you’re going to vote for him anyway. the story coming out two months before the election gives him time to bury it like he always does and his base will vote for him anyway so the only hope we have is that enough people vote to keep this monster from destroying the u.s. as we know it.
This man not only fails as a President, he fails as a human being.
Whicker Boy Your Furher is happy with your compliance, lickspittle.
@Robert Hart If you agree with that ridiculous comment please clarify?
Why do you continue to listen to this bs from the likes of madcow and her ilk. satan is working over time and has somehow possessed your spirit. Praying for you.

Btw….before he became President, they all kissed his butt., and he was never labeled racists. I wish you would do you research on President Trump. Smdh….
@Whicker Boy lmaooooo
@Chris B you have no idea how they see Republicans
US marine snipers, we need a volunteer regarding a matter of national security.
Nah, just a waste of bullet. Much better if veterans troop to WH and drag him out of there after the election if he refuses to step down since he dreams of staying there forever.
What has Biden ever done to you?
I like how my comment was deleted by YouTube calling you a scum bag for wanting to assassinate the President over hearsay that isn’t even proven.
Calling someone that wants to openly assassinate the President a mean word is a bigger problem than someone openly calling for the assassination of the President.
You people all deserve a mass grave.
Take him out or kick him out, either way it’s a good thing.
aaaaargh, I’m Scottish but this man drives me crazy, how does he get away with it?
Korean Top A phrenologist
Geun jin kim
It’s not really about him its the people protecting him
Bec he is president,when he isnt he is f***ed
I wonder, how much of the military folks would still vote for Trump after this? Perhaps they’ll say it’s fake news?
@Woodie thompson yea I heard him say ” I don’t.like people who were captured they are losers. He said this about John McCain. Yes I heard him say it. Google it. But you dont want to believe a veteran you would rather believe a draft dodger.
@Edward Fields ok you heard him why are you telling me ?
@Edward Fields there you go with Democrat byline mind reading . I bet you closed your ears when Biden said muslims would have a voice in his administration didnt you ?
@Edward Fields which veteran am I supposed to not be believing ?
Woodie thompson Nope he has said many times he will stand up for ALL Americans heard it myself. But I guess in Trumps world only a select few are included. How about your world. And I know I won’t change your mind I see now by your Muslim comment why you voted for that racist.
Devil trump doesn’t deserve to be salute by the military soldiers.
I’ll bet Sadat never said that about his troops, before some of them saluted him permanent!
“He just didn’t want to go…” That’s something you’d say about a five-year-old who doesn’t want to go to school or something. This is the president of the US? Yikes
“Yikes” adult political commentary. Sounds more like a five-year-old who doesn’t want to go to school.
@Corno di Bassetto Notice that you’re not actually negating my point
@blackmoon7012 You kids are IDIOTS. MUTED.
Lol, This has been debunked as all lies. The only suckers are the morons who let the MSM aka The self appointed rulers or your opinions manipulate you. Trump did not say any of those things and its all bull
. You people are the saddest braindead group on earth. Trump 2020

@Corno di Bassetto Nice comeback
Mr BONE SPURS is an embarrassment to the United States.
Lets see how he feels when they pry him from the Whitehouse with small arms and mortars!
He’s unravelling. The man has no dignity, no self-control.
I can fully and totally understand why Trump, with his mindset and thought pattern, is unable to comprehend why anyone would join America’s military. He is in a class above, better and smarter than the class of people who join the military. There is absolutely not enough financial rewards to ever get him to be a soldier or put his elite life on the line to protect this country. He understands life and the world in only 2 ways, money or power. He doesn’t comprehend honor and sacrifice or even that some may need military benefits in order to afford college. He’s never had to look at life through a poor persons eyes. So come on, be fair and cut him some slack. Think about it real hard you losers and suckers; Trump 2020.
He never did…
Lol, This has been debunked as all lies. The only suckers are the morons who let the MSM aka The self appointed rulers or your opinions manipulate you. Trump did not say any of those things and its all bull
. You people are the saddest braindead group on earth. Trump 2020

@UncleRico you are correct trump would never say such things, cause he is such an adult who gets on twitter and starts name calling like a high school girl. Who is the biggest suckers and morons? The people that see through his lies or the people that listen and follow that big orange baby
A president with this kind of “Character Flaw” is THE Most Dangerous type of leader.
It’s hilarious how you are all taken in by fake news that was disproven
Freeman Pennington your a moron
@Mike England I don’t know about this, Mike :-). Have you checked out votevets or republican veterans against Trump websites? Anyway it may not be quite so true.
@Mike England because they know something you do not? the whole world is crazy, but could never be youuuuu.
@Viki Perry t
The secret service should walk away from him…leave him alone for a few days maybe the navy will sort him out
How is this a surprise?! Look at how trump treated Senator John McCain!
John McCain was a warmonger that sent troops overseas to die. Trump campaigned on bringing troops home– so obviously he would clash with a neocon like John McCain.
I absolutely adore how you progressives all of a sudden love the George W Bushes of the world simply because of the Orange Man Bad hysteria.
This from a “loser” who used his daddies money to keep him pampered in a penthouse instead of a foxhole.
Lol, This has been debunked as all lies. The only suckers are the morons who let the MSM aka The self appointed rulers or your opinions manipulate you. Trump did not say any of those things and its all bull
. You people are the saddest braindead group on earth. Trump 2020

@UncleRico he did stupid
@maggs mum it was debunked
Look how he talked about John McCain. Shouldn’t surprise anyone
So true, Charlotte. McCain was offered release from his captors but chose to stay and suffer with them. He knows the meaning of camaraderie and service. He was a decent human being. Drumpf is a gutless, draft dodging piece of human filth.
McCain is only considered a hero because he was captured, but he is a war criminal. Now people conflate this statement with an anonymously sourced article
Are you kidding, No name was executed for treason, You have
for brains.
Haha McCain really that man’s a criminal
@QuantumPineapple stfu clown. McCain is a war hero.
The scary part is, some idiots will still vote for him.
@Ken Lam if there is a riot it will be because Trump lost and won’t accept it.
@Robert Burk the Russia thing wasn’t exactly a lie. Have you heard the latest news flash. The republican congressional oversight committee last week concluded that Trump officials did in fact interact with Russian operatives to supply negative information on the Hillary clinton campaign even coordinating release of emails from wiki leaks through Roger stone. They refrained from using the word collusion but used the softer term consortion which means practically the same thing. This only confirms what we already knew after Trump asked Russia to interfere in our elections…..which was played as a joke and they complied the next day. Names of some of those involved were paul manafort Sam Clovis Roger stone Jared kushner and Trump Jr. So I guess now they’ll call it a republican hoax.
@Ken Lam black lives matters and antifa has never been charged with killing anyone. Obviously you don’t know what antifascist stands for. They only show up at protests when white supremacists show up to protect communities from them. And there have been reports of them participating in much of the rioting and looting that is blamed on others. And did you know Trump ordered the fbi and homeland security to no longer investigate or monitor the behavior of white supremacists and neo Nazis groups that had been monitored for years before he came into office.
@Ken Lam you’re projecting. Trump can’t win with only his base. So you might as well stay home and watch Trump get dragged out of the white house kicking and screaming rigged. He’s already convinced hit supporters that the only way he LL lose is if the election is rigged despite him being the one trying to block mail in ballots and diminish the USPS.
@Ken Lam pay attention to if white supremacists are also wherever there are protests . A lot of the looting and rioting is done by them.
If you think THIS is bad, think about his behavior if he is a lame duck.
@Tisha I’m not the one kidding myself, here. Does anyone actually delude themselves into thinking Biden will do anything better?
@RevTox A dog can do better than Trump.
@Tisha No politician can do better than Trump – especially not a Demonkkkrat.
@RevTox My 12 year old can do better than Trump, especially better than a Republi-con. Next
@Tisha LOL. While I’m sure your 12-year-old can do better than Biden, I am also sure they wouldn’t do better than Trump. Trump has proven to do better – repeatedly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIs8WKJU-N4
My granddad is veteran. He is not a loser.
ScrubbyBubbles thanks
UncleRico let us be losers. Truth will ultimately prevail
You realize this is all propaganda right? They’re using emotional manipulation based on anonymous “sources”…
If we all had that integrity we could live in a country of unity! Hero for sure !!
My father was a Navy Korean War Veteran. As was my mother. Both would be appalled by this. One of my brothers in law volunteered twice to fight in Vietnam. Once in the Army and then in the Marines. He said if his going kept some mother’s son safe, then he did his duty. He was his mother’s only son.