Boulder Police Department Commander Kerry Yamaguchi said "multiple people" were killed in a shooting at King Soopers, including one Boulder police officer.
#CNN #News
Boulder Police Department Commander Kerry Yamaguchi said "multiple people" were killed in a shooting at King Soopers, including one Boulder police officer.
#CNN #News
My condolences to the families of those who died.
If KROGER would not have initiated their Gun HATE policies for their stores, 10 innocent people including some KROGER employees, would still be ALIVE…. …. If KROGER INC. would have allowed a few legal gun owners in Kroger Stores the policeman and the 9 other Murder Victims would still be alive today!!!!! Think About It.
If KROGER would not have initiated their Gun HATE policies for their stores, 10 innocent people including some KROGER employees, would still be ALIVE…. …. If KROGER INC. would have allowed a few legal gun owners in Kroger Stores the policeman and the 9 other Murder Victims would still be alive today!!!!! Think About It.
But there is another thing that you obviously need to learn! Guns are Great, and GUNS SAVE LIVES!!! If only Kroger the owners of the store where 10 people were murdered, would change their GUN HATING policy and allow GUNS IN THEIR STORE those 10 MURDERED people that died in that Kroger Grocery Store(King Soopers) would still be ALIVE TODAY. KROGERS gun HATING policy is responsible for 10 Murders and that is just sad and pathetic!!! If there would have been 5 law abiding gun owners in that Kroger Store, they would have shot the Murderer, BEFORE he killed the police officer and 9 other innocent Murder victims!!! Think About It, and remember GUNS SAVE LIVES, we need more GUNS and less Criminals!!!!!
@DrJaime Perez JUST STUPID
@DrJaime Perez tf you thought
I will never understand why someone takes their problems out on everyone. Praying for the families
@Khan 6132 no I understand the contingency arguements that why I know it doesn’t hold up
@Lady Love Not necessarily affect but rather make folks think.
@excel nemesis Once again, pretzel logic. The simple answer is the gunman is a nut and he likes to shoot things.
I heard that the killer bought his semi-automatic AR Pistol with his Democrat Party funded Stimulus money!
@Trahira doesn’t matter how hard it is, don’t put it on others who had nothing to do with it.
Just out grocery shopping…..prayers to the families of the 10 victims
@Flow Forever I prayed for 30 days after Sandy Hook Elementary School. Nothing changes my dear friend.
@ATLhockey09 Smdh
@TheGamingMotion (TGM) it is not our “right” to have our prayers come true??? Do what???

@Justin Moore Well all we can do right now, the easiest one is to avoid any large crowds whenever necessary. There’s a certain reason why prayers doesn’t always came true, and that is to balance it with logic. If everyone else tries to do so then you can bet the pandemic will be over soon.
If KROGER would not have initiated their Gun HATE policies for their stores, 10 innocent people including some KROGER employees, would still be ALIVE…. …. If KROGER INC. would have allowed a few legal gun owners in Kroger Stores the policeman and the 9 other Murder Victims would still be alive today!!!!! Think About It.
I can’t imagine having to call that number in order to see if my love one was a victim. It really breaks my heart. Prayers for all the family members.
Teacher Unions are the root cause of 100% of the USA’s problems.
@My Tale you need to up your dosage
@Henry B I agree wholeheartedly and it HAS to end! I know Americans love guns and think they have a need for Assault Rifles, but some of these weapons need to be removed from citizen’s hands. Stronger background checks and social media flags are also needed.
CRMNLLL joe biden = Elaaction Fradddddd!!!!!
If KROGER would not have initiated their Gun HATE policies for their stores, 10 innocent people including some KROGER employees, would still be ALIVE…. …. If KROGER INC. would have allowed a few legal gun owners in Kroger Stores the policeman and the 9 other Murder Victims would still be alive today!!!!! Think About It.
When ever you go anywhere you better make sure you look for a way out or where to hide in case this happens to you and yours! Just when we stop thinking about it here we go again!
Always carry a gun. No one knows you have a gun unless you tell them..
@Gulliver the Gullible Yeah, more guns is obviously the right answer! Even more mass shootings! -_-
@Smoother Than Silk such murderers would not get very far if everybody would return fire. The only way I see for upholding freedom and preventing massacres is for everybody to be armed at all times. You can’t have freedom without weapons. Look at Europe. People are just sheep there.
@Gulliver the Gullible CRMNLLL joe biden = Elaaction Fradddddd!!!!!
Sending out my condolences to the family and friends of the people who lost their lives today.
@DANNY SULLIVAN MUSIC CRMNLLL joe biden = Elaaction Fradddddd!!!!!
I already told you Pislam making pissfools mentally ill cd
They are all poor White people
If KROGER would not have initiated their Gun HATE policies for their stores, 10 innocent people including some KROGER employees, would still be ALIVE…. …. If KROGER INC. would have allowed a few legal gun owners in Kroger Stores the policeman and the 9 other Murder Victims would still be alive today!!!!! Think About It.
You can see the hurt on the Cmdr’s face, clearly he wants to cry

If KROGER would not have initiated their Gun HATE policies for their stores, 10 innocent people including some KROGER employees, would still be ALIVE…. …. If KROGER INC. would have allowed a few legal gun owners in Kroger Stores the policeman and the 9 other Murder Victims would still be alive today!!!!! Think About It.
@Jah T The cop spokegerman wasn’t asian.
@DrJaime Perez Stop mocking trump, dude. He wants to die it down because he was banking on german votes but didn’t count on so called traitors. He’ll win with voters who turned 18+ but won’t do much more. It’s so stupid that gang warfare is all they had. The law will bite them when the gig is up, and that goes for “he still my/our german POTUS”. Whose the Jew’s etc POTUS.
@Val Hale They said that Chinese funded, American trytor, krimenal, joe biden would ellglly steal the election with elezction fradddd, and that he was sayyyunile, krimenal, incapable, and couldn’t do the job of President. But that isn’t true at all, why I am amazed at how krimenaL joe bidne, runs up the stairs and does a great job at being President. Sayyunile joe biden is definitely not Dystroying America more and more, each and every day, he is definitely not another Aydolph Heetler….. hahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha hahahahahah hahahhaahahhaha ahahahhaha hahahahahahahaha ahahahahhaa
@Val Hale But there is another thing that you obviously need to learn! Guns are Great, and GUNS SAVE LIVES!!! If only Kroger the owners of the store where 10 people were murdered, would change their GUN HATING policy and allow GUNS IN THEIR STORE those 10 MURDERED people that died in that Kroger Grocery Store(King Soopers) would still be ALIVE TODAY. KROGERS gun HATING policy is responsible for 10 Murders and that is just sad and pathetic!!! If there would have been 5 law abiding gun owners in that Kroger Store, they would have shot the Murderer, BEFORE he killed the police officer and 9 other innocent Murder victims!!! Think About It, and remember GUNS SAVE LIVES, we need more GUNS and less Criminals!!!!!
“I don’t know… that’ll be part of the investigation.” Once he said that 3 or 4 times they should have just ended the clip.
Police identified the suspect as Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, a 21-year-old muslim from Arvada, Colo .
agreed. totally, totally spot on.
@DANNY SULLIVAN MUSIC CRMNLLL joe biden = Elaaction Fradddddd!!!!!
“why are we having this press conference?”
“i don’t know”
wow lol nice
@DANNY SULLIVAN MUSIC CRMNLLL joe biden = Elaaction Fradddddd!!!!!
If KROGER would not have initiated their Gun HATE policies for their stores, 10 innocent people including some KROGER employees, would still be ALIVE…. …. If KROGER INC. would have allowed a few legal gun owners in Kroger Stores the policeman and the 9 other Murder Victims would still be alive today!!!!! Think About It.
@gab michael Dude, settle down.
Why do they kept asking questions when he kept saying “I don’t know that’s part of the investigation”
America, as if Covid deaths isnt fast enough, killing civillians, then there are murders every week.
Obama brought him to America he is Syrian refuge
If KROGER would not have initiated their Gun HATE policies for their stores, 10 innocent people including some KROGER employees, would still be ALIVE…. …. If KROGER INC. would have allowed a few legal gun owners in Kroger Stores the policeman and the 9 other Murder Victims would still be alive today!!!!! Think About It.
another mass shooting in the USA. that means the day ends with a y!
“There is no ongoing public threat” he says… In the middle of a pandemic. And I didnt see a single mask on all those Swat teams handling the suspect.
@B W

go on prove me wrong.
@Raja Miah come find out
@B W Am willing to find out from you.
Probably sexually frustrated with the store and having a bad day.
the officer handle the interview v well, v professional.
“I dont know” “I dont know” “Cant answer that”. Why even have these press conferences. No substantial information. Just reporters and police yelling canned responses back and forth.
Because they are giving the information they have right now and can relay what they can. If they didn’t, you think you all would be saying “I’m glad they’re silent”.
Now we learned its not a white guy CNN doesn’t care anymore
Sad but true
Person of interest or the actual Shooter?
they need to be specific and stop with the Bull Spit !!
So he was “having a bad day too huh” whatever just cause your crazy and mad at your life or whatever doesn’t give you right to kill people. This is sad, praying for the families
He has to pass the skin test first.
If you’re having a rough life, hurt yourself, punch a wall and deal with it. Taking it out on others, killing dozens and destroying families is not the answer.
US is riddled with problems that are all connected like a web. And it’ll never be solved because there are so many voices who decide what happens. Not everyone wants the same thing and not everyone is right.
I’ve not heard anything about a hate crime or racism!!! He killed all white folks!!! I guess if your a democrat, you can kill who you want
CNN: “intelligence sources” can confirm this is highly likely the work of Russia/China/Iran, whichever of those you hate more…..
Is this a hate crime against caucasians? All of the shooters posts were hatred toward this group. Will Biden and Cnn condemn this hate crime?
It’s definitely a hate crime against those people a( white Defector)