CTV political commentator Tom Mulcair says Trudeau ‘deserves to be congratulated’ for taking a strong stance in talks with President Xi. (edited)
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That’s your opinion .
Ladies and gentlemen meet the new liberal PR Rep.
Shush, your just as weird now as you were in grade 2
New? Not new
Liberal-NDP rep.
Remember, the NDP and Liberals have effectively merged. There is no difference between the two anymore.
oh wow, that is quite the spin you’re putting on this story, you must be getting a bonus ,lolololololol Trudeau was so shook after this conversation that he almost walked into a bystander and then hurried away ,. Probably had to check his pants. and dry his eyes. Must be rough to be scolded by your idol. TMG
You are so uneducated and thinking you’re brilliant
As I have said before, Trudeau is no coward. He was probably stunned by the lack of respect of this ignorant bully but no, never intimidated.
Lol Lol

A broken clock is right twice a day
his eye contact and body language said “Relax pal… only the jevvs can talk to me like that, capeesh?”
I wasn’t angry at the conversation they had. He was angry that Trudeau blabbed to the press.
Xi was angry that the politician he bought and paid for — Jagmeet Trudeau — wasn’t following orders.
This is a bad joke. Trudeau should only be congratulated for resigning, like decent PMs did in the past. Liz Truss, etc.
Totally agree
Mulcair really likes getting on his knees for Trudeau.
mulclair is another old ndp ,wannabe liberal hack.
Servicing the Liberals is the NDP’s primary job.
See: Jagmeet Singh propping up the Trudeau government.
The old saying goes :those that can, do, those that cant, teach , those that really cant, become liberals.
Mulcair got a bonus… What a joke
Scuse me!! Look at the body language he crawld out like a kid that got slapped by someone.
The big master dictator scolding his pupil dictator.
Is this guy for real? Lol
I remember when he was stopped by Parliament security for some driving error and he pulled the ‘do you know who I am’ card. He rode in on Jack Layton’s coattails and promptly fell off.
A has been NDP member providing support for Trudeau. Get your buddy Jimmie to quit the coalition
Justin made a fool of himself, and there is no coming back from that no matter how hard his fanboy spins the story.
How about some common sense ? Private conversation means confidential. If you break the confidentiality and trust, then no one is gonna talk to you in confidence ever again.
Especially when you already have zero respect for someone..
Yeah i don’t think he watched the same vid. Trudeau is a weak leader who isn’t taken seriously
Strong stance but in the end crawling back for biz deals.