Former NDP leader Tom Mulcair says that Canada needs to meet international commitments or risk losing credibility.
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Hello, I think the economy is more important right now. No to Carbon Tax. Ukrainians are being sacraficed by a war that was provoked.
Ya…they didn’t want Nato to be next door….they wouldn’t have time to retaliate if threatened.
Did he seriously say ‘there are many things the Canadian government does really well’ ? When does that start?
When liberal was in in nova scotia we were doing great with covid then the conservative got in and then we started dying know who you vote for
yes because when you are the middle power you can do some things the big powers can’t.
They spend money like a drunk on a bender.
Former NDP leader, a party the opposes any defense spending, shaming Canada on not meeting commitments? I would take this joker seriously if he would at least acknowledge that he was part of the problem when he was in politics. I agree with what he is saying now, and any criticism of the Liberals is justified, but to imply that Mulcair is some kind of political mastermind is laughable.
Actually Jeremy the NDP have never taken actual federal power in Canadian history so there is no record as to how they actually would do in the same position. What is said in opposition as you probably or should be aware and what you do in power are often two different beings. A Mulcair-led NDP government had it been elected in 2015 might have provided more effective leadership and management than the present Trudeau government, but we will never know. If you agree with what he is saying now you should also realize Muclair doesn’t have axes to grind nor is beholden to anyone for another bid for power. That means he is in a position to provide competent analysis of what is happening in the same way you or I might.
@Professor Akiba your SOOO smart ,how come you don’t become a politician?
@Professor Akiba “What is said in opposition as you probably or should be aware and what you do in power are often two different beings.” So you agree that he is dishonest? What I ask for is consistency, and humility. Things that are severely lacking from all political parties in Canada. I don’t agree with your assumption that Mulcair’s lack of ties makes him a competent analyst. It provides potential that he may finally be honest about his position, but does not guarantee it.
Trump said NATO needed to pay up. Trudeau was like nah I’m going to do the opposite and destroy Canada’s army lol
Ive hauled our militarys equipment over the last decade and yeah this isn’t completely under Trudeau, however he’s given more money in aid to other countries then we’ve invested into our military, that plus the division within the ranks, Trudeau definitely didn’t do anything to help that situation either.
@The Middleman Air to other countries is ALWAYS in our best interest, that’s why we pay it. As for Trudeau, and I don’t really credit him with this, but during his time in office the Canadian military is cleaning house in terms of sexism and all sorts of inappropriate behaviour by the COs. So if anything things are getting better, but that has only just started and will take time. I wouldn’t put blame on Trudeau for the military, it’s been this way for a long time, primarily because Canada has been a rather small country for a really long time; it’s only because of the Liberal immigration policies that we have grown from 30 million to almost 50 million in the last 25 years or so. Now we actually matter on the world stage, well ok, we matter a little bit and that’s more than we mattered before.
It has been happening for a long time! Trudeau just put the icing on! Still we are a country worthy of respect! Tomorrow is Canada Day a time of reflection ? PEACE
Canada lost credibility in 2015
and it will take a long time to get it back aswell!!!
toronto….. can you please vote in a cerebral way and not an indoctrinated way? lets be real about this failed govt.
This isn’t the 1st time canada has been brought up for our failure to meet our commitments. This needs to change. Start looking into areas of the budget for savings.
Turn the taps back on to 2006 levels for the oil and gas sector, that would help!
I’m done sitting tight for the award advance since i acquire $23,000 every 12 days of my investment.

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This is the kind of information that we don’t get from most Youtubers I will get in touch with him right now
Count me in because I’m placing my trades with Expert Mr Charles ASAP
Canada’s decline on the world stage falls completely in Justine’s lap! He has been nothing but an embarrassment and the sooner he’s reunited with his father, the better this country will be!
just love it !!!!
Don’t disturb Justin anymore than he already is. He’s working hard taking selfies at our expense.
Canada loses credibility every time that walking embarrassment opens his mouth.
or shows his face, or smirks at a camera, or crosses his legs like a woman etc
Why have you not reported on JT leaving Canada 10 days after he tested positive for covid? we can’t leave the house and he leaves the country.
Hopefully on a ONE WAY TRIP
Mr. Mulcair, please, if you care about Canadian citizens at all, Please ask the Federal Backbencher’s to grow a spine and bring this NDP/Liberal Coalition to an END. Jagmeet could care less about ordinary Canadians, however the backbencher’s do-not have to follow the party whip if they have any integrity at all. If they refuse then hopefully the NDP will get its just deserts and be regulated to the Dust-Bin of history. Don’t wait latest polling . . .do it now.
Maybe educate yourself on how the Canadian Parliament works?
The Trudeau government would survive even if it didn’t have confidence and supply agreement with the NDP.
It’s unfathomable that Mr. Mulcair was kicked out to be replaced by the fool Singh.
I voted for Mulcair. I honestly thought he was going to win!
Lol he should be called captain dodge instead of PM. Nothing sticks to him.
Shame on him. If I wasn’t disgusted before this certainly put the nail in the coffin.
Canada has lots of work to do here at home Mr. Mulcair.
Hell must of froze over because I’m agreeing with Mulcair
Have we been “decreasing” our contribution as per GDP, or has our GDP grown, before the newer budgets have been enacted?