Congressman Cedric Richmond asked Robert Mueller, “So it's fair to say the President tried to protect himself by asking staff to falsify records relevant to an ongoing investigation?” Robert Mueller said, “I would say that’s generally a summary.”
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Mueller: Trump Asked Staff To Falsify Records To Protect Himself Related To Investigation | MSNBC
Rule of Law always prevails. The GOP are digging their own grave.
Sara Winters again….nitwit…post the exact crime she was convicted of…or stfu.
Sara Winters the server was used by her husband when he was president of the united state….so again….wrong
SPZ Aruba still seeing things that are not happening
Mm can’t wait till you get sick and go broke in trumps America ….
Sancho Ditherson no….just dipshits like you
So Trump obstructed justice ? Mueller ” That’s a good general summary ” Trump asked McGhan to lie ? Mueller ” That’s True” Jail beckons Donald !
@Amnon Meyers I did Mohammed
@Amnon Meyers It’s says see Russian Dolls
@texas thunder No answer to the fact that sworn testimony literally just confirmed your beloved president committed obstruction of justice?
Will the bottom feeder claim that he’s been exonerated from this testimony?
@Aaron Burr Atwood. It’s funny to be on the other side of this, but I actually don’t support Trump, and consider Mueller to be a man of integrity. I think you misread my comment.
Tired of the lies, remember you answer for all the lies are said
He doesn’t need to. He is innocent and does not need to prove itor state it. In fact the Mueller report states it. No collusion. Keep crying
@Erc Pelote. Name one crime he was indicted on? Name the court proceeding and cross examination that happened before and after the indictment? Let us know. All I see is rabid democrat stupidity and cover up in a sham report that means nothing.
He just did lock him up
It’s time to impeach!!!
@Jd4020 87 “So it’s fair to say the President tried to protect himself by asking staff to falsify records relevant to an ongoing investigation?” Robert Mueller said, “I would say that’s generally a summary.”
That’s literally the definition of obstruction of justice. You don’t think he should be impeached for committing obstruction of justice? The whole reason the impeachment process exists is to make it possible to prosecute the president for comitting high crimes, so he’s held to the same standard you or I would be despite executive privilege.
@Rona Love 2020 will have the GOP rigging the election as much as possible.
Bill Clinton was IMPEACHED for telling ONE lie!
@Kevin Kearns I’m not defending anything. What gets inserted into whom is not my business, or yours, when it comes to two adults.
Yup and it started at his birth and will and when he is dead!
@Josh McBroom ah well same here potus is a traitor a sellout but appaeantly that is not against the law so they get him for something else
Multiple attempts to obstruct justice, most of which where unsuccessful. Right there. Obstruction of justice.
But tRumpanzees think tRump the tRaitor is not guilty because he failed.
@Kolin Mademe Those MAGAMORONS don’t get it or simply refuse to accept the FACT that you don’t have to succeed in your attempt to obstruct justice. Simply trying to obstruct justice falls under the obstruction of justice statute which Moron45 did on at least 10 occasions.
– The House could impeach him but the Senate would refuse to act on any findings. I would expect that any honest republican (yea, rare as hens teeth) would just sit down and shut up after hearing this testimony. And I know that it will never happen. The republitard party collectively sold it soul to the devil. That applies to the rank and file sitting at home, not just Congress.
Anyone else notice a pattern? The Democrats ask relevant questions and wait for Mueller’s answers, while the Republicans simply attack the prosecutor personally and professionally, trying to shift the conversation away from Trump while discrediting the investigation team. Republicans in Congress, DOJ, Cabinet members… they all act like Trump’s personal defense lawyers. Not interested in finding the truth at all.
Your vision and hearing are damaged !
did you even thought that they already know the answer?muller had no clue about his”own” rapport.stop being delusional people.i am a bystander(romanian)just hapend to like international politics. it is no colusion,you idiots!!!!!!if it was ,trump would be long gone!!!!!!treat your schizofrenia, the world is laughing at you people.dems bet on a long shot, they put a senile mens name on the raport as an insurance. the bet is lost.muller carriere is done …because he is almost dead from natural causes.anyways.he leaves behind enogh drama so you hippies can fantasyse further in your victimisation.this is a NON BIAS RESUME
It’s called grandstanding. It’s all the Trump party knows how to do anymore because they have no viable ideas for governance. Republicans/Trumpers are for big money, corrupt money, big government, corrupt government, and getting a king elected that will do whatever they want no matter how despicable and how it hurts the _country_ so long as it doesn’t hurt _them_ .
I hope you know the video was edited to make it appear that way. The actual video is hours long. But you’ve been feeding on such edited biased news anyway.
@Seketoulie Keretsu Well aren’t you a special kind of stupid. I watched the whole thing live; there’s nothing edited. The Trump party members pretty much all got up and grandstanded and thumped their chests, making themselves look pretty pathetic. Like a schoolyard bully trying to explain his way out of trouble. But a really dumb bully. Only one or two showed that they care about this country and rule of law and asked relevant questions.
The trolls are out in force! Lots of fake accounts defending dotard!
@the truth Yes they are that STUPID
@Peaches and how old are you child? Liberals need to grow up .
yu are obviously the troll
as soon as i saw you name, i knew you were a fake
I’m not a troll I’m Canadian
Enough with Mueller he didnt even write the report
USS spent 22 million on this lol what a joke
Trump >
FUN FACT: Fox News refuses to run live coverage of the Mueller testimony so they can spin for their AUDIENCE OF ONE.
@greg graves Exactly like a russian.
They have the full 7+ hrs.
BS you are the lier here Fox aired the whole thing from beginning to end. They didn’t feel the need to post all the coverage on youtube. Get a life Snowflake.
Wow, you got trumps sheeple all twisted, wiggling and their panties in a bunch. Dang.
I’m a Republican that won’t be Voting for Trump in 2020!
Trump had nothing to do with exposing Hillary Clinton’s corruption.
Socialism is what’s bankrupting our country.
I’m an Australian watching this embarrassing episode in American history. It is clear to me and possibly to others that Mueller did not write his report. He is struggling to answer questions. Furthermore I believe that the perpetrators of this witch hunt report were people who hated Trump, people like Stroek and others. It is obvious .
Good choice, man. Good choice! I will never vote for him either.
I’m watching all channels and the venom in Fox viewers chats/comments are far worse than any other. shamefull
@Matthew Sjogren. Show us the records that were falsified ? Then prove that Trump, not his counsel, ordered them falsified. I’ll wait.
@Jacki Selby. Okay let’s here the lies Fox told? Looks like you just spent 3 years listening to the biggest line of BS ever perpetrated by the msm called the Russian Hoax. Ever wonder how the hoax got started
And who illegally Spied on an opposition party using Russian intelligence? Come on do you really know or you just hate the truth?
also if you notice fox really doesn’t put bret and other from daytime fox on youtube, daytime fox is pretty good because its the only time you get access to “trump government/admin people” and really getting grilled by bret and other (sorry i dont know there names) on daytime fox its actually good sometimes. these “trump government/admin people” will never go on CNN or MSNBC. and when these “trump government/admin people” go on fox night time tv its just horrible they self-feed of each other’s bs – its like the human centipede, you got trump at the front, then tucker, then all their supporters at the rear
truth is always hard when You dont liked, You just proff this. see you in 2020, Who you bleam MARSIANS
@max the dog. Sure accuse the Trump people of what the Dems actually do. Maybe someone will believe it.
GOP digging thier own graves! It’s where they belong!
The Democrats were buried in it today
guitar man – I agree, I have to believe that the republicans that thing as McCain thought will distance themselves from this crowd. I have to believe that they will vote for ANY democrat to get trump out of office. I also have to believe that the 20% or more who never vote will decide that it is time to act to remove this turd from office. Imagine the time it will take to get the smell and slime out of the white house after they drag that slug out!
In case you didn’t notice, you lost today. Trump 2020 baby!!!!
Its good to comment, but please register to vote and then follow through and vote.
I Voted only Once ….& it Sure wasnt for any of these CLOWNS ….It was for the KING OF KINGS .. That No Human Government can COMPETE WITH.
And try not to think about the Electoral College.
@todd long Elvis?
@todd long I asume you are talking about president Roosevelt
I even started a community registration club
We all know that tRump definitely tried on numerous occasions and even publicly to obstruct justice. There is no mistaking that fact, no matter how much the Republicans and tRump try to obfuscate that fact.
Then why does Mueller say at the conclusion of his Report UNABLE TO DETERMINE A CRIME of obstruction. Doesn’t sound very solid to me.
Individual One should be in jail not the White House; when is justice going to actually prevail in America?
It is amazing that the president keeps lying to the American people in any way shape or form. I don’t think he is mentally stable. He needs to be removed from the White House immediately. If he continues, the Russians, our number one enemy for the longest time, will have an office for not saying a puppet in the White House. I believe Putin has Trump by the balls with the sexual video. How many people are in jail that have work for him? So whoever believes that trump is innocent, are white supremacist, KKK member or racist and of course anti-American and the Christian leaders. America please wake up.
The Democrats ask questions…the Republicans simply attack…attack the council.
It’s called innocent until proven guilty genius it was never mueller’s job to exonerate trump, which makes his failure to prove incrimination that much more glaring.
@Tango Bango
“Blown an opportunity” implies that there was one to begin with.
Mueller didn’t find anything, said as much, said don’t bring me back cuz I’ll just say what’s in the report.
Plot twist, he doesn’t even seem to remember what he wrote in the report.
A guy on the internet Mueller “didn’t find anything?” Surely you jest.
Evangelical Christians and other “good” republicans are selling their souls to the devil for going along and supporting a crook.
Among other things, their leader is a whoremonger and constant liar and no one seems to care.
M Rhodes there is definitely something very wrong with your upbringing so it would be in your best interest to grow up because obviously you haven’t.
Enough with the witch hunt! We need to move on to the witch trials!
You are right on the money. We already have identified the witches. Now it’s high time we put them all on trial.
That’s right let put on trial killary and the corrupted democraps globalists

@Jeff Respaldiza Still going on about Hillary. That was in the past but I understand you relive the old glory days of slavery and such. However, it is Don ‘Bonespurs’Trump who’s in the White House so logic demands we should focus on the misdeeds of the present president and not a woman who has not been president at all.
You mean tying #TrumpTheCorrupt to a cinder block and throwing him into the river? 90% of the country will get behind that!
@Michael bagley yes, can’t wait until all deep state creatures, including hussein, are in Gitmo, waiting for the firing squad.
Attempt to rob a bank get cought and go to jail, Attempt to obstruct justice,, get cought and go to jail.sitting
President or not
Big surprise a lefty forgot the due process step in that chain.
Mueller looks so drained it appears as if he just wants to be sitting on a beach with this retirement!!! Great Job Mr. Mueller for your service!!
He was drained even after Jim Jordan laid in on Mueller. I hope that charges will be brought up against Trump, he should be held accountable.
@Janine Anderson held accountable for an investigation into Russia that led to nothing… but along the way Trump may have obstructed justice against a fruitless baseless…fraudulent investigation. Obstruction charges that Mueller couldn’t even present to the attorney general..? Look at the whole thing…Muellers team couldn’t even give a judge evidence of the Russia Facebook ads…lol. this thing has fallen apart. Muellers investigation is now under investigation by Durham and Barr. Its crumbling and the text messages from Stroqz points towards an attempted palace coup which stuttering Mueller seems to be a part of.
Bob Mueller looks like a senile old man they just pulled out of a nursing home. His testimony proved it
@King Peppy wake up…there is no Russian interference…dont you get it yet?