Mueller Says ‘I Take Your Question’ To Gohmert’s Accusations Of Perpetuating ‘Injustice’ | MSNBC

On Congressman Louie Gohmert’s accusations of perpetuating ‘injustice’ through the Special Counsel’s investigation, Robert Mueller responded, “I take your question.”
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Mueller Says ‘I Take Your Question’ To Gohmert’s Accusations Of Perpetuating ‘Injustice’ | MSNBC

Mueller Says ‘I Take Your Question’ To Gohmert’s Accusations Of Perpetuating ‘Injustice’ | MSNBC


    1. I will explain to you the argument and why the left is on the wrong side…..We all know we are innocent until PROVEN guilty in a court of law, correct? ……Thus, the word exonerate should not even be in legal vocabulary, because we are essentially exonerated by default, UNLESS it is found otherwise in a court. Mueller’s job was not to exonerate anyone, but to find evidence and he found nothing related to the underlying charges…you understand this far I hope?

    2. Volume I was related to his investigative findings, of which no evidence exists that would prove Trump is guilty. Volume II is actually void and not compliant with the special council mandate, for the very reason that making such claims, without bringing charges is unfair to the accused, as they will never get the opportunity in court to vindicate themselfs…basically, if a prosecutor will not or can not recommend charges, then they should the f*** up…Clear?

    1. @Z Hud that’s actually cool. I bet he got that redfaced when he caught her smoking the devil’s tobacco.

    2. Should be arrested for the crime of perpetuating Southern stereotypes. Name change might help.

  1. This is funny, Muller is a Republican, but the Republicans are attacking him as if he was a Democrat. Just goes to show you the Republicans will protect Trump no matter who is telling the truth!

  2. I mean.. If I were the FBI director, and I called an Ex-FBI director on the phone, I would expect him to drop what he was doing and take my call… that just means that he is serious about what he does.

    1. @Claudia r Not really.. I am friends with most of my coworkers. I also work with sensitive financial info.. if I thought one of them was stealing I would say so.

    2. for real right, just like obama would drop what he was doing if W. Bush called or Bill clinton called

    3. @Claudia r Yup, this is a bot. I saw a Sara J leaving similar comments on another video. If its a first name and last initial and doesn’t respond to comments, there’s a good chance its a bot.

    1. People are not stupid. Corruption and gerrymandering are what helped them win. Cruz is the dirtiest politician next to Trump.

    2. Rebe Vera I’ve got otherwise intelligent family members who lose all common sense when it comes to the border, trickle-down economics, and the Donald. Take it from a Wisconsinite: when it comes to politics people really are that stupid.

    3. Heavily drugged and stupefied or utterly indifferent to the consequence of their choices…

    4. Unfortunately, Texas is not the only part of this country that bring in a Representative in this nation.

    5. You clearly don’t know Texas — _as long as you PUBLICLY “praise ‘god/jesus’_ — then you’re “good to go” for anything Texas has to offer.
  3. You know what they say: When the facts are on your side, pound the facts. If they’re not, pound the table.
    This is Gohmert pounding the table.

    1. @Ricardo Roger The attorney general restricted the topics Mueller could cover and basically ordered Mueller not to give his opinions or get into why he made the decisions he made. So basically, you didn’t get your answers because of William Barr. I suggest you take it up with him.

    2. It worked pretty well for Kavanaugh… They bloviated, deflected, attacked, and obfuscated well enough to get him off, and pack the SCOTUS.

    3. @Daniel Basse Well, you know once one dog starts barking, it won’t be long before the rest of the dogs in the neighborhood join in.

    4. Is that so? because MULTIPLE reports, even from your delusional mainstream media channels reported that it was MUELLER’S TEAM, who asked the DOJ for “guidance” as to what they can discuss NOT, the DOJ “ORDERING” them, as you like to conflate.  As was the case in the entire investigation, MUELLER WAS ALLOWED TO FULLY DO HIS JOB, AS HE HAS STATED REPEATEDLY.

    1. Most friendships end due to betrayal or “integrity”! I think Mueller is a man of “integrity” is why he “resigned” after the report was complete! Muller gained knowledge of information to say, “I will not be a part of this “corerupt” administration!! Not only did Muller resign..his assistant, as well, “resigned”. Their resignations speaks volumes to the depth of the “CoreRuption” in this current “administration”🤦

    1. @Pat Doyle I have more than one channel, it is very easy to ‘add’ channels to your youtube account….My formal education is not relevant and I did not bring it up. But, since you ask (sincerely or not) my PhD is in Statistics. However, I more than anyone understand formal education does not make anyone more intelligent than anyone else….

    2. @Pat Doyle I did not hear Gohmert promote any conspiracy theory….The problem is that the Dems are outright stating the president is guilty of crimes, without due process. NONE of Mueller’s evidence was cross examined, which would be allowed if this went to a trial. It is very conclusive there is no conspiracy and collusion, of which Mueller admitted during the testimony…It is evident the entire investigation is predicated on a lie. Trump had every legal right to fire Comey and even Mueller if he chose…Additionally, since Trump discussed the firing of Comey, prior to Mueller’s acceptance of the special council role, it makes Mueller a witness…which is a huge conflict, being a witness in your own prosecution….and this is just scratching the surface

    3. @Scott J Donald J. Trump thanks all of you for making today possible and absolutely ensuring his victory in 2020….good job guys

    4. @Pat Doyle Donald J. Trump thanks all of you for making today possible and absolutely ensuring his victory in 2020….good job guys

    5. Gohmert got it right… Mueller chose an all Democrat hit squad for his team.. including Leeches like Wiesmann and Strzok. No person interested in being fair and impartial, letting the facts decide would ever consider such a Team of pure opposition.

  4. Hey Gohnut…why won’t a bank is the USA give Dump a loan..he has to get it from a Russian bank..

    1. @ruth depew he accused the democrats of conspiracy with the russians. he was acting like a delusional human being

    2. When has that *not* been the case? Longer than I can recall, for sure. It’s become a total propaganda machine and it’s insane.

  5. Gohmert is a pathetic sniveling little Trump toady who cares nothing about the law or this country.

    1. johnthetrekker —do you see that his face turned RED as you spouting continuous irrelevant nonsense hoping something, anything sticks? What a embarrassing moron!

    2. Do you listen to his argument, or were you too busy shaking because you got triggered by Gohmert? It sounds like the later occured

    3. Travis Patterson, PhD —yeah, we were “shaking” with LAUGHTER 🤣🤣🤣 American people have a front seat watching all GOP morons performing the STUPID CLOWN routine today. Again, what an embarrassment to our country. I’m proud to say that none of them are my Congressman.

      Bye Bot🤗

  6. Gohmert doesn’t even wait to hear the answers, he just plows through with his attempt to derail Mr. Mueller.

    1. Gohmert is playing to an audience of one – Trump, whose attention span is so minute he hasn’t got the capacity to absorb the answer.

    2. That’s true but Mr. Mueller always kept his cool and didn’t get rattled, Mueller was great!

    3. Mueller derailed himself by choosing an all Democrat team including screwheads like Strzok. Mueller’s team also Falsified the testimony of John Dowd … Mueller hurt Mueller .. Gohmert just pointed it out.

  7. You can always tell when these Republican a$$wipes are gearing up for their Fox “News” clip, raising their voice and becoming more animated.  Louie Gomer Pyle is as transparent as a window pane.  What a disgrace.

    1. My apologies to Gomer Pyle.  At least he served his country nobly and honorably, not like that a$$hat Ghomert, who’s nothing more than a waste of space.

  8. gohmert, you are such a pathetic person. just ask questions. don’t create the question for the answer you want. and let him answer!

  9. These are not question for Mueller – they are soundbites for Fox.
    Try not to talk about the evidence – and focus on attacking the credibility of the witness.

    1. I believe Fox News did not cover the Mueller interview. It may be to twist what was being said, but the good thing is the counter effect it will have and their audience switching to other channels and have the experience of superior news programs.

  10. Gohmert ‘s ridiculous line of questioning just continues to add to his reputation as a human whoppee cushion.

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