Atlantic staff writer George Parker shares highlights of his interview with top prosecutor on Mueller’s team, Andrew Weissmann, about Weissmann’s upcoming new book, ‘Where Law Ends: Inside the Mueller Investigation.’ In the book, Weissmann reveals the special counsel investigation could have done more and he feels the office let the American people down. Aired on 09/21/2020.
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Mueller Insider Says Special Counsel’s Investigation Fell Short | Deadline | MSNBC
Government wasn’t designed with checks & balances for morally bankrupt shameless criminals bereft of ethics.
You can say that again ,the Clinton’s, James Comey, Brennan, Adam Shift, the love birds at the FBI should all be in prison, right now.
Government was completely designed for that. What do you think the long term congressional leaches on society have been doing all along? They are extremely rich with meager under 180,000. per year from the taxpayers. Plus benefits for life voted in for themselves. Does anyone realize that they voted that congress is the only ones allowed to do insider trading while it is illegal for everyone else? Why is that ok? We need term limits on everything.
@Vicki E you have that right.
Actually it was, that’s why there ‘were’ checks and balances. They are just out dated and this administration has shown exactly which leaks need to be fixed.
warpedjaffas1 absolutely right. Now how to fix it?
Rod rosenstein gave you a clue, at the press conference when he talked about preparing for what was coming next. For some reason, next never came.
@hhhh9579 Crawl back under your rock. If people like you would mind your own business this country might not be in the shape it’s in.
@mark trimble
Let me tell you something mister
I took a oath to defend the constitution of the United states against all enemies foreign and domestic so help me God. I took this oath because I believe in the constitution of the United states.
I don’t like Flag burnings it’s against all our principles. I served did you?
I rest case. God Bless. I’m out
@hhhh9579 no they are not I was going to that clinic for are prenatal care they’re not all about abortions of a bunch of doctors are good people not all about abortions they are good people help me with my pregnancy well that’s good people set me with my pregnancy on my stomach is 27 today just help me with my prenatal care and God bless people
@Power corrupts Mueller testified that his investigation was not impeded and that he got to do everything he wanted to do so you’re just a liar. If Mueller had been interfered with by anyone he was required by law as special counsel to report that to Congress. Are you saying Mueller broke the law and lied to Congress about it?
@hhhh9579 Lord Jesus is the complete opposite of Evil Satan-Trump. Why do you support evil cruel trump? Besides, you must know trump forced many women (whose kitties he bragged about grabbing) to have abortions. See those NDAs or ask Michael Cohen
Swamp people.
More like septic tank people
The USA is a total joke.
Witha joke for a leader,half of Congress, n 35% of the population racist,losers n suckers
@Parris Price ok mom us citizen
@Christy Ann You losers forget that Trump tea bagged you 4 years ago. The joke has been on you idiots for the last 4 years. And I can’t wait for the debates. Biden will be exposed for the invalid that he is. That is if the coward and his handlers even let him out of his basement.
@Christy Ann Well you know what they say: Orange is the new Blue.
@hhhh9579 troll
Such a very sad time in this world!
@Baby Teano
History? All you people of evil are sucking brimstone eternal, theres no more history for your ridiculous stupidity
Pamela Courts shame on Mueller for backing away when we needed him most.
Leave the world out of this buddy. Y’all are the ones destroying from within.
@Wigg Picker you realize how crazy and disturbed you sound. Rantings of a mad man
Na, i can fick on Netflix and start posting all the demon movies, all the TV series are straight evil.. Its all about the superior serpent race that you think you are but the serpent bloodline is a disease that kills everything until there’s nothing left leaving out all intelligence for a brimstone pitt licking charbroil crust in your new preheated bog.
You’re going to be crispy
Four books Mueller and every person should read:
– ‘The Dictator’s Handbook’
By: Bruce Bueno de Mesquita and Alastair Smith
– ‘On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century’
By: Timothy D. Snyder
– ‘Surviving Autocracy’
By: Masha Gessen
– ‘Black Earth: The Holocaust as History and Warning’
By: Timothy D. Snyder
Joe Rubio ; Wilson was a progressive, segregationist, and a racist.
Karl Marx was racist.
The Tayterminator Now that, was hilarious
@Joe Rubio Go play some more video games you drama queen
@Abel Gonzales STFU MAGA COVID cult Karenazi!!
@Joe Rubio
Easy on your Meth tonight Joe Blow
why cant we use this NOW its been reported 3 months before the election
1 + 1 = 2 to the reasonable, logical and intellectual alike but to the worst of humanity, 1 + 1 = 11 and herein lies the problem.
Russia, South Korea and Saudi Arabia … now those are some real shithole countries.
@Phillip Dinan Most transparent president in history. Thanks for informing me, One more reason to vote Trump 2020.
Taterface Trump is tossing Vladimir’s salad and he’s Putin.
And yet they willfully erased 35 cell phones to conceal communications!
@Eric w troll
What a ward
@sclogse1 Nice deflection. That should keep people from finding out how corrupt you lefties are.
Crispin Fornoff what makes you think they’re a “lefty”?
@CMUNIC8 This person is a lefty because he is using leftist propaganda and lies to fulfill his narrative, all while deflecting from the topic at hand. Mueller and his team are clearly willing to use the Hillary tactic of deleting evidence, so I’d say they’re all lefties.
My favorite part of this clip is Nicole blushing and semi shooting her shot at this author in the beginning
All 27 phones on Muellers team were wiped clean. Sounds like a “legitimate” investigation.
All of Robert Mueller’s team were dishonest and selfish crooks and they knew it. That’s why when the truth was catching up with them. They destroyed evidence and lied to cover it up. Trump/Pence and the Republicans 20/20 MAGA AND KAG!!! POWER TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!!!
What do you expect? He is a Republican
Wayne Fisher it is what it is

Wayne Fisher you’re stupid trump the dishonest one over 20,000 lies since he’s been in office. Genius
Google & read about “digital footprint” you might learn something
To my fellow Republicans. Just remember it’s a secret ballot. NO ONE will ever know you actually voted for Joe Biden.
Thank you for the great idea. Many of us Independents have already looked critically at all the evidence and decided to do the decent thing. The only thing.
I don’t support elderly abuse.
@Noe Berengena The decent thing is to vote for Joe Biden, a senile old racist that can’t even speak?
Bryan B Very funny. Love your sarcasm.
@Bryan B Whatever he is (or isn’t) he is NOT TRUMP. That, my friend, is the main reason millions will be voting for Biden. Period. Trump has only himself to blame for losing the trust of many decent Americans.
Why did they feel it necessary to erase their phones, what were they trying to hide?
@Puttentane Same Where’s the indictments?
@Sam Summers Sounds like something a Fascist would say, Sergei.
@Shemp Howard “If he wasn’t the President could you indict him?”
@Charles Bartlett Wow, what a conspiracy theory!
Puttentane Same you don’t HAVE to testify !
Testify what ? How documents were changed to make you think the way you do ?
How is it Comey, Clapper, Brennan and most of all Adam BS Schitt said in front of cameras, Trump is a Russian asset.
But, under oath the all said they had no evidence !
The list is long !
The real story is them wiping their phones. You only do that to hide something.
That’s not true. It’s saved to the cloud.
Pulled punches? They never had any evidence of anything because nothing happened. Mueller should have never even been appointed.
You perpetuating unsubstantiated claims to divide the country is doing more to help Putin than anything Trump has done.
Maybe it’s time to put your Meth Pipe away…
@DPH Never time to stop using drugs.
Fabricating “evidence” has its pitfalls.
Are we circling back to Mueller?
What happened to President Trump stealing mailboxes?
It’s been debunked. Turns out every president since 1990 has been removing mailboxes because people don’t use them anymore. They are taking up space and taxpayer money.
@Crispin Fornoff huh lol
Forget mailboxes, he was stealing mail trucks. There was picture of a mail truck on the back of a tow truck to prove it. Those things never break down so it had to be Trump.
@Peremalfait lmfao ..
@Sara Ford
MSDNC and Atlantic would give National Enquirer and The Onion a run for their money

This all shows that the American judicial and political system is both useless and redundant.
The 1 perc centers love things just as they are.
AMERICANS DEMAND this Investigation must be picked up where it left off.
Mueller will go down as one of the biggest failures in American history