MSNBC Public Education Forum With Democratic Hopefuls Pre-Show | MSNBC (Live Stream Recording)

Watch the opening program from MSNBC's Public Education Forum 2020. Rehema Ellis and Ali Velshi sit down with members of the host partner organizations. Aired on 12/16/19.
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MSNBC Public Education Forum With Democratic Hopefuls Pre-Show | MSNBC (Live Stream Recording)


  1. It is so unreal that the America Government cannot afford to keep our Citizens Educated, Healthy and Prosperous! Shameful!

    1. Annie Warbug Bedbug Of course you FOOL! I never never never watch MSNBC or CNN anymore. FULL OF LIES!!! Timesnatchers! Demons lie! Kingdom of darkness! Trump Speaks Truth. KAG! Christian patriots Will Win, halleluuuuuujah! ✝️🇺🇸 Of course we keep trolling! Trolls unite!

    2. Ichabod Crane Amen! Black voers massive unite against arrogant leftist dRATS! must watch BCP on youtube, #walkaway ✝️✝️✝️❤️❤️❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  2. Corrupt Democrats are doing a corrupt media blitz in an attempt to steal your 2016 and 2020 votes, and cheat their way back into power. Don’t let them get away with it.

    1. @Roger Wilco Killing time while waiting for something else. But I think it would be great if corrupt hag Nancy Pelosi were sentenced to live in a tent and poop outdoors, like her constituents, for the rest of her life. Seems only fair.

    1. I’m just curious, how do you play that game through a TV? He can’t hit me, I can’t hit him? I don’t think that was a game.

  3. “Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.’”
    ― Isaac Asimov

  4. Will Billy Barr continue to walk the plank for Individual #1? As Rudy colludiani.
    Will they be disbarred. Or like the drhump patriot who jumped the bench to not face prosecution on tax evasion. Will they pull a Maryanne trump. Hahaha, run from the law like her brother the orange 🐒. Kushner you sure didn’t learn from your father’s incarceration. Guess you just couldn’t keep your self out of prison. Follow in yer daddy footsteps. How does the law you changed help you, manafort, Flynn, gates everyone in on this russiagate. Donald haha you married 2 communists. Jokes on you.

    1. More like in 2024, Trump will still be prez, corrupt Dems/media will still be promising to impeach/imprison him any day, and you gullible losers will still fall for it. Then Candace Owens / Ivanka Trump for 2024! Republicans elect first black female president. (And not a phony “woman of color like Pocanontas).

    2. Jay trumpy been playn people for years. Corrupt Individual. Clinton got sucked good by Monica. You gave Saudis tech on nukes.
      You gave Russia the GOP congress. Benghazi was during a republican held office. GOP decided not to keep service members at full capacity. The ambassador & marines were left ungaurded. Like dhrump has left many ambassadorships open and vacated. Same as many government agencies. It’s a rep ploy. Follow $$ of GOP. Jay don’t be a knuckle head. Read a book. You do know how read? Use your thesaurus.

    1. @Maga 4Eva3 I’m a Kool-Aid Drinker because I’m not here crying “fake news” and pushing conspiracy theories?

    2. a lot of them so called  conspiracy’s turn out to be real so try again, your side is satanic they are pedos they do want a  nwo

  5. One of the things about education is that so many of us have to scavenge for information and knowledge; full life learning opportunities. Public education materials fully accessible online. There are pay walls in the way of too much. I know that this is not what the education forum 2020 here is about, but rest assured that quality publication for people of all ages is incredibly important and needed.

    Hey … we have a country full of people who we feel have been misinformed. How do any of us scavenge our way out of that?

    1. The piece by Lily starting at about minute mark 31 is so important. If I were to take a clip from this video to stand alone, it would be her’s. Now I need to figure out her last name. 🙂 Ah…. NEA President Lily Eskelsen García.

    2. There is a lot of content here. Several viewings perhaps? Perhaps all of our kids hearing these folks speak to where we need to be? The kids are the ones suffering for the lack the most. Even as I type this comment, kids are suffering for our lack.

  6. Andrea Greenspan’s Band MSNBCannibal Corpse working on a new song that goes like this !!PowerChord!! We no eat Burger meat !!PowerChord!! We only eat MSNBCannibalBurger!!!

  7. Guys and girls from all over the world 🌎! Listen NY and NJ are now alluding any illegal no matter their status to get their licenses!! So there is no need to get a green card or become a citizen!! Love it 😍 what are you waiting for???

  8. Most West European countries have free University available for its citizens. One of my friends daughter just got her Masters degree in France with a job offer in Germany. She’s young & chose to be educated outside America & has a bright future.

  9. When My Grandson Comes Home From School And Says Orange Man Is Bad I Have A Big Problem With That…Stop Brainwashing Our Kids….Democrat Teachers Need To Be Re-Educated.

    1. Ron Wuerch it’s not educating it’s indoctrination. I pulled my grandkids out and home schooled now. That’s not the only agenda they’re teaching kids. Socialism,lgbtq, etc.

    2. My grandson would come home and listen to the news with me and ask why trump lies every time he’s on tv? He says one thing one day and a different thing the next day. Which should we believe?

  10. Well.. we know Saul Alinsky Book “Rules For Radicals” was implemented… 1st Take over Academia in an effort to Brainwash The Next Generation. 2nd infiltrate Government by any means possible, thus being able to appoint Fellow Radicals that will align with your goals. 3rd Rig Election by running Smear Campaigns and committing VF by any means possible. You Then Take OVER ANY Country! Dems have Perfected this however ONE Man Stood in their way… YES That “Orange One”

    1. sarah, you explained exactly what the orange man along with the kgb man are doing to America right now, too bad you don’t have the insight to see through their conjob.

    2. @Sharon Mores

      Donald Trump received $0 from Russian Government

      Hillary Clinton received $450,000,000. from the Russian government to her Clinton Foundation.

      Bill Clinton received $500,000. for a speaking engagement from the Russian government.

  11. when we need the dr ford taxi service to hijack us into even less valid expectations of political leverage and liability, the president will let you know. in the meantime guys it seems one of your more appealing options is inviting wang back on in order for you to apologize to confess and to establish some new rules for yourselves going forward.

  12. Jefferson’s views on education of citizens
    Jefferson was an advocate of public education. … He believed that “no other sure foundation can be devised for the preservation of freedom and happiness” and that failing to provide public education would “leave the people in ignorance.”

    1. maybe the homeschooled children are why we have so many people not learning to discern between truth and the lies of this executive branch.

  13. im sorry your triple doctorate in lesbian interpretative dance studies
    did not work out for you …..TRUMP HAS THE ANSWER …….WELDING

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